Thursday, June 23, 2011

How Goldman Sachs Made Tens Of Billions Of Dollars From The Economic Collapse Of America In Four Easy Steps

'The Economic Collapse'

Goldman Sachs

Investment banking giant Goldman Sachs has become perhaps the most prominent symbol for everything that is wrong with the U.S. financial system, but most Americans cannot even begin to explain what they do or how they have made tens of billions of dollars from the economic collapse of America.  The truth is that what Goldman Sachs did was fairly simple, and there may not have even been anything "illegal" about it (although they are now being investigated by the SEC among others).
The following is how Goldman Sachs made tens of billions of dollars from the economic collapse of America in four easy steps.... 
Step 1: Sell mortgage-related securities that are absolute junk to trusting clients at vastly overinflated prices.
Step 2: Bet against those same mortgage-related securities and make massive bets against the U.S. housing market so that your firm will make massive profits when the U.S. economy collapses.
Step 3: Have ex-Goldman executives in key positions of power in the U.S. government so that bailout money can be funneled to entities such as AIG that Goldman has made these bets with so that they can get paid after they win their bets.  
Step 4: Collect the profits - Goldman Sachs is having their "most successful year" and will end up reporting approximately $50 billion in revenue for 2009.
So is it right for the biggest fish on Wall Street to make tens of billions of dollars by betting that the U.S. housing market will collapse?
You see, when you are talking about a financial giant the size of Goldman Sachs, the line between "betting that something will happen" and "making something happen" gets blurred very quickly.
Not that Goldman Sachs was the only one betting against the housing market.
According to the New York Times, firms like Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley also created mortgage-related securities and then bet that they would fail.....
Goldman was not the only firm that peddled these complex securities — known as synthetic collateralized debt obligations, or C.D.O.’s — and then made financial bets against them, called selling short in Wall Street parlance. Others that created similar securities and then bet they would fail, according to Wall Street traders, include Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley, as well as smaller firms like Tricadia Inc.
But certainly Goldman Sachs was the most prominent financial player involved in this type of activity.
In fact, without mentioning specifics, Goldman has even admitted publicly to wrongdoing.  On November 17th, 2008 Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein even issued a public apology....
"We participated in things that were clearly wrong and have reason to regret."
But complicated financial transactions are something that most Americans simply do not understand, so the public outrage towards Goldman Sachs and others has been somewhat limited.  But that does not change the very serious nature of the activities that Goldman was involved in....
"The simultaneous selling of securities to customers and shorting them because they believed they were going to default is the most cynical use of credit information that I have ever seen," Sylvain Raynes, an expert in structured finance at R & R Consulting in New York, recently told The New York Times. "When you buy protection against an event that you have a hand in causing, you are buying fire insurance on someone else’s house and then committing arson."
But the sad thing is that many Americans do not even understand what Goldman Sachs is.  Goldman Sachs was founded in 1869 and has forged a reputation as one of the elite financial institutions in the entire world.  They only hire "the best and the brightest" and Ivy League graduates flock to the firm.  Of the five major investment banks that dominated Wall Street before the crash, only Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have survived.  Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns were severely damaged by the crash and ended up being purchased by retail banks and Lehman Brothers ended up folding.
There are persistent rumors that Goldman played a major role in the collapse of Bear Stearns and that ex-Goldman CEO Hank Paulson could have done much more to bail out Lehman Brothers, but perhaps nobody will ever know the full truth.  All we do know is that at the end of the crash several of Goldman's competitors were destroyed and Goldman found itself in a more dominant position than ever.
The truth is that Goldman is a financial shark and they do not apologize for it.
An article in Rolling Stone recently put it this way....
The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it's everywhere. The world's most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.
So how did Goldman Sachs prosper so greatly in an environment that destroyed their competitors?
The following is an extended breakdown of just how Goldman Sachs was able to reap tens of billions of dollars in profits from the collapse of the U.S. housing market....
Step 1: Sell mortgage-related securities that are absolute junk to trusting clients at vastly overinflated prices.
In late 2006, Goldman Sachs made some fundamental changes in the way that they were approaching the U.S. housing market.  According to a McClatchy report, Goldman spokesman Michael DuVally said that the firm decided at that time to reduce its mortgage risks by selling off subprime mortgage-related securities and by purchasing credit-default swaps to hedge against a serious downturn in the U.S. housing market.
The key moment came in December 2006.  After "10 straight days of losses" in Goldman's mortgage business, Chief Financial Officer David Viniar called a meeting of key Goldman personnel.
Vanity Fair described the results of that meeting this way....
After a now famous meeting in David Viniar’s office on December 14, 2006, Goldman’s traders began to protect the firm against further declines in the market. Just as you can short the S&P 500, the traders took short positions in an index that tracked the price of mortgage-backed securities. They also either sold assets they owned to others at losses or dramatically marked down the price on their own books.  In the aftermath of the crisis, criticism erupted that Goldman had continued to sell mortgage-backed securities to its clients while betting against those very securities for its own account. Clearly, in the simplest terms possible, this is true: while Goldman was never the biggest underwriter of C.D.O.’s (collateralized debt obligations—Wall Street’s vehicle of choice for mortgage-backed securities), the firm did remain in the top five until the summer of 2007, when the market crashed to a halt.
So Goldman Sachs proceeded to sell approxmiately $39 billion of its own mortgage securities in 2006 and 2007 and they sold at least $17 billion more mortgage securities for others, but they never told the buyers of those securities that Goldman was secretly betting that a significant drop in U.S. housing prices would send the value of those mortgage securities plummeting.
These sales and the massive clandestine wagers placed by Goldman enabled the firm to pass most of its potential losses on to others prior to the collapse of the U.S. housing market.
But many of the investors who got the short end of the stick were not pleased.  When they discovered that what Goldman had promoted as triple-A rated investments were actually a bunch of garbage, many of them were absolutely furious.
"The Securities and Exchange Commission should be very interested in any financial company that secretly decides a financial product is a loser and then goes out and actively markets that product or very similar products to unsuspecting customers without disclosing its true opinion," said Boston University economics professor Laurence Kotlikoff. "This is fraud and should be prosecuted."
One of the victims of this fraud was the state of Mississippi....
Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood, whose state has lost $5 million of the $6 million it invested in Goldman's subprime mortgage-backed bonds in 2006, said the state's funds are likely to lose "hundreds of millions of dollars" on those and similar bonds.
Another one of the victims of this fraud was California's retirement system for public employees....
California's huge public employees' retirement system, known as CALPERS, purchased $64.4 million in subprime mortgage-backed bonds from Goldman on March 1, 2007. While that represented a tiny percentage of the fund's holdings, in July CALPERS listed the bonds' value at $16.6 million, a drop of nearly 75 percent, according to documents obtained through a state public records request.
So who is left holding the bag in cases such as these?
The taxpayers.
And that is just fine with Goldman Sachs.  Just as long as they keep raking in huge profits.
Vanity Fair was even more blunt regarding this injustice....
"Goldman’s management team was almost flawless in its execution. But how many people needed government help because of the things Goldman sold them?"
The truth is that a lot of people needed help because of the things Goldman sold them, but up until now Goldman has completely gotten away with it.
Step 2: Bet against those same mortgage-related securities and make massive bets against the U.S. housing market so that your firm will make massive profits when the U.S. economy collapses.
Not only did Goldman sell mortgage-related securities that were absolute junk to investors at vastly overinflated prices, they also placed massive bets that the U.S. housing market would absolutely collapse.
The New York Times recently described how Goldman used a new index known as the ABX to make many of these bets....
A handful of investors and Wall Street traders, however, anticipated the crisis. In 2006, Wall Street had introduced a new index, called the ABX, that became a way to invest in the direction of mortgage securities. The index allowed traders to bet on or against pools of mortgages with different risk characteristics, just as stock indexes enable traders to bet on whether the overall stock market, or technology stocks or bank stocks, will go up or down.
Goldman, among others on Wall Street, has said since the collapse that it made big money by using the ABX to bet against the housing market. Worried about a housing bubble, top Goldman executives decided in December 2006 to change the firm’s overall stance on the mortgage market, from positive to negative, though it did not disclose that publicly.
These bets would only make money for Goldman Sachs if the U.S. housing market declined.
So if the biggest giant on Wall Street has a huge financial incentive to see the U.S. housing market fail, what do you think the odds are that they are going to do anything to support it?
Step 3: Have ex-Goldman executives in key positions of power in the U.S. government so that bailout money can be funneled to entities such as AIG that Goldman has made these bets with so that they could get paid.
For years, Goldman Sachs has encouraged executives to serve in U.S. government positions.  Now they are world famous for the amount of influence their former employees have over government policy.
For example, according to the New York Times, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson (also a former Goldman CEO) spoke with the current CEO of Goldman Sachs about two dozen times during the week of the bailout, although Paulson says that he obtained an "ethics waiver" before doing so.
So does an "ethics waiver" make everything okay?
But the sad thing is that is not an isolated example.
It turns out that Goldman benefited greatly from a number of decisions made by their former CEO while he was Treasury Secretary....
*Goldman greatly benefited when Paulson elected not to save rival Lehman Brothers from collapse.  Paulson certainly stepped in to help Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and AIG, but apparently had no problem with letting Lehman Brothers fall apart.
*Under Paulson's direction, Goldman ended up receiving bailout money (which they may or may not have needed) from the U.S. government and has since paid back much of that money with interest.  So why didn't Bear Stearns or Lehman Brothers get the bailout funds that they needed?
*Goldman greatly benefitted when Paulson organized a massive rescue of American International Group while in constant telephone contact with Goldman CEO Blankfein.  AIG ultimately ended up using $12.9 billion taxpayer dollars to pay off every single penny that it owed to Goldman.
But it is not just Paulson who has had significant influence in Washington.
On October 16th, Adam Storch, a Goldman Sachs vice president, was named managing executive of the SEC's enforcement division.  What do you think the odds are that he will crack down hard on Goldman?
In addition, former Goldman Sachs lobbyist Mark Patterson is the chief of staff for current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
In fact, ex-Goldman employees are seemingly everywhere.  According to Vanity Fair,  at one  G-7 meeting an anonymous source identified at least 24 out of 32 finance officials in attendance as ex-Goldman employees.
The influence of Goldman Sachs even reaches to the White House.  Goldman was Barack Obama's number one campaign donor, and its employees gave $981,000 to his campaign.
If you don't think that kind of money does not buy influence then you are delusional.
Goldman used some of that powerful influence to get the U.S. government to bail out AIG so that AIG could pay off the bets that Goldman had made with them.  In a recent article, Vanity Fair described part of what went down....
After the government bailout of A.I.G., in order to end the collateral calls on the insurance giant, the New York Federal Reserve—whose chairman at the time was former Goldman chairman Steve Friedman—decided to purchase a slew of the securities that A.I.G. had insured, including $14 billion of those on which Goldman had purchased insurance. The government—meaning taxpayers—did so at full price, although according to a recent Bloomberg story, there had been negotiations with A.I.G. to do so at a 40 percent discount. Goldman says that the New York Fed broached the topic of a discount only once. The firm’s response: a flat no. While no one will ever know what would have happened had A.I.G. gone under, the essence of what did happen is perfectly clear. As a recent report by the Office of the Special Inspector General for tarpput it, the decision to pay full price “effectively transferred tens of billions of dollars of cash from the Government to A.I.G.’s counterparties.” Or to put it another way: because Goldman felt it was owed its billions by A.I.G., the firm took it from taxpayers instead.
So what about all of the thousands of small businesses that are failing and what about the millions of Americans that are losing their jobs and homes?
Do they get bailouts?
Of course not.
But the U.S. government definitely made sure that AIG and Goldman were taken care of.
Step 4: Collect the profits - Goldman Sachs is having their "most successful year" and will end up reporting approximately $50 billion in revenue for 2009.
Goldman Sachs ranks #1 in annual net income when compared with 86 peers in the investment services sector.  They are on course for their best year ever.
Yes, they are having a really good "crisis".
Goldman Sachs is on course to surpass $50 billion in revenue in 2009 and to pay its employees more than $20 billion in year-end bonuses.
20 billion just in bonuses?
That would mean that the average bonus for all Goldman employees would be over $700,000.
No wonder everyone wants to work for them.
It's good to be on the winning side.
So just how are they making so much money?
In their recent article, Vanity Fair described it this way....
But because so many of Goldman’s competitors were gone or disabled, spreads—the difference between the price at which you sell and buy a variety of securities—were wider than they had been in years, meaning that Goldman could practically mint money. By acting at the moment it did, with Lehman out and Merrill Lynch down for the count, the government enabled this situation.
The other reason for Goldman’s profits is that the government has flooded the system with money, not just the money it used to rescue the financial system but hundreds of billions more in stimulus, in support of the housing market, and in the Federal Reserve’s purchases of securities.
But all of this success has not come without controversy.  In fact, Goldman executives are very much aware of the growing backlash against the firm.
Senior officials at Goldman Sachs have reportedly loaded up on firearms and are now equipped to defend themselves if there is a "populist uprising" against the bank.
In addition, Goldman Sachs employees are now not allowed to gather in groups of 12 or more outside the office.  The firm very much discouraged "holiday parties" as they most definitely did not want to be seen as celebrating the downfall of the U.S. economy.
But the truth is that Goldman Sachs won because so many others lost.
In his very revealing article on Goldman Sachs in Rolling Stone, Matt Taibbi described how Goldman keeps making money from the bursting of these economic bubbles....
They achieve this using the same playbook over and over again. The formula is relatively simple: Goldman positions itself in the middle of a speculative bubble, selling investments they know are crap. Then they hoover up vast sums from the middle and lower floors of society with the aid of a crippled and corrupt state that allows it to rewrite the rules in exchange for the relative pennies the bank throws at political patronage. Finally, when it all goes bust, leaving millions of ordinary citizens broke and starving, they begin the entire process over again, riding in to rescue us all by lending us back our own money at interest, selling themselves as men above greed, just a bunch of really smart guys keeping the wheels greased. They've been pulling this same stunt over and over since the 1920s — and now they're preparing to do it again, creating what may be the biggest and most audacious bubble yet.
The truth is that in this latest economic collapse there were millions of losers and just a few winners.
Goldman Sachs was one of those winners.
So will they lose next time?
Not likely.
In their recent article, Vanity Fair quoted an anonymous source in the financial industry as saying the following....
"Are they the Yankees? No, the Yankees actually lose! Goldman never loses."

