Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bernanke: The Federal Reserve believes it is possible to eliminate minimum reserve requirements



Chairman Ben S. Bernanke 


Federal Reserve's exit strategy


Before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C.

February 10, 2010


Statement as prepared for delivery. The hearing was postponed due to inclement weather.

9. The authority to pay interest on reserves is likely to be an important component of the future operating framework for monetary policy. For example, one approach is for the Federal Reserve to bracket its target for the federal funds rate with the discount rate above and the interest rate on excess reserves below. Under this so-called corridor system, the ability of banks to borrow at the discount rate would tend to limit upward spikes in the federal funds rate, and the ability of banks to earn interest at the excess reserves rate would tend to contain downward movements. Other approaches are also possible. Given the very high level of reserve balances currently in the banking system, the Federal Reserve has ample time to consider the best long-run framework for policy implementation. The Federal Reserve believes it is possible that, ultimately, its operating framework will allow the elimination of minimum reserve requirements, which impose costs and distortions on the banking system

Keiser Report №27: Market Manipulation and IMF Debt Slavery

"THIS IS A BIG FUCKING DEAL!"-- Vice President Biden At Health Care Bill Signing

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

New World Order: All Conspiracy, No Theory

Invisible Empire: All Conspiracy, No Theory

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jason Bermas’ highly anticipated documentary Invisible Empire exposes the New World Order in their own words, by painstakingly showing how the elite have not only conspired to create a dictatorial global government in private, but have publicly stated their agenda hundreds of times in public.
By highlighting the words of people like Paul Wolfowitz, Michael Mullen, David Cameron, Gordon Brown and many many others, Invisible Empire dispenses with the conjecture and sticks to the cold hard facts. This movie is guaranteed to wake up even the most ardent skeptic to the manifestly provable acceleration towards an authoritarian planetary regime that intends to control and regulate every aspect of our existence.
Invisible Empire is all conspiracy and no theory – proving beyond doubt how the elite have openly conspired to insidiously rule the globe via the engines of the CFR, the United Nations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg group.
The film traces the lineage of the evolution of global governance from Samuel Zane Batten’s 1919 manifesto New World Order, through to Hitler’s vision of a 1000 year Reich, to the modern incarnation of the conspiracy which has its roots in the evil deeds of people like George H. W. Bush, David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger.
Invisible Empire catalogues the primary criminal enterprises through which the agenda is financed, operated and advanced – government controlled drug-running, false flag terror, banking scams, and state sponsored assassination.
The most contemporary branch of the agenda to enforce neo-feudalism and top-down communitarianism, in total hostility to the notion of true freedom and individuality – the phony environmentalist movement – which is driven by the global warming fraud, is also blown wide open.
Invisible Empire also delves into the deepest and darkest offshoots of the wicked plan for global enslavement, including the move towards a microchipped population, prostitution rings run by and for the elite, as well as the bizarre occult practices power brokers embrace as part of their religion of power and domination.
Invisible Empire will be more than just a film– it is the culmination of years of research by Jason Bermas into the inner-workings and most revealing public statements by the New World Order and the most trusted stewards of their dark vision. Invisible Empire promises to unveil the long-term agenda for world control, just as Fabled Enemies and Loose Change Final Cut forever stripped away the facade of the official story of 9/11 and exposed the dark truth that lies behind.

Tarpley-Coming War With China

The Still Report: Media Hits & Misses

Ron Paul on Federal Reserve: Problems Are Getting Much Worse

Tobin Tax, Wall Street Sales Tax, Robin Hood Tax - Britain and Europe Demand that Bankers Pay for the Depression They Have Created!

Webster G. Tarpley
March 16, 2010

The Tobin tax or Wall Street sales tax is rapidly gathering momentum worldwide, thanks above all to a bid by British Labour Party MPs to save themselves from all but certain defeat at the hands of the Tories by playing this great economic populist card, which they have dubbed the Robin Hood Tax. If the Labour Party left succeeds with this gambit, it will tend to transform the situation in the US as well, with desperate House and Senate Democrats following the Labour Party example and embracing the Tobin tax or Wall Street sales tax as a means of getting some populist credibility and viability for November. The Republicans, by contrast, will be forced to line up in defense of their Wall Street backers, stripping away all their demagogic Tea Party camouflage. The Obama-Summers-Geithner gang will also be put into a bind: will they oppose a measure demanded by their own Congressional Democrats? I have been campaigning for the Tobin tax for a number of years, and it is an idea whose time has now come.

