Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Journalist Accuses Israel of Fukushima Sabotage
By Richard Walker -
A leading Japanese journalist recently
made two incredible claims about the Fukushima power plant that
suffered a nuclear meltdown in March 2011, sending shockwaves around
the world. First, the former editor of a national newspaper in Japan
says the U.S. and Israel knew Fukushima had weapons-grade uranium and
plutonium that were exposed to the atmosphere after a massive tsunami
wave hit the reactor. Second, he contends that Israeli intelligence
sabotaged the reactor in retaliation for Japan’s support of an
independent Palestinian state.
According to Yoishi Shimatsu, a former editor of Japan Times Weekly,
these nuclear materials were shipped to the plant in 2007 on the orders
of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush, with the connivance of Israeli Prime
Minister Ehud Olmert. The shipment was in the form of warhead cores
secretly removed from the U.S. nuclear warheads facility BWXT Plantex
near Amarillo, Texas. While acting as the middleman, Israel transported
warheads from the port of Houston, and in the process kept the best
ones while giving the Japanese older warhead cores that had to be
further enriched at Fukushima.
Shimatsu credits retired CIA agent and
mercenary Roland Vincent Carnaby with learning the warheads were being
transported from Houston. In a strange twist, Carnaby was mysteriously
shot dead less than a year later by Houston police at a traffic stop.
He was shot once in the back and once in the chest. He did not have a
weapon in his hands. Intelligence sources said he had been tracking a
Mossad unit that was smuggling U.S. plutonium out of Houston docks for
an Israeli nuclear reactor.
In an even more explosive charge, the
journalist says that 20 minutes before the Fukushima plant’s nuclear
meltdown, Israel was so upset with Japanese support for a Palestinian
declaration of statehood that it double-crossed Japan by unleashing the
Stuxnet virus on the plant’s computers. The virus hampered the
shutdown, leading to fallout from a section of the plant housing
uranium and plutonium retrieved from the warheads supplied in 2007.
While it is impossible to verify some
of Shimatsu’s claims, there was a massive cover-up at the time of the
Fukushima disaster in March. Explosions at the site were immediately
downplayed. While it was subsequently reported that three reactors
suffered meltdowns, Japanese authorities tried to rate the disaster as
a Level 4 on the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale,
although outside experts declared it a 7, which is the highest level.
Something worth noting is how in 2009,
two years after Shimatsu says the warheads were secretly moved to
Japan, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued a veiled
warning to Japan not to abandon its anti-nuclear weapons policy.
The IAEA had to know, however, that
Japan has long retained the potential to build nuclear weapons. That
was made clear as far back as 1996 when a leaked Ministry of Foreign
Affairs document exposed how Japan had been promoting a dual strategy
in respect to nuclear weapons since the mid-1960s. It would often
publicly profess a non-nuclear policy while maintaining the ability to
build a nuclear arsenal. The Liberal Democratic Party, which has
dominated Japanese politics, has always said there is no constitutional
impediment to nukes.
A factor that undoubtedly would have
encouraged the Bush-Cheney White House to provide Japan with the means
to secretly build nukes was the growing power of China. Cheney and Bush
sought to arm Japan and India with nuclear weapons as a means of
curbing China.
Posted in: National News
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Federal Reserve Audit Exposes Major Securities Fraud and the Embezzlement of $16 Trillion
By Trevor Lyman
Audit The Fed Phone Bomb
An audit of the Federal Reserve has revealed that the privately owned Federal Reserve secretly doled out more than $16 trillion in zero interest loans to some of the largest financial institutions and corporations in the United States and throughout the world. The non-partisan, investigative arm of Congress also determined that the Fed acted illegally. In fact, according to the report, the Fed provided conflict of interest waivers to its employees and private contractors so they could keep investments in the same financial institutions and corporations that were given emergency loans. The report is evidence that reveals major securities fraud in the embezzlement of $16 trillion by the Federal Reserve.
$16 trillion is 10 times more than what the U.S. Congress authorized and Bush ($700 billion) and Obama ( $787 billion) signed off on. The Federal Reserve was only authorized by Congress to use $1.487 trillion in federal tax dollars in bailouts. The Federal Reserve embezzled another $14.5 trillion.
The Congressional report determined that the Fed secretly hide most of the embezzled money into their own banks. The rest the Fed unilaterally transfered trillions of dollars to foreign banks and corporations from South Korea to Scotland. Foreign banks and corporations which the Federal Reserve bankers had a personal financial interest or stake in.
