Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
John Truman Wolfe, 2012 Global monetary takeover - A crisis by design Coast to Coast AM
source :
John Truman Wolfe as the former Chairman of the Department of History at John F. Kennedy University and as a senior credit officer for two California banks: one in the San Francisco Bay Area, the other in Beverly Hills, John Truman Wolfe has been no stranger to the world of international finance. He is also the co-founder of a Los Angeles based business management company, where, as a registered investment advisor, he oversaw the financial and investment matters of some of the biggest names in Hollywood. Author and ex-banker John Truman Wolfe argued that the current world economic crisis is an international coup designed to take down the U.S. dollar and install a global financial machine. He named the Global Monetary Authority (GMA) as a "financial dictator of the planet" and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland-- as the central bank for such entities as the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, and Bank of Japan. In fact, "all 55 central banks on the planet are members of and junior to the Bank of International Settlements," which he described as being above the law.
The idea of the amero replacing the dollar is a "red herring," said Wolfe-- "the global currency that is being rolled out as we speak is the SDR," a fiat currency of the International Monetary Fund. "The simple fact of the matter is that the fiscal economy of the United States has been dished off to a bunch of bankers in Basel, Switzerland," he declared. Their plan is to reduce the size of the US economy and remove the dollar as the world's reserve currency, he continued.
Further, the current crisis in such EU countries as Greece was planned so that the bankers can 'come to the rescue' and push for more international control mechanisms, he said. To counteract the international bankers, Wolfe suggested taking back the printing of money from the Federal Reserve (whom he called "fiscal vampires") and backing US currency with actual products and real estate. He also called for oversight of international banking organizations and their regulations.
John Truman Wolfe as the former Chairman of the Department of History at John F. Kennedy University and as a senior credit officer for two California banks: one in the San Francisco Bay Area, the other in Beverly Hills, John Truman Wolfe has been no stranger to the world of international finance. He is also the co-founder of a Los Angeles based business management company, where, as a registered investment advisor, he oversaw the financial and investment matters of some of the biggest names in Hollywood. Author and ex-banker John Truman Wolfe argued that the current world economic crisis is an international coup designed to take down the U.S. dollar and install a global financial machine. He named the Global Monetary Authority (GMA) as a "financial dictator of the planet" and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland-- as the central bank for such entities as the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, and Bank of Japan. In fact, "all 55 central banks on the planet are members of and junior to the Bank of International Settlements," which he described as being above the law.
The idea of the amero replacing the dollar is a "red herring," said Wolfe-- "the global currency that is being rolled out as we speak is the SDR," a fiat currency of the International Monetary Fund. "The simple fact of the matter is that the fiscal economy of the United States has been dished off to a bunch of bankers in Basel, Switzerland," he declared. Their plan is to reduce the size of the US economy and remove the dollar as the world's reserve currency, he continued.
Further, the current crisis in such EU countries as Greece was planned so that the bankers can 'come to the rescue' and push for more international control mechanisms, he said. To counteract the international bankers, Wolfe suggested taking back the printing of money from the Federal Reserve (whom he called "fiscal vampires") and backing US currency with actual products and real estate. He also called for oversight of international banking organizations and their regulations.
Meltdown - The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse (2010)
Episode 1: The Men Who Crashed the WorldGreed and recklessness by the titans of Wall Street triggers the largest financial crash since the Great Depression. It's left to US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, himself a former Wall Street banker, to try and avert further disaster.Central banking is the number one cause of the financial crisis. Central banking was created by the Wall Street
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Inter-Alpha Group: Nation-Killers for Imperial Genocide
by John Hoefle
"What did not change significantly with that shift from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, was the essential role acquired by Venice. Venice, once established as a power, remained the center of the organization of monetary power, while the outer husk of monetarist power, the Anglo-Dutch maritime interest, became the political and military capital of the Empire. Venice never gave up that role; it simply transferred some of its functions to the newly constituted London branch, all as a part of the adjustment to the shift from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic field of leading action."
—Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.1.
