Sunday, September 16, 2012

Innocence of Muslims: Mossad’s September Surprise

The film Innocence of Muslims, which sparked anti-American protests throughout the Islamic world last week, bears all the trademarks of an Illuminati Mossad false flag operation designed to both ignite WW III and to sink President Obama’s re-election.

Never mind that the attack on the US Embassy in Bengazi, Libya which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other embassy employees was carried out by the same al Qaeda nuts Stevens had championed, as they murdered their way to power during the CIA-backed coup against Mohamar Qaddafi.

Never mind that the attacks on the US Embassy in Eqypt were tacitly endorsed by that country’s ruling Muslim Brotherhood – long a clandestine tool of the Illuminati bankers. Or that the attacks on our embassy in Khartoum were launched by al Qaeda thugs bent on replacing Rothschild central banking cartel nemesis Omar al-Bashir.

Forget the statements made by the ignoramus Mitt Romney, who like his Israeli-worshipping Republican kin, remains in denial as to the consequences of invading and occupying Muslim countries at will.

What matters is the timing of these events.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

“Bailing out Barack”: BERNANKE’S NEW “BAIL-OUT” FRAUD

By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
September 12, 2012

Today, it was The New York Times’ Binyamin Appelbaum’s turn to bellow into Ben Bernanke’s “bail out” barrel. Technically, the mission, this time, is to “pump up” President Barack Obama’s lurch toward what appears to be his hoped-for “bail-out” boost for his reelection-campaign. This time, the newly launched “Bernanke bail-out” coincides virtually to the date of the announcement of Europe’s biggest hyper-inflationary gamble yet, this time unleashed by Germany’s capitulation to the new round of implicitly hyperinflationary, “Euro” bail-out bubbles. Shades of the closing stage of Weimar Germany 1923.

Were this newly announced Obama policy actually to be unleashed, the evil Satan himself might quickly find himself trapped suddenly in a particular kind of hyper-inflationary Hell. Such is the increasingly probable situation which President Obama and his colleagues have created for themselves.

There is only one measure which could prevent this presently onrushing breakdown from happening now: put President Franklin Roosevelt’s “Glass-Steagall” law into operation immediately, and in Europe as in the U.S.A. Therefore, I refer your immediate attention to the opening, brief paragraphs of today’s feature in the “Business Day” feature of the Times, by Binyamin Appelbaum. It is necessary to absorb the specific flavor from Appelbaum’s following set of opening paragraphs.

“In September 1992, the Federal Reserve culminated a long-running effort to stimulate the sluggish economy by cutting its bench-mark interest rate to 3 percent, the lowest level it had reached in almost three decades

“The cut was avidly sought by the administration of President George H. W. Bush ... Years later Mr. Bush told an interviewer that the Fed’s Chairman, had cost him a second term by failing to act more quickly and more forcefully.

“'I reappointed him and he disappointed me,' Mr. Bush said.

“On Thursday, the Federal Reserve is poised to announce that it will once again seek to stimulate the economy in the middle of a presidential election season...”

‘Nuff said from the Times’ Mr. Appelbaum, who has actually missed the crucial issue of this matter. The result of allowing such a policy will be an immediate, sudden, and extremely violent, trans-Atlantic hyperinflation, combined with hyper-accelerating physical-economic collapse. In fact, the only practicable remedy for the immediate situation would be the sudden institution of the Glass-Steagall reform, if it were instituted in the immediate period before the currently scheduled U.S. Presidential election.

The intention for the proposed, hyperinflationary measure comes chiefly from President Obama and his campaign. What they, in particular, have demanded, is a hyper-inflation which the relevant circles must desperately hope would not occur much before the presently onrushing Presidential election: a clear fraud. This development, by itself, would have immediately deadly effect effects throughout the economy of the planet, especially the combined effect on the trans-Atlantic regions: the collapse of North America and western Europe would be immediate. There would be, suddenly, no functional economy to revive.

Only the willful termination of the Obama and kindred “bail-out” itself, could save the economies at this present juncture.