The report reveals that the CEO of JP Morgan Chase served on the New York Fed’s board of directors at the same time that his bank received more than $390 billion in federal money from the Fed – conflict of interest. Moreover, JP Morgan Chase served as one of the clearing banks (money laundering banks) for the Fed’s emergency loans programs (aka – embezzlement schemes).
Continue Reading…
Trevor Lyman is a liberty activist who helped to create political campaign concepts as moneybombs and blimp advertising. One of the organizers of the original Tea Party Money Bomb (2007) to support 2008 Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul, in one of the largest online political fundraisers. He continues his grassroots campaigns with the creation of Audit The Fed Phone Bomb and the Marijuana Phone Bomb. Mr Lyman is the founder and Chief Operations Officer of Break The Matrix.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Secret panel can put Americans on 'kill list'
militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or capture list by
a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then informs
the president of its decisions, according to officials.
There is no public record of the operations or decisions of the
panel, which is a subset of the White House's National Security
Council, several current and former officials said. Neither is there
any law establishing its existence or setting out the rules by which it
is supposed to operate.The panel was behind the decision to add Awlaki, a U.S.-born militant preacher with alleged al Qaeda connections, to the target list. He was killed by a CIA drone strike in Yemen late last month.
The role of the president in ordering or ratifying a decision to target a citizen is fuzzy. White House spokesman Tommy Vietor declined to discuss anything about the process.
Read more
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Trail of Guns, Death, and Invasion Leads To Barack Obama
by William Gheen
President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
October 5, 2011
It's official. Republicans in Congress are now calling for the Department of Justice to appoint special counsel to further investigate the Gunwalker Fast and Furious scandal after explosive new evidence shows that Obama's appointee Eric Holder lied to Congress about his knowledge of the scandal.
The administration of Barack Obama has been caught using our tax monies and at least four different federal law enforcement agencies to provide thousands of assault rifles and possibly grenades to the murderous criminal syndicates in Mexico. They are invading America with an army of illegal immigrants carrying vast amounts of cocaine and methamphetamine for sale to American youths.
White House and Department of Justice employees are now shouting and screaming at reporters inquiring about the latest findings in these scandals. Those sounds of screams should be music to the ears of Americans seeking justice because in my past experience it shows that the Obama administration is finally cracking up.
The screaming sounds mean that an entrenched established order is about to fall. No screaming? No fall. The screaming starts just before the walls come down.
Screaming and shouting is exactly what CBS News investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson has heard from Obama administration employees lately according to her comments on the Laura Ingraham Radio Show on October 4, 2011. Sharyl Attkisson has been covering the Fast and Furious scandal since the beginning, and has been true to the appropriate model role of the media in a Republic. While the Obama administration can rely on the bias and silence of the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, and many others, Attkisson has continued to investigate and report on this scandal that affects every American.
Attkisson has merely sought comment from DOJ and the White House on the recent revelations that seem to indicate that US Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress about the Gunwalker scandal while under oath!
On May 3, 2011, Eric Holder, under oath, told a Congressional Judiciary Committee hearing that was investigating this scandal that he was not familiar with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives program known as Fast and Furious until about April, 2011.
"I'm not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks," Holder testified.
While numerous other items of evidence indicate that top administrators inside Holder's "Department of Injustice" know about the Fast and Furious operations, there was no solid evidence linking Obama's main man Holder until this week!
Fox News is reporting that a newly discovered memo dated July, 2010, shows Michael Walther, Director of the National Drug Intelligence Center, told Eric Holder that the Fast and Furious operatives "are responsible for the purchase of 1,500 firearms that were then supplied to the Mexican drug trafficking cartels."
House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Congressman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, has written a letter to Obama demanding the Special Counsel be appointed for the investigation indicating that, "Other documents also indicate that Holder began receiving weekly briefings on the program from the National Drug Intelligence Center 'beginning, at the latest, on July 5, 2010.'"
So now Obama's appointed Attorney General Eric Holder has been caught lying to Congress and lying to the public, right in the middle of this scandal.
We know that the Fast and Furious scandal and the trail of guns, death, and invasion of US States leads right back to Barack Obama for several reasons.
One, we now have proof Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder has known about this scandal and has lied to protect himself and Obama.