Jesse Ventura Talks About His New Book

Keiser Report №25: The Income Gap

Monday, March 15, 2010

LaRouche: Obama, Gorbachev, USA, Russia, China and the British Empire

British Empire' Financial Wing: Meet the Rothschild's Pack


LaRouche Says: The Inter-Alpha Group Must Be Destroyed


March 2, 2010 (LPAC)—"Brazil is their weak point," Lyndon LaRouche said today, referring to the Inter-Alpha Group, the Rothschild-run banking syndicate at the core of the British Empire's predatory monetary system. "That's what they're hanging by, and whatever they're hanging by, is what will hang them."
The Inter-Alpha Group was formed in 1971, as a syndicate of six oligarchic European banks, the year the Nixon Administration foolishly took the dollar off gold and destroyed FDR's Bretton Woods system of fixed currency rates. That move opened the door to imperial currency warfare, the creation of the petrodollar market, and ultimately the Brutish Empire's control over the U.S. dollar. In short, virtually everything that has gone wrong in the world economy can be traced to the predatory actions of the Inter-Alpha Group and its associates. Now, having destroyed the American, European, and British economies, the Inter-Alpha Group has bet its future on expanding its looting of Brazil.
It is both an incompetent bet, and a doomed one.
One would think that, after all the horrors derivatives have caused, no nation would be insane enough to expand their derivatives market, but that's just what Brazil is doing, at the behest of the Inter-Alpha Group and one of its most corrupt members, Banco Santander. To help facilitate the creation of a new financial bubble, the Central Bank of Brazil has announced new measures to expand the derivatives market in the country, and the Brazilian BOVESPA has reached a similar agreement with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the world's largest derivatives exchange. It is beyond insane. It will backfire, quickly, on the Inter-Alpha Group, and it will destroy Brazil.
Said LaRouche: "Brazil is what? Brazil is one big carry trade. What are the assets behind the carry trade? The fear of the creditors to foreclose. The carry trade is based on nothing—essentially nothing. And now the carry trade is coming down. The present international financial system is now a dead horse."


Logo: The Inter-Alpha Group of Banks
Country Flags

# AIB Group
# Banco Espírito Santo
# Santander, Spain
# Soc Gen
# ING Bank
# Intesa Sanpaolo
# KBC Bank
# Nordea
# National Bank of Greece
# Commerzbank
# The Royal Bank of Scotland Group
* *
Welcome to The Inter-Alpha Group of Banks The Inter Alpha Group of Banks was established in 1971 by six major European Community banks. At that time, the member banks had only limited experience in the international banking markets. The Group was formed to provide a platform for the regular exchange of ideas and explore areas for co-operation. The Group has no hierarchical structure and is connected only by a loosely worded ‘Agreement’ with each bank retaining its autonomy and independence.
The Group’s function has developed to:
  • Provide a platform for the regular exchange of ideas at Executive and Senior Management level
  • Allow specialists to meet and discuss topics of particular interest
  • Establish areas of co operation, particularly in international trade
  • Train junior and middle management by means of an annual Inter-Alpha Banking School and annual Inter-Alpha Banking Management Programme at INSEAD at Fountainbleau near Paris
  • Create a framework for individual banks within the Group to work together.
Membership of the group has now grown to eleven banks, representing fifteen European countries, namely:
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Keiser Report №24: The Money Heaven

Letter to Congressman Van Hollen: Reject Obamacare, Enact Medicare for All at $100 per Month

Webster G. Tarpley
March 10, 2010

Dear Congressman Van Hollen:

I urge you to reject the Obama health care bill. This is not reform; it is a bailout of bankrupt insurance companies at the expense of average working people, obtained through coercion and extortion. Forcing Americans to buy insurance from private, for-profit, deregulated companies is clearly unconstitutional. The idea of a mandate to purchase insurance is a reactionary Republican invention, and we want no part of it. Furthermore, this bill’s $500 billion in Medicare cuts are a direct attack on the economic rights of Americans implemented under the New Deal and the Great Society, and will cause incalculable suffering and human tragedy. These colossal Medicare cuts will inevitably result in rationing, delay, and the denial of care, causing patients to die needlessly. The spirit of this bill is that of OMB Director Peter Orszag, the sinister Malthusian bureaucrat who is behind recent attempts to deny Americans Pap smears, mammograms, and PSA tests – as cost-cutting measures.
Instead, we should set a national goal of extending US life expectancy by five years over the coming two decades. Funding for Medicare must be increased by making Wall Street pay their fair share with a 1% Tobin tax or Wall Street sales tax on derivatives and other speculative transactions, by clawing back the TARP bailout from the zombie banks, and by ending the Iraq and Afghan wars. Give every person the voluntary option to join Medicare For All at any age for $100 per person per month, with generous allowances and fee waivers for families, the unemployed, students, the working poor, and the destitute. Further savings can come through a fully funded national and international crash program of biomedical research to find cures for heart disease, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and other dread diseases.
In addition, health care requires more than insurance. We need to build 1,000 modern, state of the art hospitals with 500 beds each just to reach the minimum of targets set by the Hill-Burton Act of 1946. We need to train 250,000 doctors over the next ten years. These goals require serious investments, not subsidies to predatory insurance companies who are going broke because of their reckless derivatives bets.
Your role in the Democratic leadership suggests that you are severely out of touch, paying far more attention to the needs of Obama and Pelosi than to the needs of your district. Stop armtwisting for this wretched sellout and listen to your constituents. Vote no on this bill.

Webster G. Tarpley

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wall Street Titans Clash Over Financial Future of U.S.

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010 A clash of the financial titans is being waged among us to determine the future of Wall Street, and most Main Street Americans have no idea about it, says Ellen Brown, an author and expert on the debt system that is destroying America.

By Christopher J. Petherick
America Free Press

A clash of the financial titans is being waged among us to determine the future of Wall Street, and most Main Street Americans have no idea about it, says Ellen Brown, an author and expert on the debt system that is destroying America.  The two financial behemoths waging a war over financial regulations are JP Morgan Chase Co.—the result of a merger between JP Morgan and David Rockefeller’s financial flagship Chase Manhattan—and Goldman Sachs.
Today, says Ms. Brown, JP Morgan Chase appears ready to accept reinstatement of post-Depression banking regulations, which prevented banks from merging with Wall Street firms and insurance companies to create the so-called “too-big-to-fail” financial titans behind the new “global economy.”
“In 2000, the Rockefellers and the Morgans joined forces, when JPMorgan and Chase Manhattan merged to become JPMorgan Chase Co.,” wrote Ms. Brown in a recent column. “[On the other hand] former Treasury Secretaries Henry Paulson and Robert Rubin came from Goldman, and current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner rose through the ranks as a Rubin protégé.” Geithner also is former head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the most powerful of the Fed’s branches, so it’s especially tough for him to be an impartial participant in America’s financial policies.  Now the battle is waging over who will wield more influence in Washington.
Neither side is innocent in this fight, because both engaged in the types of exotic speculation and shadow money-lending, which resulted in the collapse of economies around the world.

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Keiser Report №23: Currency Wars

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Financial Warfare Exposed: Soros, Goldman Sachs, Hedge Funds Attack Greece to Smash Euro

Webster G. Tarpley
March 3, 2010

It has been evident for some time that the ongoing speculative attack on Greece, along with such other countries as Spain, Ireland, Portugal, and Italy, was not primarily a reflection of their economic fundamentals, nor yet a spontaneous movement of “the market,” but rather an orchestrated action of economic warfare. The dollar had been relentlessly falling through the late summer and autumn of 2009. It obviously occurred to various Anglo-American financiers that a diversionary attack on the euro, starting with some of the weaker Mediterranean or Southern European economies, would be an ideal means of relieving pressure on the battered US greenback.

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CrossTalk on Dalai Lama: CIA monk exposed

Currency Collusion Conspiracies

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Iran Captures a ‘Good’ Terrorist

by Ray McGovern

The Iranian government is celebrating the capture of Abdolmalek Rigi, the leader of a violent group called Jundullah (Arabic for Soldiers of God), which Tehran says is a terrorist organization supported by the United States, Great Britain, and Israel.

Jundullah is one of several groups that have been conducting bombings and other violent attacks against Iran’s Islamic regime with the aim of knocking it off balance.

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Scrutiny of Goldman’s Role in Greek Debt Crisis Intensifies in US

By Kevin Connor

The truly scandalous story with respect to Goldman Sachs and Greece — that the bank may have been speculating heavily in the Greek debt markets at the same time it was trying to help the country hide its debt — is also starting to gain traction. During his testimony, Bernanke raised concerns about speculative activity in the Greek debt markets and said that the SEC was investigating, and Phil Angelides, chair of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, said that he was particularly concerned about Goldman’s role in betting against securities that it had helped create.