I have prescribed three leading measures of sudden reform as indispensable measures taken to prevent a general breakdown of the U.S.A. economy itself:
Immediate institution of Glass-Steagall.
Immediate institution of national banking.
Federal funding of major engineering projects of mass employment, including NAWAPA and engineering projects with high energy-flux-density characteristics.

Such immediate reforms echoing the policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and a bit more, are immediately feasible, and now almost desperately urgent. The issue is one of national survival in places including the United States and Europe at this time.

Tim Rifat: S-400, Rothschild Bankers and the United States of Europe

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Iraq, Annunaki & Pearl Harbor

September 9, 2012 — Dean Henderson

(Excerpted from Big Oil & Their Bankers…Chapter 12: The Gulf Oil War)

The process of stealing Iraq’s oil began when the Illuminati bankers baited Saddam Hussein into invading Iran. While Saddam was preoccupied with the Iranians, the puppet Kuwaiti government busied itself slowly moving its long-disputed border with Iraq northward into the area containing the massive Rumaila oilfield, which the Four Horsemen now knew to be one of the richest in the world.

There the Kuwaitis established military installations, farms and oil facilities. The expansion added 900 square miles to Kuwait and gave them control over the southern portion of Rumaila, which contains the largest portion of its estimated 30 billion barrels of oil. Iraq’s oil terminal at Fao was destroyed during the Iran/Iraq War, crippling Iraqi National Oil Company (INOC) production at North Rumaila. Iraq wanted to lease the islands of Warbah and Bubiyan from Kuwait to serve as deep sea ports that could replace Fao. The Kuwaitis refused.

In 1981 the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) bought Sante Fe Drilling Corporation and its high-tech engineering subsidiary Braun. Sante Fe was a known CIA front. Braun had devised a new slant drilling technique. Throughout the 1980’s KOC used this technology to drill horizontally into the Rumaila oilfield, 90% of which fell within Iraqi territory. [1] The Iraqis said Kuwait stole $10 billion worth of crude oil.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Bibliography: UNSURVIVABLE
September 2, 2012 • 2:41PM

1. Aldridge, Robert C., First strike!: The Penatagon’s strategy for nuclear war, South End Press: 1983.

2. Chinworth, William C., and J.M. Crochet: "The Future of the Ohio Class Submarine.” Strategic Studies Institute U.S. Army War College: March 15, 2006.

3. Claremont Institute,; "The Stages of a Ballistic Missile's Flight." Claremont Institute, Claremont, California: Copyright: 2012.

4. Executive Intelligence Review Editors and Staff, Global Showdown Special Report, EIR Publications: June 2012.

5. Hersey, John, “Hiroshima.” The New Yorker: August 31, 1946

6. LaRouche, Lyndon H., “Edward Teller was right at Erice: The Threat Against Mankind,” Executive Intelligence Review, Vol. 39, No.34, August 31, 2012.

7. Manyin, Mark E.; Daggett, Stephen; Dolven, Ben; Lawrence, Susan V.; Martin, Michael F.; O’Rourke, Ronald, “Pivot to the Pacific? The Obama Administration’s ‘Rebalancing’ Toward Asia,” Congressional Research Service: March 28, 2012.

8. Newman, W.S., and Stipcich, S., International Seminar on Nuclear War, 3rd Session: The Technical Basis for Peace, Erice, Italy August 19-24, 1983. World Scientific Publishing Co: 1992.

9. Robock, A.; Oman, L.; Stenchikov, G.L.; Toon, O.B.; Bardeen, C.; and Turco, R.P., "Climatic Consequences of Regional Nuclear Conflicts", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: April 19, 2007.

10. Robock, A.; Oman, L.; and Stenchikov, G.L., "Nuclear Winter Revisited with a Modern Climate Model and Current Nuclear Arsenals: Still Catastrophic Consequences" Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 112: 2007.

11. Rose, Frank A., "Missile Defense and European Security." Speech at the 8th International Conference on Missile Defense. Paris, France: July 3, 2012.