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Google-owned You Tube has sensationally censored a video clip showing Eric Schmidt at the 2011 Bilderberg Group conference

Paul Joseph Watson
June 20, 2011

Google-owned You Tube has sensationally censored a video clip showing Eric Schmidt at the 2011 Bilderberg Group conference, by removing the “honors” associated with the Alex Jones Channel and preventing the clip from going viral, while You Tube has also threatened to terminate the account altogether after baseless accusations of racism were made against an Obama Joker video for the second time.
Google chief Eric Schmidt betrayed his notorious disregard for online privacy in 2009 when he told CNBC, “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.”
Maybe Schmidt should take his own advice, because he’s obviously keen to prevent the world from finding out about his 2011 attendance of the Bilderberg conference and how he discussed new ways to police the Internet with other technology moguls from the likes of Facebook and Microsoft.
After our Bilderberg confrontation video was linked at the mighty Drudge Report as well as the London Guardian, it shot to the top of You Tube’s rankings and appeared on the front page, achieving over 100,000 views in a matter of hours. However, right as the clip was set to go viral and achieve millions of views, You Tube unceremoniously deleted all of the “honors” associated with the Alex Jones Channel. This immediately ensured that the video was buried and therefore prevented millions more people from seeing Schmidt being confronted by protesters at the Bilderberg meeting.

The Alex Jones Channel has received numerous “honors” and these are permanently displayed on the left hand side of the channel’s home page just under the channel description, but not any longer, as all the achievements have been scrubbed and sent down the memory hole.
Removing the “honors” associated with our channel prevents our videos from ever going viral.
In addition to this act of censorship against the Alex Jones Channel, You Tube has for the second time issued us with a Community Guideline warning strike, disabled the Obama Joker poster contest video from two years ago and threatened to terminate our account altogether.
Despite the fact that we successfully defeated a 2009 complaint against the same video, You Tube has again acted upon a “denunciation” from a You Tube user and disabled the Obama Joker clip, presumably under the same justification that it is “racist.”

As we documented the first time the clip was banned, You Tube disabled the video after a Barack Obama supporter claimed it was “racist,” yet the video mentions nothing whatsoever about race. Indeed, George W. Bush was also depicted as the Joker, a Vampire and innumerable other derogatory characters, but such criticism was never deemed “racist”.
You Tube is once again cynically playing the race card not only to terminate this video, but as a prelude to shutting down the whole Alex Jones Channel, a stunt they already pulled once before when the channel was suspended for the “copyright violation” of Alex Jones showing a newspaper headline on camera.
“Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the termination of your account,” states the email from You Tube, before listing the Obama Joker video complaint from two years ago that we already shot down.