The Inter-Alpha Group of Banks is an instrument of genocide. It was formed for the explicit purpose of destroying not only the existence, but the very concept, of national sovereignty—with the United States as its primary target—as a way of permanently reducing the population of the planet. The Inter-Alpha Group has played a crucial role in the destruction of the industrial base of the United States, and the subsequent transformation of our economy into a giant, and hopelessly bankrupt, casino. When that casino imploded in 2007, the Inter-Alpha Group and the forces behind it moved to complete the task of destroying the U.S.A., by organizing the biggest theft of public money in history, via those still-continuing, un-Constitutional, and blatantly criminal operations known collectively as "the bailout." The result is a nation which is not only unable to meet the physical needs of its people, but is also rapidly destroying its own currency through hyperinflation.
In a limited sense, this operation has been a success. The imperial monetary system, mediated through a system of central banks, private banks, financial markets, and global cartels, is the leading power on the planet. But in another and very real sense, it has been a colossal failure, because these royally arrogant fools have, in destroying nations, also destroyed themselves, and set the world on the path toward a new Dark Age. Their doom is sealed, because only through increasing man's mastery over the universe can this Dark Age be averted, and in doing that, we will create a world that will no longer tolerate the medieval practices of these imperial parasites.
They are finished, one way or the other. The question is, will the rest of us go down with them?
The purpose of this report is to put a spotlight on the Inter-Alpha Group and its controllers, so that we may defeat their evil machinations. You, the reader, will come away with a better understanding of the nature and the mission of the Group, why that mission must be defeated, and how we can do it.
The solution begins with the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall in the United States, and the adoption of the Glass-Steagall principle by other nations, combined with a return to the Bretton Woods System of fixed exchange rates. These two steps will put Inter-Alpha out of business, but they should be accompanied by a third measure: the seizure by the U.S. Government of all operations and facilities of the Inter-Alpha Group inside U.S. borders. We are sure that a future Pecora Commission-style investigation will find the resultant records quite illuminating. As will a new Nuremberg Tribunal for crimes against humanity.
This report deals primarily with the financial side of this trap, but the reader should be aware that these financial moves were part of a coordinated assault on the political, cultural, economic, and psychological state of the nation, in which, all the skills the Empire had honed in centuries of subjugating nations and peoples were employed. The goal was to dumb us down, kill our sense of optimism, eradicate our commitment to infrastructure and industry, and make us forget our heritage. Such moves must be done slowly, decade by decade, generation by generation, to avoid triggering a revolution.
Today's British Empire is the latest incarnation of a maritime monetary system which has existed since the days of the Cult of Apollo, and has its immediate origins in a faction fight in Venice, in the late 1500s, when the "Serenissima Repubblica" was a major world power in its own name. The Giovani, or New Venetian Party, wanted to build up England and the Netherlands as maritime powers based upon the Venetian model, while the Vecchi, the Old Venetian Party, wanted to stick with the existing Mediterranean base.
The Giovani began moving northward along the Rhine into Germany, the Low Countries, and England, taking with them enormous financial power. Although they often adopted the names and customs of their new locations, they remained Venetian by method and intent. They set up the Bank of Amsterdam, the Dutch East India Company, and the British East India Company. The latter eventually took over England to create the British Empire. As with Venice before it, the British Empire is based upon its ability to control monetary flows, and manipulate national currencies. That is the basis of its power, and of its post-World War II assault on America.
To accomplish this goal, the Empire first built up its banking apparatus in war-torn Europe, as the basis for what would appear to be a new globalized financial structure, but what, in reality, would be a return to the imperial model that existed before the American Revolution. The planning for this new Europe began even before the fighting stopped, and led to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951, and the formation of the European Economic Community in 1957, as the initial steps toward today's European Union and its supranational euro currency.
With these moves toward the elimination of national sovereignty, the Empire began the process of building a borderless European financial system. In rapid succession came the development of the Eurobond and Eurodollar markets, and the consortium banks. These banks were syndicates or joint ventures—mostly based in London—linking British banks with banks based in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. They were designed to outflank national banking regulations, and, as such, represented the beginning of the "globalization" (that is, imperialization) of finance.
National banking laws were not the only regulatory obstacle to this globalization. There was also the international system of fixed-currency exchange rates that had been implemented as part of the 1944 Bretton Woods Treaty. The implementation of fixed exchange rates was a crucial part of FDR's plan to end the colonial era, as it took away much of the historic ability of the Empire to manipulation nations through the manipulation of their currencies. Thus, defeating the Bretton Woods system was necessary step in creating the Empire's new global order.