Two, we know that the Fast and Furious Gunwalker scandal was funded with taxpayer 2009 stimulus monies used for paying the officers and operatives, and to buy the guns, and that these monies are carefully controlled by the Obama administration.
Three, we know for a fact due to sworn testimony from federal agents that several Executive Branch agencies under Barack Obama's control conducted the Fast and Furious scandal including DOJ, CIA, DEA, DHS, IRS, FBI, and ATF. Clearly the Department of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, and the White House would have to be deeply involved for such an elaborate conspiracy that included so many coordinated agencies.
Four, according to testimony to Congress from William Newell, former ATF special agent-in-charge in the Phoenix area, he "...discussed the operation with the national security director for North America, Kevin O'Reilly,” on a regular basis by email.
Agent Newell's testimony led congressional investigators to more discoveries regarding White House involvement in Fast and Furious.
On September 9, 2011, the Los Angeles Times sheepishly reported that while White House officials claimed, "no one at the White House knew about the investigative tactics being used in the operation, let alone any decision to let guns walk." Now new evidence proves this denial was a lie!
The email trail of agent reports on the Fast and Furious Gunwalker scandal to the White House now lead to Obama's senior National Security official Kevin O'Reilly, Obama's senior Latin American Advisor Dan Restrepo, and Obama's national security advisor Greg Gatjanis.
So at least three members of Barack Obama's cabinet who meet with him on a regular basis to advise him on the state and security of the nation were all supervising this effort to arm invading paramilitaries with thousands of assault weapons and grenades paid for by US taxpayers!
Yes, this is an impeachable offense. Yes, this is Treason. Yes, this is a form of new warfare being conducted against innocent American defenders who are being kicked out of jobs, homes, classroom seats, hospital beds, and taxpayer resources while Obama's mass murdering drug dealers do their best to embed drug hooks deep into the metabolisms and minds of our children and grand children.
Dictator Barack Obama recently waived his scepter and gave Amnesty by memo to millions of illegal aliens who were brought in by the same drug cartels he has been arming. At the same time, Obama has been conspiring to take away American gun rights to leave us disarmed and defenseless.
Long before this Fast and Furious Gunwalker scandal entered the national lexicon, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC launched a coordinated effort to increase press coverage of this scandal, lobby members of Congress to pursue official investigations, and educate members of the American public about this scandal.
We started our efforts back on March 31, 2011, when we put out a ground breaking national press release titled, "Obama Administration Caught Arming Mexican Illegal Alien Rebels." In this release we called on our organizations of more than 40,000 supporters "to demand that Congress use investigations, prosecutions, impeachments, military tribunals, and treason charges if necessary to bring justice to those who betrayed American citizens by arming drug and illegal alien importing invaders. "
While a lot of people were a bit reluctant when this scandal originally began to smoke, it should be clear to all that the Fast and Furious Gunwalker scandal is about to go into a political critical mass.
This scandal is bigger than Watergate! It is bigger than Iran Contra! It will begin to dominate the attention of all Americans soon as the information dam breaks and, regardless of the outcome, America will never be the same.
This Fast and Furious Gunwalker Scandal combined with Obama's 'Amnesty for illegal aliens via memo' is why ALIPAC became one of the first national organizations to call for the impeachment of Barack Obama. As his approval ratings fall to new historic lows in response to these discoveries, our calls for justice have increasing chances of success.
The service of justice is not assured and we need every American defender on the phones now to contact each member of Congress to demand immediate action. We need our lawmakers to use the full constitutional power of Congress to deliver justice to all involved with this betrayal of our citizens.
Barack Obama is no president. He is a dictator, a criminal, a usurper, a traitor who serves in a stealthy invasion force backed by foreign powers and global puppeteers. Obama is preparing for a major conflict with American citizens! The men and women responsible for these crimes and their role in the mass murder of American, Canadian, and Mexican police and citizens need to be put on trial and led away to prison in chains.
You must understand that this can happen, this is what needs to happen, and that you can take appropriate peaceful and civic actions designed to lead to an outcome that delivers justice.
The blood of thousands of innocent citizens of our three nations cries out from the ground for justice. You must energize and mobilize to confront these traitors and this invasion or eventually it will be your blood that cries out for justice and there will be no heroes left to answer the call.
Please sign our online petitions at soon, call your members of Congress, and prepare to march and demonstrate in the streets with us soon if necessary.