Ever since the Obama Joker poster campaign began, the establishment tried to silence legitimate and powerfully symbolic criticism of the government by claiming the entire campaign was “racist,” despite the fact that George W. Bush was also depicted as the Joker for years, proving that the characterization has nothing to do with skin color or race.
In addition to its own dirty tricks, You Tube blithely follows orders from governments to terminate accounts and disable videos on the flimsiest of pretexts. As we have documented, the vast majority of government removal requests for videos that show little more than legitimate protests are hastily acted upon by You Tube.
It is important to emphasize that You Tube has now become the virtual town hall for online video content. This is where the vast majority of the online world go to watch their videos. It’s not as if we could just put the video up on our own server and expect to compete with the behemoth that is You Tube and its owner Google.
By directing 95 per cent of the video watching community to You Tube, Google has obtained a stranglehold on user-generated video content. We are forced to compete on their battlefield and play by their rules, and even though we abide by their rules we are still constantly being censored with dirty tricks and unfair treatment.
Despite the fact that the videos on our channel have received over 117 million views, You Tube refuses to give us a Director account, despite handing them out to channels that have received far less views. We provide You Tube with hundreds of thousands of hits every week and yet in return we are treated with total disdain.
This kind of censorship needs to be addressed now because under Internet 2, when not just videos but all Internet traffic will be hosted on servers controlled by big corporations in the name of cybersecurity, such issues will become routine. By swallowing up all the Internet traffic and then arbitrarily censoring free speech, the likes of Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook and others will be used by the establishment to strangle the alternative media out of existence.
This is a major issue and it is imperative that people complain to You Tube as well as mirroring our videos to help break through the electronic Berlin Wall that Google and You Tube are erecting in a bid to prevent the truth from getting out.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.

Friday, June 17, 2011


By James P. Tucker Jr.

ST. MORITZ, Switzerland—The secret globalist group “Bilderberg” called for a big war by expanding the turmoil in Libya into a full-scale conflict involving the entire Middle East except for Israel. This is a grim and bloody outlook, because, historically, every time Bilderberg orders war, the guns begin to shoot. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush followed orders and attacked Iraq in Persian Gulf War I. He lost to peace candidate Bill Clinton, who followed orders and invaded Yugoslavia.

The list is endless: Every war dating back to and including World War II has been ordered by Bilderberg. Although they did not start calling themselves Bilderberg until 1954, Rockefeller and Rothschild cronies had the ear of President Franklin Roosevelt when the White House baited the Japanese into conducting a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941.

Similarly, President Harry Truman was pressured into going to war in Korea, and then Lyndon Johnson involved the U.S. in Vietnam.

Johnson seemed to enjoy cruelty. The same draft law used in World War II had been revived in 1946, making all able-bodied men aged 18-38 eligible for combat. A college student could finish his degree but must then report for duty. As a matter of policy, LBJ said students could finish their entire education, including postgraduate work, before reporting. And no one older than 27 would be drafted. The result: Dick Cheney and others avoided service by remaining in college until the age of 27. So the body bags were mostly filled by young boys with no more than a high school education.

“It will have to be a big war involving several countries to advance our goals of a global economy,” said Keith Alexander, director of the U.S. National Security Agency. “But the pressure to end the war in Libya is non-stop, mostly because of that damn Kucinich.” He was referring to Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), whose bill to end the invasion of Libya was defeated just before Congress adjourned for a week on June 3

ST. MORITZ, Switzerland—The secret globalist group “Bilderberg” called for a big war by expanding the turmoil in Libya into a full-scale conflict involving the entire Middle East except for Israel. This is a grim and bloody outlook, because, historically, every time Bilderberg orders war, the guns begin to shoot. In 1991, President George H.W. Bush followed orders and attacked Iraq in Persian Gulf War I. He lost to peace candidate Bill Clinton, who followed orders and invaded Yugoslavia.

The list is endless: Every war dating back to and including World War II has been ordered by Bilderberg. Although they did not start calling themselves Bilderberg until 1954, Rockefeller and Rothschild cronies had the ear of President Franklin Roosevelt when the White House baited the Japanese into conducting a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941.

Similarly, President Harry Truman was pressured into going to war in Korea, and then Lyndon Johnson involved the U.S. in Vietnam.

Johnson seemed to enjoy cruelty. The same draft law used in World War II had been revived in 1946, making all able-bodied men aged 18-38 eligible for combat. A college student could finish his degree but must then report for duty. As a matter of policy, LBJ said students could finish their entire education, including postgraduate work, before reporting. And no one older than 27 would be drafted. The result: Dick Cheney and others avoided service by remaining in college until the age of 27. So the body bags were mostly filled by young boys with no more than a high school education.

“It will have to be a big war involving several countries to advance our goals of a global economy,” said Keith Alexander, director of the U.S. National Security Agency. “But the pressure to end the war in Libya is non-stop, mostly because of that damn Kucinich.” He was referring to Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), whose bill to end the invasion of Libya was defeated just before Congress adjourned for a week on June 3

“But look at all the votes [148] he got,” Alexander said. “This is dangerous. Congress may cut or even eliminate war funding, and our soldiers are not even fighting.”

Bilderberg’s goal of expanding the turmoil surrounding the invasion of Libya into a huge bloodletting in the Mideast will be helped, they say, by their plan to maintain the global recession through 2012.

“The recession may keep coverage [of Bilderberg] down,” said John Kerr, a member of the British House of Lords and deputy chairman of Royal Dutch Shell. “Europe has many independent papers, but they go low-budget. We have made calls to Rupert Murdoch, still our good friend,” he said of the world’s largest owner of newspapers.

Kerr and the others were to be bitterly disappointed when confronted by angry crowds as their helicopters landed at the resort on Thursday, June 9. Most had planned to arrive Wednesday afternoon, after leaving their “cover meeting” of NATO countries in Brussels, Belgium. But frequent, heavy rains kept the copters grounded. Bilderberg traditionally has a “cover meeting” so, for example, outgoing Defense Secretary Robert Gates can attend a NATO session and slip, unnoticed, into the Bilderberg meeting. Gates addressed Bilderberg on Friday, June 10.

Gates had said the same things to the NATO crowd he later said at Bilderberg, calling for more aerial combat actions by allies even as the United States confines itself to a backup role. Gates called for more effort by the Netherlands, Spain and Turkey and urged Germany and Poland to join the war.

Gates’s hour-long speech at Bilderberg was mentioned by The Financial Times. His audience, however, was described only as a “gathering of dignitaries.” He said the European NATO members face “the very real possibility of collective military irrelevance” as a superpower unless they contribute more money and troops.

Washington has frequently requested, “with exasperation,” that European NATO countries meet the alliance’s benchmarks for defense spending, Gates said and called the situation in the current campaign in Libya “unacceptable.” He said “the blunt reality is there will be dwindling appetite and patience in the U.S. Congress—and in the American body politic—to expend increasingly precious funds on behalf of nations that are apparently unwilling to devote the necessary resources to make the necessary changes to be serious and capable partners in their own defense.”

NATO has degenerated into a “two-tiered” alliance with the United States and a small group of European allies doing the tough jobs while others benefit from NATO’s protection without bearing a fair share of costs and risks, Gates said. “This is no longer a hypothetical worry,” Gates said in one of the harshest speeches ever delivered at Bilderberg.

When Bill Clinton, a Bilderberg attendee, was president, NATO became the UN’s standing army, operating anywhere in the world on the orders of the Security Council. Under the UN, NATO invaded Yugoslavia. Under its charter, NATO is a defensive army only. But the first weapon fired in anger was an offensive war under direction of the UN.

Bilderberg has forgiven Barack Obama for hesitancy about what is now “his war.” They understand the political delicacy in Washington but, as one said, “he’s a good soldier and he’ll follow orders.”

Obama was praised for doing Bilderberg errands on his visit to a summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Hawaii. A major Bilderberg goal of establishing a world government is to create an Asian-Pacific Union following an American Union, both patterned after the European Union superstate. Even as Bilderberg gathered, OPEC nations were following orders to keep oil prices pumped up to assist the goal of raising U.S. prices to $7 a gallon. While making clucking sounds about holding down prices, OPEC allowed a slight, momentary dip as a public relations gesture.

But Saudi Arabia maintains 3 million barrels a day of spare capacity. This did not fool Frank Verrastro, director of the energy program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, which is traditionally a Bilderberg collaborator.

“I think there’s going to be a lot of theatrics, but beyond that I don’t think it affects the outcome,” Verrastro said. “If OPEC becomes less cohesive, that means each country goes its own way on production.”

“All these countries need money,” said Fadel Ghett, oil analyst at Oppenheimer & Co. “They will produce as much as they can get away with without destroying demand.”

The French agreed in principle to subscribe to new issues of Greek sovereign debt to replace maturing bonds if all creditors do the same. The move could provide a way forward for involving private creditors in a Greek rescue program. But it falls short of a German demand for them to agree voluntarily on an extension of bond maturities. The French proposal echoes the thinking of the European Central Bank, which claims that a rollover of Greek debt, rather than a “reprofiling” with extended maturities, would be a good way for private creditors to be involved in a new deal. French banks are among Greece’s largest creditors.

