At a recent Royal Society of Arts meeting, with the Duke of Edinburgh
by his side, the disgusting spokesman of the empire, David
Attenborough, delivered the empire's intentions: "It remains an obvious
and brutal fact that on a finite planet human population will quite
definitely stop at some point. And that can only happen in one of two
ways. It can happen sooner, by fewer human births- in a word by
contraception. That is the humane way, the powerful option which allows
all of us to deal with the problem, if we collectively choose to do so.
The alternative is an increased death rate -- the way which all other
creatures must suffer, through famine or disease or predation. That
translated into human terms means famine or disease or war -- over oil
or water or food or minerals or grazing rights or just living space.
There is, alas, no third alternative of indefinite growth."
The British Monarchy and related monetary-financial organizations of the empire, intend to kill, in a genocidal fashion, most of the human beings on the planet, for no other reason than they think it is their oligarchical right to do so.This is the stark reality; nothing less
The British Monarchy and related monetary-financial organizations of the empire, intend to kill, in a genocidal fashion, most of the human beings on the planet, for no other reason than they think it is their oligarchical right to do so.This is the stark reality; nothing less
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