When President Nixon ended the Bretton Woods System by taking the dollar off the gold reserve standard in 1971, he opened Pandora's Box, and set free the money manipulators who had been so carefully boxed in by Roosevelt.
Inter-Alpha took the form of an alliance among these banks; each bank maintained its separate identity, while they all worked together to advance the Group's mission. The Group, and its member banks, were dedicated to restoring imperial rule.
The operation was run by Jacob Rothschild, initially out of N.M. Rothschild in London. The Rothschild banking network, from its inception in Frankfurt in the late 1700s, has been a Venetian operation. One of its early sponsors was the Thurn und Taxis family of Bavaria, the controllers of Venetian intelligence and one of the leading families of the Habsburg's Austrian Empire. This Venetian connection is the true source of the fabled Rothschild intelligence network, as well as the source of the family's financial power. The Rothschilds are also close to the British Crown, primus inter pares of the royal families of Europe, and a considerable power within the Empire. Jacob Rothschild, for example, manages the funds of Prince Charles, among his other crimes.
Despite the enormous wealth these banks represented, they alone did not have the funds required to transform the world as planned. They would provide the seed money, and leverage their power through the control of other people's money, to create the markets and institutions they would ultimately need to control the world. This is the origin of today's gaggle of hedge funds, private equity funds, and related financial pools, many of which are part of the hidden side of the Inter-Alpha Group.
Jacob Rothschild explicitly revealed the mission of the Inter-Alpha project, in a speech in 1983, when he bragged that "two broad types of giant institutions, the worldwide financial service company and the international commercial bank with a global trading competence, may converge to form the ultimate, all-powerful, many-headed financial conglomerate." For Rothschild, it was not a prediction, but a statement of intent.
The new cartel scheme, dubbed the "world company," was introduced by George W. Ball, a senior banker at Lehman Brothers, a top member of the Anglo-American Establishment, and a member of the Bilderberg steering committee. According to Ball, the new world company would replace the "archaic political structure of nation-states" with corporations, which are far better at "efficiently utilizing resources." These resources, Ball made clear, belong to the Empire, not to the peasants who happen to live atop them, and nations all too often put their own interests ahead of those of the Empire—a situation the Empire find intolerable..
Just to make sure his message was clear, Ball praised the integration of Europe as a precondition for the success of this world company project, and cited as its model, "the overlapping sovereignties of the governments of Europe and the House of Rothschild." (If that quote does not offend you, reflect upon the concept of sovereignty, and why it is vital to the existence of nation-states. A country which "shares" its sovereignty with a banking house, is neither sovereign, nor a nation, but instead a colony.)
At the time of Ball's speech, the creation of these corporate cartels had already begun, with the formation of the early conglomerates, and this process would accelerate in the coming years. The nurturing of these horrors would become a major part of Lazard Frères banker Felix Rohatyn's life's work, and they would, in time, come to dominate the economic landscape.
The concept of the world company, though marketed as a natural outgrowth of human progress, is nothing of the sort. What it is, fundamentally, is a return to the oligarchic model of the British East India Company and its predecessors, combined with modern computer technology, and operating within a market structure. In a corporatist state, the power of the government is usurped by private financial and corporate interests, which use the government to keep the population in line while they mercilessly loot both the government and the people. These private interests are falsely described as an outgrowth of nationalism, when in truth, they represent the corruption of the nation by an empire.
Corporatism is a result of George Ball's "overlapping sovereignties" between nations and the imperial bankers, and is the creation of the Venetians. It was the Venetians, and the neo-Venetians of the British Empire, who created Mussolini and Hitler, and who organized fascist movements around the globe in the 1920s and 1930s, as part of their war against sovereignty. That includes in the United States, where the Anglophile bankers of Wall Street helped finance and organize their own fascist movements, including the American Liberty League, in the U.S.A.—and tried to organize a coup against FDR.
This grouping heavily promoted Mussolini in the United States, putting him on the cover of their Time magazine eight times, between 1923 and 1943, and praising him heavily in their other press outlets. The Wall Streeters did this not because they were enamored of Mussolini personally, but because he was an ally, a tool of the same empire which controlled them.
Mussolini's Italy, largely the creation of the circles around Venetian Count Volpi di Misurata, was the test-bed for the corporatist state model which the Empire planned to impose upon the world, the model for the "world company" concept at the core of globalization. It was a state dominated by Venetian financier interests, and run for their benefit. The similarities with the United States today are not accidental.