But the German government reaffirmed its determination to persuade bondholders to contribute more to a rescue. They called for a seven-year voluntary extension of maturities.

Jean-Claude Trichit, president of the European Central Bank, told fellow Bilderbergers that Europe needs a “Eurozone treasury secretary” with independent authority over all EU banks to avoid further crises like those of Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain. There is no time, when a crisis erupts, for the nations to come to a voluntary agreement, he said, because such a treasury department would have to act swiftly and with authority to impose bailout actions.

There was modest attention to China and Japan, relative newcomers to Bilderberg. In response to the explosions in Japan’s nuclear power plants, there was talk of imposing global rules on safety inspections. On China, there was talk of enjoying huge profits by bringing materials from slave-wage countries in Africa to be made into finished products by Chinese labor (itself relatively cheap).The finished product would be sold in the United States, where unemployment rates unofficially exceed 15 percent.

Craig Mundi, a Microsoft executive, complained about China establishing rules that favor building electronic gadgets at home and selling them without foreign competition. Another who Bilderberg tried to hide by keeping his name off its “official list” was Bill Gates, a self-made billionaire computer nerd who founded Microsoft.

AFP editor James P. Tucker Jr. is a veteran journalist who spent many years as a member of the “elite” media in Washington. Since 1975 he has won widespread recognition, here and abroad, for his pursuit of on-the-scene stories reporting the intrigues of global power blocs such as the Bilderberg Group.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Elite, the “Great Game” and World War III

by Prof. Mujahid Kamran
Global Research, June 7, 2011
New Dawn Special Issue 16

The control of the US, and of global politics, by the wealthiest families of the planet is exercised in a powerful, profound and clandestine manner. This control began in Europe and has a continuity that can be traced back to the time when the bankers discovered it was more profitable to give loans to governments than to needy individuals.

These banking families and their subservient beneficiaries have come to own most major businesses over the two centuries during which they have secretly and increasingly organised themselves as controllers of governments worldwide and as arbiters of war and peace.

Unless we understand this we will be unable to understand the real reasons for the two world wars and the impending Third World War, a war that is almost certain to begin as a consequence of the US attempt to seize and control Central Asia. The only way out is for the US to back off – something the people of the US and the world want, but the elite does not.

The US is a country controlled through the privately owned Federal Reserve, which in turn is controlled by the handful of banking families that established it by deception in the first place.

In his interesting book The Secret Team, Col. Fletcher Prouty, briefing officer of the US President from 1955-63, narrates a remarkable incident in which Winston Churchill made a most revealing utterance during World War II: “On this particular night there had been a heavy raid on Rotterdam. He sat there, meditating, and then, as if to himself, he said, ‘Unrestricted submarine warfare, unrestricted air bombing – this is total war.’ He continued sitting there, gazing at a large map, and then said, ‘Time and the Ocean and some guiding star and High Cabal have made us what we are’.”

Prouty further states: “This was a most memorable scene and a revelation of reality that is infrequent, at best. If for the great Winston Churchill, there is a ‘High Cabal’ that has made us what we are, our definition is complete. Who could know better than Churchill himself during the darkest days of World War II, that there exists, beyond doubt, an international High Cabal? This was true then. It is true today, especially in these times of the One World Order. This all-powerful group has remained superior because it had learned the value of anonymity.” This “High Cabal” is the “One World Cabal” of today, also called the elite by various writers.

The High Cabal and What They Control

The elite owns the media, banks, defence and oil industry. In his book Who’s Who of the Elite Robert Gaylon Ross Sr. states: “It is my opinion that they own the US military, NATO, the Secret Service, the CIA, the Supreme Court, and many of the lower courts. They appear to control, either directly or indirectly, most of the state, county, and local law enforcement agencies.”

The elite is intent on conquering the world through the use of the abilities of the people of the United States. It was as far back as 1774 that Amschel Mayer Rothschild stated at a gathering of the twelve richest men of Prussia in Frankfurt: “Wars should be directed so that the nations on both sides should be further in our debt.” He further enunciated at the same meeting: “Panics and financial depressions would ultimately result in World Government, a new order of one world government.”

The elite owns numerous “think tanks” that work for expanding, consolidating and perpetuating its hold on the globe. The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and many other similar organisations are all funded by the elite and work for it. These think tanks publish journals, such as Foreign Affairs, in which these imperialist and anti-mankind ideas are edified as publications, and then, if need be, expanded in the form of books that are given wide publicity.

Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger et al, as well as the neo-con “thinkers,” owe their positions and good living standards to the largesse of the elite. This is an important point that must be kept in full view at all times. These thinkers and writers are on the payroll of the elite and work for them. In case someone has any doubts about such a statement, it might help to read the following quotes from Professor Peter Dale Scott’s comprehensively researched book The Road to 9/11 – Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America (University of California Press, 2007):

…Bundy’s Harvard protégé Kissinger was named to be national security adviser after having chaired an important “study group” at the Council on Foreign Relations. As a former assistant to Nelson Rockefeller, Kissinger had been paid by Rockefeller to write a book on limited warfare for the CFR. He had also campaigned hard in Rockefeller’s losing campaign for the Presidential nomination in 1968. Thus Rockefeller and the CFR might have been excluded from control of the Republican Party, but not from the Republican White House. (Page 22)

The following quote from page 38 of the book is also very revealing:

The Kissinger-Rockefeller relationship was complex and certainly intense. As investigative reporter Jim Hougan wrote: “Kissinger, married to a former Rockefeller aide, owner of a Georgetown mansion whose purchase was enabled only by Rockefeller gifts and loans, was always a protégé of his patron Nelson Rockefeller, even when he wasn’t directly employed by him.”

Professor Scott adds:

Nixon’s and Kissinger’s arrival in the White House in 1969 coincided with David Rockefeller’s becoming CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank. The Nixon-Kissinger foreign policy of detente was highly congruous with Rockefeller’s push to internationalise Chase Manhattan banking operations. Thus in 1973 Chase Manhattan became the first American bank to open an office in Moscow. A few months later, thanks to an invitation arranged by Kissinger, Rockefeller became the first US banker to talk with Chinese Communist leaders in Beijing.

How They Manipulate Public Opinion

In addition to these strategic “think tanks” the elite has set up a chain of research institutes devoted to manipulating public opinion in a manner the elite desires. As pointed out by John Coleman in his eye opening book The Tavistock Institute on Human Relations – Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States of America, it was in 1913 that an institute was established at Wellington House, London for manipulation of public opinion. According to Coleman:

The modern science of mass manipulation was born at Wellington House London, the lusty infant being midwifed by Lord Northcliffe and Lord Rothmere. The British monarchy, Lord Rothschild, and the Rockefellers were responsible for funding the venture… the purpose of those at Wellington House was to effect a change in the opinions of British people who were adamantly opposed to war with Germany, a formidable task that was accomplished by “opinion making” through polling. The staff consisted of Arnold Toynbee, a future director of studies at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), Lord Northcliffe, and the Americans, Walter Lippmann and Edward Bernays. Lord Northcliffe was related to the Rothschilds through marriage.

Bernays was a nephew of Sigmund Freud, a fact never mentioned, and developed the technique of “engineering consent.” When Sigmund Freud moved to Britain he also, secretly, became associated with this institute through the Tavistock Institute. According to Coleman, Bernays “pioneered the use of psychology and other social sciences to shape and form public opinion so that the public thought such manufactured opinions were their own.”

The Tavistock Institute has a 6 billion dollar fund and 400 subsidiary organisations are under its control along with 3,000 think tanks, mostly in the USA. The Stanford Research Institute, the Hoover Institute, the Aspen Institute of Colorado, and many others, devoted to manipulation of US as well as global public opinion, are Tavistock offshoots. This helps explain why the US public, by and large, is so mesmerised as to be unable to see things clearly and to react.
Bilderberg researcher Daniel Estulin quotes from Mary Scobey’s book To Nurture Humanness a statement attributed to Professor Raymond Houghton, that the CFR has been clear for a very long time that “absolute behaviour control is imminent… without mankind’s self realisation that a crisis is at hand.”

Also keep in mind that currently 80% of US electronic and print media is owned by only six large corporations. This development has taken place in the past two decades. These corporations are elite owned. It is almost impossible for anyone who is acquainted with what is going on at the global level to watch, even for a few minutes, the distortions, lies and fabrications, incessantly pouring out of this media, a propaganda and brainwashing organ of the elite.