Americans for Legal Immigration PAC has taken actions on your behalf to help bring this investigation, media coverage, and public and lawmaker awareness of the Fast and Furious Gunwalker scandal to where it is today. ALIPAC's collection of articles regarding Fast and Furious Gunwalker is the largest and most comprehensive collection on the web and our archives are being accessed and utilized daily by reporters, bloggers, lawmakers, activists, and citizens!
Your support and involvement will be critical to our chances of obtaining "justice for all."
Please share this article with others, vote on it to rate it, and follow the link to comment on the material in our Discussion Groups area
Fast And Furious: 22 Shocking Facts About The Scandal That Could Bring Down The Obama Administration
The American Dream
Fast and Furious be the scandal that brings down the Obama
administration? With the full knowledge of the Department of Justice,
ATF agents facilitated the sale of thousands of guns to Mexican drug
cartels and dropped all surveillance of those weapons once they crossed
the border. Weapons sold during Operation Fast and Furious have been
used to shoot U.S. border control agents. Weapons sold during
Operation Fast and Furious have been found at dozens of crime scenes in
Mexico. Nobody has been held accountable for this scandal yet. U.S.
Attorney General Eric Holder has been stonewalling all efforts by
members of Congress to look into Fast and Furious. A CBS reporter that
has been aggressively investigating this story was recently screamed at
and cussed at by a high ranking official that works in the White
House. It has become abundantly clear that the Obama administration
desperately wants to hide what went on during Operation Fast and
Furious. So will they succeed or will we eventually find out the truth?
What you are about to read should shock the living daylights out of
you. The U.S. government purposely armed Mexican drug cartels with
thousands of guns and then ordered agents not to follow the weapons
across the border.This should be a story that the mainstream media is pounding on every single day.
But they aren't.
In fact, they are mostly ignoring it.
However, if the truth starts getting out and the American people start grasping what really happened this thing could become absolutely huge.
In fact, this could end up being Obama's Watergate.
The following are 22 shocking facts about the scandal that could bring down the Obama administration....
#1 During Operation Fast and Furious, ATF agents purposely allowed thousands of guns to be sold to individuals that they believed would get them into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.
#2 ATF agents were specifically ordered not to intercept the guns before they crossed the border. The following is a brief excerpt from a CBS News report that detailed the fierce objections that many ATF agents expressed when they were ordered to stand down....
On the phone, one Project Gunrunner source (who didn't want to be identified) told us just how many guns flooded the black market under ATF's watchful eye. "The numbers are over 2,500 on that case by the way. That's how many guns were sold - including some 50-calibers they let walk."#3 Operation Fast and Furious remained a secret until the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry last December. Two guns that were sold during Operation Fast and Furious were found at the scene of the murder.
50-caliber weapons are fearsome. For months, ATF agents followed 50-caliber Barrett rifles and other guns believed headed for the Mexican border, but were ordered to let them go. One distraught agent was often overheard on ATF radios begging and pleading to be allowed to intercept transports. The answer: "Negative. Stand down."
CBS News has been told at least 11 ATF agents and senior managers voiced fierce opposition to the strategy. "It got ugly..." said one. There was "screaming and yelling" says another. A third warned: "this is crazy, somebody is gonna to get killed."
#4 ATF Special Agent John Dodson was one of the first to blow the whistle on Operation Fast and Furious. Dodson explained to the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee on June 15, 2011 that many ATF agents were becoming extremely frustrated when they were ordered to cut off surveillance on the weapons that were being sold because they knew "that just days after these purchases, the guns that we saw these individuals buy would begin turning up at crime scenes in the United States and Mexico."
#5 It appears that Operation Fast and Furious began some time around September 2009. At that time, the ATF began pressuring gun shops near the border with Mexico to participate in a new covert operation that was being set up. The gun store owners were told to help the ATF get guns into the hands of people that would take them back to the Mexican drug cartels.
The following description of the mechanics of Operation Fast and Furious comes from a recent Los Angeles Times article....
In the fall of 2009, ATF agents installed a secret phone line and hidden cameras in a ceiling panel and wall at Andre Howard's Lone Wolf gun store. They gave him one basic instruction: Sell guns to every illegal purchaser who walks through the door.#6 In some gun stores, cameras were set up so that top ATF officials could actually watch these transactions take place. Back in June, U.S. Representative Darrell Issa stated the following....