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Keiser Report 21: Global Collapse Continues

CrossTalk: Soviet Amerika

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Battle for Baluchistan: Iran Nabs Top NATO Terrorist with Help from Pakistan

Webster G. Tarpley
February 25, 2010

On Tuesday Feb. 23, Iran announced the capture of Abdulmalek Rigi, the boss of the terror organization Jundullah, which works for NATO. The capture of Rigi represents a serious setback for the US-UK strategy of using false flag state-sponsored terrorism against Iran and Pakistan, and ultimately to sabotage China’s geopolitics of oil. The Iranians claim to have captured Rigi all by themselves, but the Pakistani ambassador to Teheran is quoted in The Dawn as claiming an important role for Pakistan. The Iranians say that Rigi was attempting to fly from Dubai to Kyrgystan, and that his plane was forced to land in Iran by Iranian interceptors. This exploit recalls Oliver North’s 1985 intercept of the accused Achille Lauro perpetrators, including Abu Abbas, forcing their Egyptian plane to land at Sigonella, Sicily. But other and perhaps more realistic versions suggest that Iran was tipped off by the Pakistanis, or even that Rigi was captured by Pakistan and delivered to the Iranians.

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Marc Faber on Bloomberg: Doubting the Recovery

Fruit juice cancer warning as scientists find harmful chemical in 16 drinks

By Sophie Borland

Child drinking orange
Scientists have found many fruit juices and squashes contain too much antimony, a potentially lethal substance. (Posed by model)
Fruit juices drunk by millions of children each day could contain a harmful chemical linked to cancer, scientists have warned.
Researchers have found high levels of antimony - which can be lethal in large doses - in many popular brands

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Argentinian Couple Shoot Kids, Kill Themselves Over Global Warming

Steve Watson
Monday, March 1st, 2010

A seven month old baby has miraculously survived being shot after the parents killed themselves and their two year old son, citing fears over a lack of government action on global warming.
Francisco Lotero, 56, and Miriam Coletti, 23, are said to have shot their young son in the back, killing the toddler instantly.
Neighbours called the police, after complaining of a stench coming from the house.
Police broke into the property and discovered the horrific scene three days after the shooting, the Latin American Herald reported Saturday.
Still alive, but covered in blood, the baby was rushed to the hospital where it was revealed that the bullet from her father’s handgun had somehow missed all the child’s vital organs, lodging itself in her chest.
In a suicide note, reportedly discovered by police, the couple cited their extreme fears over the effects of global warming.
The couple were said to have expressed anger at the government in the letter for not doing more to avert a worldwide environmental crisis.
The baby is now under observation in a hospital in the town of Goya in the north of Argentina.
Doctors have told the media that the child is out of danger and should make a good recovery.

The tragic story is clearly an isolated incident, yet it highlights the fear with which some people are receiving the constant drumbeat about anthropogenic global warming.
Clearly this couple were either already very much deranged or were so terrified that they ended their own lives believing that they were contributing to the destruction of the planet.
It is not surprising to hear of an incident like this, particularly in the face the  concerted agendato link global climate change with overconsumption and overpopulation, offering up depopulation policies as a possible solution.
Linking environmental policy to agendas opens the door to eugenics and it is no surprise that through that door have come pouring hordes of elitist filth just begging to be on the front line of the extermination policy.
One example is UK-based public policy group The Optimum Population Trust (OPT), which has launched a new initiative urging wealthy members of the developed world to participate in carbon offsets that fund programs for curbing the population of developing nations.
In 2007, the group also published a report announcing that children are ‘bad for planet and ‘having large families should be frowned upon as an environmental misdemeanour in the same way as frequent long-haul flights, driving a big car and failing to reuse plastic bags.
The same talking point has been re-iterated again and again by public policy groups and environmentalists, as well as the most influential scientists in theUS government.
While you may think ideas of sterilization and depopulation could never be accepted by the public, those very concepts are now being embraced and popularized by some as the way forward for humanity.
Last December’s Copenhagen Summit even heard suggestions from Chinese delegates for a global population control program to tackle global warming.
Alex Jones’ Films Endgame and Fall Of The Republic address the hijacking of the environmental movement by elite social Darwinists in more detail.