Once your picture is clear it is also easy to notice the criminal silence of the media on crimes being perpetrated against humanity at the behest of the elite. How many people know that the cancer rates in Fallujah, Iraq are higher than those in Hiroshima and Nagasaki because of the use of depleted uranium, and maybe other secret nuclear devices, by US forces? Fallujah was punished for its heroic resistance against the American forces.

The Importance of Eurasia

Why is the US in Central Asia? In order to understand this, one has to look at the writings of the stooges of the elite – Brzezinski, Kissinger, Samuel P Huntington, and their likes. It is important to note that members of these elite paid think tanks publish books as part of a strategy to give respectability to subsequent illegal, immoral and predatory actions that are to be taken at the behest of the elite. The views are not necessarily their own – they are the views of the think tanks. These stooges formulate and pronounce policies and plans at the behest of their masters, through bodies like the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, etc.

In his infinitely arrogant book The Grand Chessboard, published in 1997, Brzezinski spelled out the philosophy behind the current US military eruption. He starts by quoting the well-known views of the British geographer Sir Halford J Mackinder (1861–1947), another worker for the elite. Mackinder was a member of the ‘Coefficients Dining Club’ established by members of the Fabian Society in 1902. The continuity of the policies of the elite is indicated by the fact Brzezinski starts from Mackinder’s thesis first propounded in 1904: “Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland: Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island: who commands the World-Island commands the world.”
Brzezinski argues that for the first time in human history a non-Eurasian power has become preeminent and it must hold sway over the Eurasian continent if it is to remain the preeminent global power: “For America the chief geopolitical prize is Eurasia… About 75 percent of the world’s people live in Eurasia… Eurasia accounts for about 60 percent of the world’s GNP and about three fourths of the world’s known energy resources.”

It is not just the geostrategic location of this region – it is also its wealth, “both in its enterprises and beneath its soil,” that holds such attraction for the elite whose greed for money, and lust for power, remain insatiable, as if there was a sickness afflicting it.

Brzezinski writes: “But it is on the globe’s most important playing field – Eurasia – that a potential rival to America might at some point arise. This focusing on the key players and properly assessing the terrain has to be a point of departure for the formulation of American geostrategy for the long-term management of America’s Eurasian geopolitical interests.”

These lines were published in 1997 Millions of people have died in the past two decades and millions have been rendered homeless in this region but it remains a “playing” field for Brzezinski and his likes! In his book Brzezinski has drawn two very interesting maps – one of these has the caption The Global Zone of Percolating Violence (page 53) and the other (page 124) is captioned The Eurasian Balkans. The first of these encircles a region which includes the following countries: Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, all Central Asian states, Afghanistan, Pakistan and parts of Russia as well as India. The second one has two circles, an inner circle and a wider circle – the outer circle encloses the same countries as in the first map but the inner circle covers Iran, Afghanistan, eastern Turkey and the former Soviet Republics in Central Asia.

“This huge region, torn by volatile hatreds and surrounded by competing powerful neighbours, is likely to be a major battlefield…” writes Brzezinski. He further writes: “A possible challenge to American primacy from Islamic fundamentalism could be part of the problem of this unstable region.” These lines were written at a time when this kind of fundamentalism was not a problem – subsequently the US manipulated things and chose to make it one by its provocative and deceptive tactics. According to its strategic thinkers, the US might face a serious challenge from a coalition of China, Russia and Iran and must do whatever it can to prevent such a coalition from forming.

For Brzezinski, “terrorism” – a Tavistock-type concept – is just a well planned and well thought out strategy, a lie and a deception, to provide cover for a military presence in the Central Eurasian region and elsewhere. It is being used to keep the US public in a state of fear, to keep Russia in a state of insecurity about further breakup (the US has trained and supported Chechen fighters, “terrorists,” throughout) and to justify presence of US troops in and around Central Asia.

The Concocted War on Terrorism

Terrorism provides justification for transforming the United States into a police state. According to the Washington Post of 20 & 21 December 2010, the US now has 4,058 anti-terrorism organisations! These are certainly not meant for those so-called terrorists who operate in Central Asia – the number far exceeds the number of so-called terrorists in the entire world. Unbridled domestic spying by US agencies is now a fact of life and the US public, as always, has accepted this because of the collusion of media and Tavistock type institutes owned by the elite.

The US historian Howard Zinn puts it very well: “The so-called war on terrorism is not only a war against innocent people in other countries, but also a war on the people of the United States: a war on our liberties, a war on our standard of living. The wealth of the country is being stolen from the people and handed over to the superrich. The lives of our young are being stolen. And the thieves are in the White House.” Actually the thieves control the White House and have been doing so for a very long time.

In his outstanding book Crossing the Rubicon, Michael Ruppert points out that much of the violence in the Central Asian region as well as in Pakistan, which has been encircled in two maps in Brzezinski’s book, was “initiated by the US proxies.” “Given that these maps were published a full four years before the first plane hit the World Trade Centre, they would fall in a category of evidence I learned about at LAPD [Los Angeles Police Department]. We called them ‘clues’.” This means that the eruption of US militarism after 9/11, and the event itself, were part of a pre-planned and coherent strategy of global domination in which the people of the US were also “conquered” through totalitarian legislation carried out in the wake of 9/11.

As Brzezinski puts it:

America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of America’s power, especially its capacity for military intimidation. Never before has a popular democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public’s sense of domestic well-being… The economic self-denial (that is, defence spending) and the human sacrifice (casualties even among professional soldiers) required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilisation.

Certainly post 9/11 legislation, the extraordinary expansion of agencies and surveillance of the US public is a cause of great satisfaction for the elite – the US can hardly be called a democracy now. As reported by the Washington Post, the National Security Agency intercepts over 1.7 billion emails, phone calls and other communications every day and stores them. No wonder Bush called 9/11 “a great opportunity” and Rumsfeld saw it analogous to World War II to “refashion the world.”

In order to achieve the objectives of the elite, the US destroyed Yugoslavia while Russia stood by mesmerised and impotent, carried out regime changes in Central Asia, set up military bases in East Europe and Central Asia, and staged highly provocative military exercises testing Russia’s and China’s will. It set up a military base in Kyrgyzstan that has a 500 mile or so border with China. When the Chinese protested recent naval exercises with South Korea were too close to Chinese territory, a US spokesman responded: “Those determinations are made by us, and us alone… Where we exercise, when we exercise, with whom and how, with what assets and so forth are determinations that are made by the United States Navy, by the Department of Defence, by the United States government.” As journalist Rick Rozoff notes: “There is no way such confrontational, arrogant and vulgar language was not understood at its proper value in Beijing.”
The US has acquired bases in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, and the Czech Republic – and set up the largest military base ever built in the region, Camp Bondsteel, in Kosovo. According to a report in the Russian Kommersant newspaper on 3 March 2011, a four-phase plan for deployment of a US missile system in Europe is to be fully implemented by the end of 2020. The US is also busy setting up bilateral military ties in Russia’s backyard with Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and is pursuing the goal of a “Greater Central Asia” from Afghanistan right up to the Middle East, a great corridor from where the oil, gas, and great mineral wealth of this region will flow to the coffers of the US elite, at bloody expense to the local people.

As remarked by the Indian career diplomat M.K. Bhadrakumar: “The time is not far off before they begin to sense that ‘the war on terror’ is providing a convenient rubric under which the US is incrementally securing for itself a permanent abode in the highlands of Hindu Kush, the Pamirs, Central Asian steppes and the Caucasus that form the strategic hub overlooking Russia, China, India and Iran.” The scene for a great war involving the great powers of the time – US, Russia and China – is now set, by design of the elite. It is just a matter of time.

Time and again the US elite has taken its good people into great wars through documented and proven deceptions – the sinking of the Lusitania during World War I, Pearl Harbour in World War II, and so on. The elite considers us “human garbage” – a term first used by the French in Indo-China. It is also generating a good deal of “human garbage” in the US. A World Bank report points out that in 2005, 28 million Americans were “insecure” – in 2007 the number had risen to 46 million! One in every five Americans is faced with the possibility of becoming “destitute” – 38 million people receive food coupons!

Michael Ruppert laments:

My country is dead. Its people have surrendered to tyranny and in so doing, they have become tyranny’s primary support group; its base; its defender. Every day they offer their endorsement of tyranny by banking in its banks and spending their borrowed money with the corporations that run it. The great Neocon strategy of George H.W. Bush has triumphed. Convince the America people that they can’t live without the ‘good things’, then sit back and watch as they endorse the progressively more outrageous crimes you commit as you throw them bones with ever less meat on them. All the while lock them into debt. Destroy the middle class, the only political base that need be feared. Make them accept, because of their shared guilt, ever-more repressive police state measures. Do whatever you want.