For 15 months, Howard did as he was told. To customers with phony IDs or wads of cash he normally would have turned away, he sold pistols, rifles and semiautomatics. He was assured by the ATF that they would follow the guns, and that the surveillance would lead the agents to the violent Mexican drug cartels on the Southwest border.
When Howard heard nothing about any arrests, he questioned the agents. Keep selling, they told him. So hundreds of thousands of dollars more in weapons, including .50-caliber sniper rifles, walked out of the front door of his store in a Glendale, Ariz., strip mall.
"Acting Director Melson was able to sit at his desk in Washington and himself watch a live feed of straw buyers entering the gun stores and purchasing dozens of AK-47 variants."#7 It has also come out that in some cases ATF agents were actually the ones buying the guns and getting them into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. The following is how author Michael A. Walsh recently explained this in an article in the New York Post....
This just might be the smoking gun we’ve been waiting for to break the festering “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal wide open: the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives apparently ordered one of its own agents to purchase firearms with taxpayer money, and sell them directly to a Mexican drug cartel.#8 According to the Los Angeles Times, guns that were purchased during Operation Fast and Furious have "turned up at dozens of additional Mexican crime scenes, with an unconfirmed toll of at least 150 people killed or wounded."
Let that sink in: After months of pretending that “Fast and Furious” was a botched surveillance operation of illegal gun-running spearheaded by the ATF and the US attorney’s office in Phoenix, it turns out that the government itself was selling guns to the bad guys.
#9 Mexican authorities were never informed that thousands upon thousands of guns were being allowed into Mexico.
#10 Authorities in Mexico have asked the U.S. government over and over to explain what in the world happened during Operation Fast and Furious but they have not been given an adequate answer. In fact, according to the Los Angeles Times, the Obama administration has not even responded to questions from the attorney general of Mexico....
Marisela Morales, Mexico's attorney general and a longtime favorite of American law enforcement agents in Mexico, told The Times that she first learned about Fast and Furious from news reports. And to this day, she said, U.S. officials have not briefed her on the operation gone awry, nor have they apologized.#11 U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has been withholding key documents about Fast and Furious from Congress and has been consistently stonewalling U.S. Representative Darrell Issa, U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley and other members of Congress that have attempted to look into this matter.
#12 The acting director of the ATF, Kenneth Melson, had been cooperating with the investigation. At the end of August he was suddenly transferred to the Justice Department's Office of Legal Policy.
#13 Several other key officials that were heavily involved in Operation Fast and Furious actually got promoted.
#14 On May 3rd, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder testified under oath in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Operation Fast and Furious. During that testimony, Holder made the following statement....
"I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks."#15 Since that time, a large amount of evidence has come out that Holder was not telling the truth. For example, a recent Fox News article discussed some of the very revealing memos about Fast and Furious that have been discovered recently....
However, newly discovered memos suggest otherwise. For instance, one memo dated July 2010 shows Michael Walther, director of the National Drug Intelligence Center, told Holder that straw buyers in the Fast and Furious operation "are responsible for the purchase of 1,500 firearms that were then supplied to the Mexican drug trafficking cartels."#16 Holder now claims that he simply misunderstood the question. He now says that he had heard of Operation Fast and Furious previously but that he was not aware of the specific details.
Other documents also indicate that Holder began receiving weekly briefings on the program from the National Drug Intelligence Center "beginning, at the latest, on July 5, 2010,"
#17 Emails exchanged between two Department of Justice officials last October make it abundantly clear that high level officials at the DOJ were very aware of what was going on...
Two Justice Department officials mulled it over in an email exchange Oct. 18, 2010. "It's a tricky case given the number of guns that have walked but is a significant set of prosecutions," says Jason Weinstein, Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division. Deputy Chief of the National Gang Unit James Trusty replies "I'm not sure how much grief we get for 'guns walking.' It may be more like, "Finally they're going after people who sent guns down there."#18 House Republicans are now asking for a special prosecutor to be appointed to investigate whether or not U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress during his recent testimony in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Operation Fast and Furious.
#19 U.S. Representative Darrell Issa believes that those involved in the Fast and Furious gun trafficking operation may have violated international arms trafficking agreements and could potentially face very serious criminal charges.
#20 U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley is absolutely convinced that a major coverup is going on....
"But I can tell you this. They're doing everything they can, in a fast and furious way, to cover up all the evidence or stonewalling us. But here's the issue, if he didn't perjure himself and didn't know about it, the best way that they can help us, Congressman Issa and me, is to just issue all the documents that we ask for and those documents will prove one way or the other right or wrong."#21 Did Barack Obama ever know about Operation Fast and Furious? He says that he did not authorize the program. On March 22, 2011 Obama made the following statement....