A global economic system erected on inhuman and predatory values, where a few possess more wealth than the billions of hungry put together, will end, but the end will be painful and bloody. It is a system in which the elite thrives on war and widespread human misery, on death and destruction by design. As Einstein said, “I do not know how the Third World War will be fought, but I can tell you what they will use in the Fourth – sticks and stones!”

Prof. Mujahid Kamran is Vice Chancellor, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, and his book The Grand Deception – Corporate America and Perpetual War has just been published (April 2011) by Sang e Meel Publications, Lahore, Pakistan.

Bilderberg Security Assaults EU Members of Parliament

Kurt Nimmo
June 10, 2011

Italian politician, member of the Northern League, and member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Mario Borghezio, was beaten and arrested by Bilderberg Security yesterday as he attempted to enter the meeting and protest its secretive globalist agenda. He was reportedly accompanied by other EU members.
Remarkably, Borghezio’s maltreatment went unreported in the United States. This would be analogous to the beating of a member of Congress going unreported by the media.
The Italian media reported last night that Borghezio attempted to enter the Bilderberg meeting now underway at the Hotel Sourvette in St. Moritz and his treatment by security resulted in a bloody nose. The Italian politician told JulieNews he plans to press charges against Bilderberg security.
“I have been assisted by the Swiss police, but the treatment suffered by the security of the meeting was brutal,” he said.
Borghezio said he opposes Bilderberg because it makes important decisions without popular control. “It is clear that the Bildergberg Club is a secret society,” had added.

Top Swiss Officials Will Attend Bilderberg

By James P. Tucker Jr.

ST. MORITZ, SWITZERLAND—Even before AFP’s coverage team finally reached Switzerland’s most mountainous area to cover the annual Bilderberg meeting, things started getting rocky. It was learned that the nation’s current president, Doris Leuthard, will attend the Bilderberg group meeting, as the local press revealed, even while trying to minimize the meeting’s significance and downplay her role in it.

Meanwhile, some area media, while they did announce the Bilderberg meeting, began attacking anti-Bilderberg activists.

However, just as unsettling but far less expected, according to Bilderberg critics gathering in the Canton of Graubunden for the June 9-12 Bilderberg meeting, is that the top cantonal civil law enforcement official, Janome Barbara Steiner, will actually attend the Bilderberg meeting, at least briefly. This is highly troubling to many observers, since she was just asked in a letter from national legislator Dominique Baettig to scrutinize the secretive Bilderberg group’s many rogue members and see who among them may be wanted for various crimes. [See the story on page 13.—Ed.]

It’s not all that unusual for local and national officials of a host nation to pay the Bilderbergers a visit, but the situation in Switzerland is different, in that these Swiss officials, in a nation that prides itself on grassroots democracy, strong sovereignty and neutrality, were given ample notice by Baettig that Bilderberg is bad news for Switzerland and the world. Some concerned citizens protesting Bilderberg see Mrs. Steiner’s conduct as a slap in the face—in a nation that is hanging on to the increasingly fragile but important traditions for which the Swiss are legendary.


Citing Switzerland’s home rule that frowns on elitist attempts to centralize government into huge unaccountable structures, Baettig, in his most recent high-profile letter, asked Mrs. Steiner to deny Bilderberg the opportunity to meet in Switzerland. In so doing, he pointed out that Bilderberg members have been involved in war crimes and other nefarious dealings.

Yet Mrs. Steiner failed to respond and is reportedly attending the meeting, even though Baettig stressed to her that frequent Bilderberg attendance by NATO officials, whose aggressive military actions are killing scores of people in Libya and Afghanistan, could invite terrorist reprisals against Switzerland.

As AFP has reported, Baettig already wrote to the top federal law enforcement official, Simonetta Sommaruga, on this matter.

Baettig informed both of these police officials that many Bilderberg attendees are not democratically elected yet they meet—while holed up in posh hotels, encircled by armed guards—to form broad policy objectives.

In the June 4 Engadiner Post, a local paper, Mrs. Steiner claimed there would be no hindrance to the public during the Bilderberg meeting. At press time, the possible closure of public roads around Suvretta House, where the Bilderberg meeting is taking place, appeared unlikely—unless activists get too close, as police told them. AFP editor James P. Tucker Jr. is a veteran journalist who spent many years as a member of the “elite” media in Washington. Since 1975 he has won widespread recognition, here and abroad, for his pursuit of on-the-scene stories reporting the intrigues of global power blocs such as the Bilderberg Group. Tucker is the author of Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary: One Man’s 25-Year Battle to Shine the Light on the World Shadow Government.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

10 Really Stupid Things The Mainstream Media Has Said About The Bilderberg Group In 2011

The American Dream


This weekend, dozens upon dozens of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world will be gathering behind closed doors at a luxury hotel in Switzerland.  All of the participants are sworn to secrecy and swarms of heavily armed security guards are making sure that nobody unauthorized gets in.  Decisions will be made at this meeting which will fundamentally change our future.  The CEO of will be there, as will the head of Google, one of the co-founders of Facebook and one of the top executives from Microsoft.  The president of the EU will be in attendance, along with the president of the World Bank, the president of the European Central Bank, the head of the World Trade Organization and the top commander of NATO.  Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller will be there.  Royalty from all over Europe will be attending as well.  Past attendees have included several U.S. presidents, Ben Bernanke, Timothy Geithner, Prince Charles, current British Prime Minister David Cameron, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates and current Texas governor Rick Perry.  You would think that these meetings would be something that the mainstream media would want to cover.  But unfortunately, the mainstream media mostly ignores the Bilderberg Group meetings, and if they do cover them they just crack a bunch of jokes about "conspiracy theories" and they do their best to play down the importance of the meetings.
Under normal circumstances, a gathering of top executives from Google, Facebook and Microsoft would have the media salivating.  So would a gathering of some of the most important international politicians on the globe.
So why doesn't the mainstream media want to talk about the Bilderberg Group?
From June 9th to June 12th, over a hundred of the most powerful people on the planet will meet in utter secrecy and will discuss the future of the world.
All of the participants have been sworn not to reveal what is discussed.
Yet this doesn't interest the mainstream media at all?
Every year since 1954, the Bilderberg Group has been holding these meetings.  For years, even the existence of this group was denied.  On U.S. talk shows anyone that dared to suggest that the Bilderberg Group existed was mocked as a "conspiracy theorist".
Well, in recent years the alternative news has brought so much attention to the Bilderberg Group that everyone finally admits that, yes, the Bilderberg Group really does exist.
But now the mainstream media does everything they can to downplay the importance of the organization.
They suggest that anyone that believes that there is anything wrong with dozens of the most powerful people on the planet meeting in utter secrecy to discuss the future course of world events is "crazy".
If the Bilderberg Group is so unimportant, then why would people like Bill Clinton, Prince Charles, David Cameron, Tony Blair, Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner, Rick Perry, David Rockefeller, Herman van Rompuy, Jean-Claude Trichet, Jeff Bezos, Chris R. Hughes, Eric Schmidt, Craig J. Mundie, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Richard Perle, Paul Volcker, Lawrence Summers, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden take the time to attend?
A full list of the "official attendees" of the Bilderberg Group in 2011 can be found here.
However, the truth is that the "unofficial attendees" are often even more interesting.
But the mainstream media acts like all of this is no big deal.
If they do decide to talk about the Bilderberg Group, they tend to crack jokes and make fun of "conspiracy theorists".
The following are 10 really stupid things that the mainstream media has said about the Bilderberg Group in 2011....
#1 CNBC: The 120 participants attend in a private capacity and, officially, they do not forge agreements over global economic policy.
#2 BBC News: The gnashing of teeth over Bilderberg is ridiculous, says Times columnist David Aaronovitch. "It's really an occasional supper club for the rich and powerful," he argues.
#3 Time Magazine: A vestige of the Cold War, the only drawback of the meeting could be that the Chinese and the Russians are still missing.
#4 Forbes: Admittedly, it’s fascinating that some secret society, like the Wizard of Oz, choreographs events on a global stage. Puppet masters of the public’s fate. Conspiracy theories punctuate the otherwise mundane din of modern life, but riveting as it all appears, I’m not buying it. Would they? Absolutely. Could they? Implausible.
#5 Fox News: But the secretive nature of the meetings, that first began in 1954, has sparked countless conspiracy theories by those who believe the group is trying to form a new world order of sorts.
#6 CNBC: Its secrecy only serves to add fuel to the innumerate conspiracy theories that circulate around the event, with Internet message boards often channelling Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown and putting the "club" in the same bracket as the Freemasons and "Illuminati."
#7 BBC News: Secret cabals extend beyond the Bilderberg Group. The Illuminati, which derives from a 16th Century Bavarian secret society, is alleged to be an all powerful secret society, including US presidents, that has controlled major world events. The Freemasons - famous for their peculiar handshakes - is a secret fraternity society that has become more open in recent years after extensive criticism.
#8 The Baltimore Sun: I suppose the Bilderberg Group, which was founded in 1954 at the Hotel Bilderberg in Holland, can supply us with a few thrills while we wait for Dan Brown to knock out another book. But a hotel in St. Moritz -- especially one that features Teddy's World for kids -- doesn't seem like the place to plot world domination. Shouldn't they be meeting in a secret underground lair?
#9 NBC Affiliate KETK: If you believe Mafia hitmen hired by Castro killed JFK, or President Clinton was involved in murder, or George W. Bush planned 9-11…then this story is for you. That’s because the real Masters of the Universe are gathered in St. Moritz to decide your future. It’s called the Bilderberg conference, and it means more to European reporters than anyone here.
#10 BBC News: Some people are more susceptible than others to believing in wacky cabals, says Prof Chris French, of Goldsmith College's psychology department. "It's people who tend to be alienated by the mainstream, who feel powerless. They have a need to have a sense of control."
Look, the truth is that dozens of the most powerful people on the planet are not meeting in utter secrecy just to play poker and smoke cigars.
They are having very real discussions that will have a very real influence on the direction of world events.
If that doesn't fit in with how you prefer to view the world, that is too bad.  The ultra-elite are going to keep on doing what they are doing whether you acknowledge them or not.
In fact, they would very much prefer for most people to keep on ignoring them because that makes it so much easier for them to achieve their goals.
Sadly, most Americans will completely ignore the Bilderberg Group in 2011 because the mainstream media is telling them that it is not an important event