"I did not authorize [Fast and Furious]. Eric Holder, the attorney general, did not authorize it. There may be a situation here in which a serious mistake was made. If that’s the case, then we’ll find — find out and we’ll hold somebody accountable."#22 CBS News investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson claimed on the Laura Ingraham show the other day that officials in the Obama administration were literally screaming and yelling at her for aggressively investigating the Fast and Furious scandal....
Ingraham: So they were literally screaming at you?Where there is smoke there is usually fire.
Attkisson: Yes. Well the DOJ woman was just yelling at me. The guy from the White House on Friday night literally screamed at me and cussed at me. [Laura: Who was the person? Who was the person at Justice screaming?] Eric Schultz. Oh, the person screaming was [DOJ spokeswoman] Tracy Schmaler, she was yelling not screaming. And the person who screamed at me was Eric Schultz at the White House."
Something about this whole thing really stinks.
It would be a shame if Operation Fast and Furious is allowed to be swept under the rug.
The weapons sold during Operation Fast and Furious are going to be used to kill a lot of people. The legacy of this scandal will be felt on both sides of the border for years to come.
The Mexican government deserves some answers.
The American people deserve some answers.
Hopefully we will get some.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Honduran Farmers Slaughtered In Name Of Global Warming
UN-accredited companies violently seize land to grow biofuels as part of carbon trading scheme
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
23 farmers in Honduras were slaughtered in cold blood
by hired mercenaries as they tried to protect their land from being
seized by a corporation who wanted to use the land to produce biofuels
as part of a United Nations-accredited EU carbon trading scheme.
“Protests erupted in July when six international human
rights advocacy groups presented a report to the EP detailing what they
called murders and forced evictions of peasants in El Bajo Aguán Valley
of northern Honduras, ” reports the New American.
“The International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH)
report accuses UN-sanctioned palm oil mills of stealing farmland from
Honduran natives and killing or wounding them when they attempt to
defend their property. It says the companies, acting with government
impunity, regularly target members of local land-rights movements who
end up murdered in feigned car accidents or hunted down and shot by
private security guards.”
The United Nations’ CDM (Clean Development Mechanism)
responded to news of the killings with a collective shrug of the
“We are not investigators of crimes,” a board member told EurActiv.
“We had to take judgements within our rules – however regretful that
may be – and there was not much scope for us to refuse the project. All
the consultation procedures precisely had been obeyed.”
The CDM board’s chairman, Martin Hession, also refused
to take responsibility and argued that the EU didn’t have the resources
to investigate the crimes.
However, members of the European Parliament have
promised to visit the area later this month as part of an ongoing
investigative mission.
“Examples of the violence are gruesome,” writes Rebecca
Terrell. “Security guards ambushed 15-year-old Rodving Omar Villegas
near his village and shot him to death with an AK-47. A car ran down
and killed 60-year-old Juan Ramon Mejia. And José Leonel Guerra Álvarez
was murdered inside his home in front of his wife and children by armed
assailants firing from outside the house.”
The murders were facilitated by the “direct involvement
of private security guards from some of the local companies who are
complicit with police and military officials,” a report by an
International Fact Finding Mission that was presented to the European
Parliament’s Human Rights Sub-committee stated
Writing about the deaths, Czech theoretical physicist Luboš Motl stated,
“We are dealing with a group of fanatical people who won’t demonstrably
stop when they need to kill people in the name of their breathtaking
delusions (the comment about their need to follow their “rules” is just
totally scary) and in the name of the millions that, according to their
beliefs, belong to them.”
“We are dealing with a dangerous international fascist organization
(I mean the climate alarmists) and I am telling you, if we won’t show
them that we have teeth, they will show it to us sometime in the
“Who didn’t this coming?” asks the Soylent Green blog.
“Oh that’s right, the EUrotards. Who would have thought that
Third-world Kleptocrats and bankers would steal land to cash in on the
Thermageddon Carbon Trading Scam of the Millennia? And if any pesky
farmers get in the way–kill them.”
As we have previously documented, this is not the first
time that armed troops have killed poverty-stricken villagers after
stealing their land in the name of global warming.
Last month we reported
on how New Forests Company, a British outfit backed by the World Bank
that seizes land in Africa to grow trees then sells the “carbon
credits” on to transnational corporations, worked with the Ugandan
government to evict villagers from their homes.
Armed troops stormed the village of Kicucula, setting
fire to residences and beating anyone who resisted. An eight-year-old
child was killed during the terrifying raid.
The New York Times later reported that the bloodshed was all “For a good cause: to protect the environment and help fight global warming.”
The lucrative scramble for arable land in Africa and South America is worth millions to carbon trading companies.
As we have previously documented, the manufactured
threat of man-made global warming is being used as a tool of
neo-colonialism in the third world, not only through the seizure of
land and infrastructure, thereby preventing poor nations from using
their resources to develop, but by literally starving poverty-stricken
people to death.
Climate change alarmism and implementation of global warming
policies is a crime of the highest nature, because it is already having
a genocidal impact in countries like Haiti, where the doubling of food
prices, directly attributable to biofuels replacing land that would
have been used to grow crops, is resulting in a substantial increase in
starvation, poverty and death, with the population being forced to live
on mud pies.Seizing private property and killing those who try to protect their homes and families betrays the fact that while the movement against man-made climate change likes to project an image of itself as a touchy-feely liberal cause, in reality it is a brutal and arcane form of savagery led by eugenicists obsessed by greed who have no concern for human suffering.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
Fed Plans to Identify “Key Bloggers” and Monitor Billions of Conversations
By Trevor Lyman
Audit The Fed Phone Bomb
The Federal Reserve plans to identify “Key Bloggers” and monitor billions of conversations about the Fed on Facebook, Twitter, forums and blogs.
The Federal Reserve wants to know what you are saying about it. In fact, the Federal Reserve has announced plans to identify “key bloggers” and to monitor “billions of conversations” about the Fed on Facebook, Twitter, forums and blogs. This is yet another sign that the alternative media is having a dramatic impact.
As first reported on Zero Hedge, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has issued a “Request for Proposal” to suppliers who may be interested in participating in the development of a “Sentiment Analysis And Social Media Monitoring Solution”.
In other words, the Federal Reserve wants to develop a highly sophisticated system that will gather everything that you and I say about the Federal Reserve on the Internet and that will analyze what our feelings about the Fed are. Obviously, any “positive” feelings about the Fed would not be a problem. What they really want to do is to gather information on everyone that views the Federal Reserve negatively. It is unclear how they plan to use this information once they have it, but considering how many alternative media sources have been shut down lately, this is obviously a very troubling sign.
Continue Reading…
Trevor Lyman is a liberty activist who helped to create political campaign concepts as moneybombs and blimp advertising. One of the organizers of the original Tea Party Money Bomb (2007) to support 2008 Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul, in one of the largest online political fundraisers. He continues his grassroots campaigns with the creation of Audit The Fed Phone Bomb and the Marijuana Phone Bomb. Mr Lyman is the founder and Chief Operations Officer of Break The Matrix.
Audit The Fed Phone Bomb
The Federal Reserve plans to identify “Key Bloggers” and monitor billions of conversations about the Fed on Facebook, Twitter, forums and blogs.
The Federal Reserve wants to know what you are saying about it. In fact, the Federal Reserve has announced plans to identify “key bloggers” and to monitor “billions of conversations” about the Fed on Facebook, Twitter, forums and blogs. This is yet another sign that the alternative media is having a dramatic impact.
As first reported on Zero Hedge, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has issued a “Request for Proposal” to suppliers who may be interested in participating in the development of a “Sentiment Analysis And Social Media Monitoring Solution”.
In other words, the Federal Reserve wants to develop a highly sophisticated system that will gather everything that you and I say about the Federal Reserve on the Internet and that will analyze what our feelings about the Fed are. Obviously, any “positive” feelings about the Fed would not be a problem. What they really want to do is to gather information on everyone that views the Federal Reserve negatively. It is unclear how they plan to use this information once they have it, but considering how many alternative media sources have been shut down lately, this is obviously a very troubling sign.
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Trevor Lyman is a liberty activist who helped to create political campaign concepts as moneybombs and blimp advertising. One of the organizers of the original Tea Party Money Bomb (2007) to support 2008 Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul, in one of the largest online political fundraisers. He continues his grassroots campaigns with the creation of Audit The Fed Phone Bomb and the Marijuana Phone Bomb. Mr Lyman is the founder and Chief Operations Officer of Break The Matrix.
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