The Three Coming False Flags

By Silver Shield
Don’t Tread On Me

I have been tempted to write about False Flags for sometime, because I feel we are on the verge of seeing another one very soon. False flag operations are covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by other entities. (Wikipedia) False flags do not happen very often, but when they do happen, they change the paradigm we operate in. Now that we supposedly killed bin Laden last month, it seems like the deck is clear for another one.

Historically, false flags are military in nature, but I feel going forward, they will morph into something worse.
Every system built on debt needs constant debt to be created, or the system implodes. If the Elite can expand the system through asset bubbles, then all is well. What happens if they can’t get more debt created? They need to either steal other assets to provide capital to the system or they need a reason to create massive debts that the masses will sacrifice for. Wars do both. With war, the Elite can confiscate natural resources of other nations and provide the context to create massive amounts of new debt.

Our system is failing and there is NO fixing it.
There is so much inequity built into the system, at every level, the only answer is a complete collapse. This collapse will leave a generational scar, so that humanity never again consider fractional reserve banking and the war machine it enables. Until that collapse, the Elite will do what they have always done, create more debts and wars.

In my opening blog post this year, Doom Is Always Six Months Away, I wrote that the Elite see their power paradigm collapsing on its own cancerous self. A silver default, debt doom, dollar collapse, peak oil or whatever leads to the end of the Anglo-American Petro Dollar financial paradigm. I hypothesized the our Anglo-America Elite might need to pull off three false flags in order to fail forward. This might include the typical military false flag, an economic false flag and an internet false flag. These dramatic measures will seem necessary to the elite and the horrific toll on humanity will be justified in their minds. This upheaval will be the time for the elite to settle all of the threats to their power paradigm


The first of the three threats to their power is the death of the dollar. The dollar is the basis of all of the elites’ power, without it or an equivalent of it, they have no means to create the debt that enslaves nations, states, corporations, and citizens of the world. This debt provides the rlite with an unlimited checkbook to fund the most powerful military in the world. It controls the world’s natural resources so that their corporations can harvest them. It also protects the shipping lanes that transports the rest of the world’s trade. This debt also buys the political power for which the elite rig the game to their favor. Finally, the elite use the their money to own all of the major media in order to distract the masses from the real problem in this world, the elite bankers.

It is no secret that the dollar is going to die; it is a mathematical inevitability. Nothing can stop the ultimate collapse of the dollar. Our monetary system is based on debt and in order for it to work, more debt needs to be created every year in excess of the debt and interest accrued the year before. If it does not happen, there would be a massive wave of defaults that would suck the system dry in a few weeks. When you truly understand this debt-based money, you realize that debt cannot ever be repaid because there would not be 1 dollar in existence. In our sick system, money is created when debt is created. When debt is paid off money is destroyed.

The elite don’t necessarily care if the dollar lives or dies, they just want to control the world’s reserve currency. They would ultimately like to have an global international currency that would be far away from the pesky national politicians. So if the dollar is doomed, how can the elite fail forward? The answer: create a financial crisis so incredible that desperate people will beg the elite to make the pain stop. They did it in 1907 to set the stage for the Federal Reserve. They did it in 2008 when they held up America for $700 billion. They will do it again and use the line of stability as the main reason why we should accept their new corrupt plan.

I don’t think they can pull off something so large like that without a much larger distraction to silence the masses, which brings me to the second threat. The only thing I think big enough to scare the masses under the “protective” hug of the elite, is another World War. Nations outside the Anglo-American empire have been gaining power the further we slip into debt — and this is a huge threat. Countries like China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela, South Africa and to a lesser extent Japan, Germany, and France have been on the losing end of the Anglo-American Empire for over a century. These nations have a history of Anglo-American losses like the Cold War, Opium Wars, Operation Ajax, CIA attempted coup of Chavez, Apartheid, Hiroshima, Treaty of Versailles, and Waterloo. These are only some of the examples our elite have used in the past to ensure our supremacy. The elite feed us some lie about us making the world safe for democracy, while they pull the most evil and disgusting power grabs to eliminate threats to their paradigm.

I believe that the collapse of the dollar will be blamed not on our corrupt and doomed monetary system that the elite are in sole control of. They will blame it on China. Let me first state that I am NO fan of China. Their elite have human rights violations against their own citizens that would make you sick to your stomach. Let’s be honest, China would not be a threat to us if our elite did not build them up. Our Military Industrial Complex needs an enemy to justify their war machine. The War on Terror was a good ride, but after almost a decade, it is getting a little old. Our banking system needed another country to buy into our paper Ponzi scheme. China became the most obvious target, after Japan gorged itself on our debt to death. Our elites made deals with their elites, to move our manufacturing overseas to use their slave labor and pollute their environment. The Chicoms got all of the technology, manufacturing and dollars to build up China as a threat. Our Elite did this to make tremendous profits and keep the dollar paradigm going. In the end, I believe the elite intend to use the Chinese as the next enemy in a paradigm-shifting war.

When China said no more American debt, the Federal Reserve stepped in as a buyer of last resort. This has bought us some time, but it is becoming obvious that even when QE3 happens, this won’t end good. The American economic system is like the heroin guy from the movie Se7en, any flash of inflation or deflation will create a massive heart attack. The Elite must some how solve Triffin’s Dilemma where a world reserve currency reaches its apex and must be allowed to default, but somehow not drag down the rest of the world with it. The elite have been trying to get regional and ultimately global currencies in place to solve this dilemma. Now no nation is going to give up their power to create money, especially now that we are looking at the Euro imploding. The only option in to do it the old-fashioned way: through war.

The only thing the United States is good for is exporting debt and bombs. There is way too much at stake for our elite to just walk silently into the night without a fight. They are trying to keep things going by fighting now four wars in the oil rich MENA region, but the writing is on the wall. The debt ceiling will be raised, more money/debt will be created and the war machine will churn. This will not end because the elite will say, “we can’t do this anymore.” If anything, history has shown when the chips are on the table and they are up against the ropes, they double down and go off to war. The destruction of the dollar will either be the cause of war or the war will be the destruction of the dollar. If there is a economic False Flag, like a massive treasury sell off, that will be the cause for war with China. Or if there is a military False Flag, that will be the cause for the dollar’s destruction and forced introduction of a new money paradigm, possibly a global currency. The elite will use this upheaval to destroy any competitors. In the smoking aftermath of the war, they will impose an new paradigm based off of the same destructive seeds of the old paradigm.

There is a third threat to the Eilte’s power paradigm: the Internet.
There is no doubt that the Internet has gotten away from the elite and their lies have been exposed. As small sites like mine and hundreds of others show over and over again, the emperor has no clothes. I can see an internet False flag to coincide with this economic and military false flag. They will blame China for massive internet shutdowns of many sites. I believe that the big corporations will still have functioning internet, but small sites will be shut down. If this does not happen, they may do something more tyrannical, and shut down sites that speak out against this lie of war and debt.

Most tyrannies go after the heads of the revolution like local leaders and/or opinion-makers like journalists and bloggers. They may ignore us at first, then call us crazy or unpatriotic, but ultimately they may detain or kill us. My hope is that people see the big picture and spread this truth so that it becomes impossible to put the genie of truth back in the bottle.

My other hope is that those that are in charge of squelching dissent during these trying times will be Oath Keepers, who will not follow un-Constitutional orders against their fellow citizens. The most likely outcome is the the government minion’s pay checks will bounce and their pensions stolen before we get to that kind of tyranny. At that point, those minions will most likely be the strongest allies to the truth movement, as they spill the beans and point the fingers. I wrote an article Who Will Be the Most Dangerous Man in The World?, in it I describe a man that sees what he is doing evil and has the power to destroy the system he once created. Daniel Ellsberg exposed the Vietnam scam and ended that war. We cannot fight evil, we only need to expose evil and it will cease to have power. The real challenge is to show people that the good that they think they are doing is really evil and they will no longer do it. We need to convince our fellow citizens that debt and war are evil and that we rid this scourge from humanity once and for all.

The timing and order of all of this is unknown, but just know that it is going to get dramatically worse before this gets any better. Every 80 years or so a paradigm dies and a new one is born out of the ashes of the old. 80 years ago we had the Great Depression and World War II and this was the creation of the current paradigm. 80 years before that we had the Civil War and 80 years before that we had the Revolutionary War. So far the United States has survived and gone on to become a Global Super Power. This time around we could have the possibility of a Revolutionary War, a Civil War, or a World War or even the combination of all three. There is nothing in writing saying that America will go on. In fact, given our horrible record of debt and war, this system deserves to die an awful death.

What lays ahead? I don’t think the United States will be invaded, but we will retreat from our 777 military bases all over the world. We will no longer be able to consume 25% of the world’s oil and create unlimited amounts of debt. Our lives will become much slower and local. If the Internet does continue to be free, there is a great chance of a new Renaissance for humanity as we move past debt and war. If the Elite somehow win, you will see the rise of American Oligarchs. The Elite will fund and create front men to buy up strategic assets while there is blood on the streets. This happened during the collapse of the Soviet Empire and I believe it will happen here. During the collapse of the Soviet Empire the Ruble was devalued, the economy collapsed and people starved. The Rothschilds came in with hard currencies like the Dollar and the Deutschmark and set up average men with banks and capital to buy state assets for a song. When our crisis comes, the Banksters will be screaming for state assets like land, roads, buildings, mining and drilling rights and other assets. They are doing this in Greece and they will do it here.
While all of this may be too scary or too much for you to believe or even too big for you to deal with, I encourage you to not hide from this coming reality. Things are only scary if you do not understand them.

Obama Ordered To Secret Bilderberg Meet Over US Bio-Attack On Germany

A report circulating in the Kremlin today authored by the Foreign Ministry states that American President Obama has been ‘ordered’ to appear June 11 before a ‘selected panel’ of banking and bio-warfare experts assembled at the 2011 Bilderberg meeting of the uber-powerful global elite being held in  St. Moritz, Switzerland.
This report further states that Obama has agreed to this extraordinary meeting and has cancelled all of his previously scheduled activities under the guise of his going with his family to the US Naval Intelligence run Maryland Presidential retreat known as Camp David. Instead of his remaining with his family at Camp David, however, this report states Obama will board the US Air Force E-4B aircraft known as “The Doomsday Plane” for his secretive trip to St. Moritz.
Though the leaked agenda of the secretive Bilderberg Group shows them calling for a larger Middle East war between the West and Arab nations holding vast oil and gas reserves, this report states that Obama was summoned to meet them due to the growing fears that the United States is preparing to break all contact with the European Union banking system and that the US has launched a ‘deliberate and calculated’ bio-attack on Germany for not participating in the Libyan war.
Even though German Defence Minister Thomas de Maiziere stated his nation may send troops to Libya when the war ends, outgoing US Defense Chief Robert Gates warned yesterday that America’s NATO military alliance with Europe — the cornerstone of US security policy for six decades — faces a “dim, if not dismal” future.
Germany’s allegations that the US is behind the deadly E.coli outbreak that has killed 30 (29 in Germany, 1 in Sweden) and left ill over 3,000 (700 of whom are warned may be near death) appears to be valid, this report says, based on the DNA analysis of this deadly disease conducted by the Beijing GenomeCenter.
According to Chinese researchers, the reported strain of this disease found in Germany was not the same E. coli that contaminated the spinach, known as O157:H7.  In fact, it was an entirely different strain, called O104:H4 that had never been associated with epidemics before. A search of the medical literaturefor reports of this new European strain could find only a handful of people who had carried it, and none of them got sick. But “somehow” this obscure microbe had turned vicious, triggering one of the biggest E. coli epidemics in history.
Even worse, these researchers say, is that the new E.coli strain found in Germany has acquired new genes making it immune to all known antibiotics that some say could only have been bio-engineered in a laboratory.
Curious to note is that German authorities who first blamed this outbreak on Spanish cucumbers (which devastated that EU nations fresh produce farmers), are reporting today it was definitely caused by bean-sprouts, but when they admit have, so far, failed to test positively for any trace of this disease.
Interesting to note, however, is that the editor of the US based Natural Health News website, Mike Adams, concurs with the Chinese researchers saying this disease was bio-engineered and has further noted in his report titled “Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered to produce human fatalities” that:
“This particular E.coli variation is a member of the O104 strain, and O104 strains are almost never (normally) resistant to antibiotics. In order for them to acquire this resistance, they must be repeatedly exposed to antibiotics in order to provide the “mutation pressure” that nudges them toward complete drug immunity.
So how, exactly, does a bacterial strain come into existence that’s resistant to over a dozen antibiotics in eight different drug classes and features two deadly gene mutations plus ESBL enzyme capabilities?
There’s really only one way this happens (and only one way) — you have to expose this strain of e.coli to all eight classes of antibiotics drugs. Usually this isn’t done at the same time, of course: You first expose it to penicillin and find the surviving colonies which are resistant to penicillin. You then take those surviving colonies and expose them to tetracycline. The surviving colonies are now resistant to both penicillin and tetracycline. You then expose them to a sulfa drug and collect the surviving colonies from that, and so on. It is a process of genetic selection done in a laboratory with a desired outcome. This is essentially how some bioweapons are engineered by the U.S. Army in its laboratory facility in Ft.Detrick, Maryland.”
Fueling the Bilderberg Group’s fears even more, and as we had reported on in our 4 May report “US Tells Russia That Time For “Apocalypse Equation” Is Now”, is that the Obama regime may be preparing for a larger genocidal war on a global scale in order to preserve their hegemony over the world while at the same time their economy nears total and complete collapse.
Also, and as we had further reported on in our 18 May report “US Prepares New Declaration Of “Worldwide War Without End”, new reports have been emerging this past week that aside from the Obama regime’s planned Total Mideast War, they are actively planning for wars between China and Vietnam over who will control the South China Sea, and between China and India.
To understand how dire the situation in the United States has become, and the Obama regimes feared response to it, one need only realize that even if the American government taxed its citizens and businesses 100% of what they earned there would still not be enough to pay off their massive debt that China now reports the US has begun defaulting on.
With unemployment and house price levels now outstripping that of the Great Depression the United States Central Bank (Federal Reserve) is, also, said now helpless to help as all it has remaining is a balance of $52.5 billion of capital backing a staggering $2.7 trillion balance sheet.
As this new US financial crisis looms, that many experts warn will rival that of the Great 2008 Collapse, top Clinton strategist James Carville warned Obama this past week that civil unrest in the US is ‘imminently possible’, a call the American leader heeded by allowing his regimes support of new UN measures to strip his citizens of all their guns.
Even worse, and as we had reported in our 2 June report “Russia Warns American Police State Now Rivals That Of Nazi SS” the Obama regime has expanded their secret police forces to levels unknown in modern history, and by all accounts has begun to unleash them against any American he deems a threat.
For those few Americans believing they can counter the Obama regime crackdown upon them new information shows their efforts will be futile, especially because the CIA-financed Facebook has nowoutlawed all dissident groups and installed face recognition software to indentify and track ‘everyone-everywhere’.
To what the future holds for America, and has been confirmed by their bio-attack on Germany, can be gleaned from the recent comments of top Obama regime advisor and Nobel Prize winning New York Times columnist and economics expert Paul Krugman, who said:
“From an economic point of view World War II was, above all, a burst of deficit-financed government spending, on a scale that would never have been approved otherwise. Over the course of the war the federal government borrowed an amount equal to roughly twice the value of G.D.P. in 1940 as  the equivalent of roughly $30 trillion today.…this slump can be cured. All it will take is a little bit of intellectual clarity, and a lot of political will.”
Intellectual clarity and political will to start World War III?  Can anyone ever again call these Americans sane?

© June 10, 2011 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.