Fortunately for the world, Adolf Hitler destroyed the carefully crafted illusion of fascism as a benevolent movement, forcing the bankers to retreat. Their commitment to imposing fascism remained, however, so they sought new ways to package it. The name they chose for their "new and improved" corporatist fascism was "globalization." Same evil, but in a bright new box.
*One of the first acts of the Inter-Alpha Group after its founding, was to link up with the Harriman faction in the U.S., the same Harriman family who funded Hitler, and upon whose eugenics "research" Hitler modeled his genocidal "race science" policies. The banks of the Inter-Alpha Group did this by buying a combined 40% interest in Brown Harriman & International Banks, a consortium bank founded in 1968 in London by Brown Brothers Harriman, London merchant/dope bank Robert Fleming & Co., and Suez of France.
*Founding member Kredietbank's Fernand Collin helped the Nazis run the Belgian economy during World War II, and one of its private banks, Merck und Finck, became notorious for helping the Nazis.
*BHF Bank, the German founding member of the group which traces its roots to the Rothschild-founded Frankfurter Bank, was headed in the 1920s by one Otto Jeidels, who was a good friend of both Reichsbank head and Nazi Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht, and the Hitler-financing chief of the Bank of England, Montagu Norman. Jeidels was deployed to the U.S. in 1939 to the Synarchist (French fascist) Lazard bank, to handle the oligarchic gold fleeing Europe. Lazard, as we have indicated previously, has played a particularly nasty role in this imperial fascist plot, and is part of what we consider the hidden side of the Inter-Alpha Group.
*During WWII, Ricardo Espirito Santo Silva of Banco Espirito Silva—which became the Portuguese member of the Inter-Alpha Group in 1988—hosted the Nazi-sympathizing Duke of Windsor in Lisbon after he abdicated the British throne, and has been identified as a liaison between the Duke and Hitler, in the aborted plot to have the Duke regain the throne after a German conquest of Britain. (The U.K. had its own fascist movement, and there was a lot of sympathy for the Duke within the British elite.)
*The two Spanish members of the group, Banco de Bilbao (later Banco Bilbao Vizcaya, a member from 1986 to 1998) and Banco Santander (a member since 1998), both had ties to fascist dictator Francisco Franco, who ran Spain from 1936 until his death in 1975. Banco Santander was founded by the family of the Rothschild agent in the city of Santander.
The fascist connections were most flagrant in the case of Banco Ambrosiano, the founding Italian bank in the Inter-Alpha Group, which was tightly integrated with the Propaganda Due (P-2) Masonic Lodge in Italy. The P-2 Lodge was run by former Mussolini "Black Shirt" Licio Gelli, and was modeled on the earlier "universal fascist" Propaganda Uno (P-1) Lodge of Guiseppe Mazzini. Italian police investigations into the activities of P-2 found that both the lodge and its bank, Banco Ambrosiano, were involved in arms and drug trafficking, terrorism, neo-Nazi assassination groups, and the fascist paramilitary groups of Operation Gladio. Control over P-2 was exercised through the Alpina Lodge of Switzerland, and ultimately the "Mother Lodge," the United Grand Lodge of England, headed at the time by HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, of the British royal family.
The Alpina Lodge is interesting in its own right. Its members included:
Gelli; confessed British agent and U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; and Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei. Although he was on the payroll of Banco Ambrosiano, Peccei is rightly more infamous as a genocidalist than a banker. His Club of Rome provided the "intellectual" foundation for the Empire's genocide program worldwide, by conducting mass propaganda for the fraudulent "limits to growth" doctrine.
Peccei was the key initiator of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), headquartered in Laxenburg, Austria, whose mission was to propagate the Club of Rome's program under a "scientific" veneer, provided by Bertrand Russell's Cambridge systems analysis group. IIASA aimed especially at poisoning strategic thinking in the United States and Russia, becoming a major Anglo-Venetian intelligence channel into the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia. The legacy of IIASA in the former Soviet Union is the entire package of disastrous so-called reforms of the 1990s, which IIASA staff drafted at Laxenburg in 1985-91, as well as Russia's ongoing involvement in such international financial looting schemes as the Inter-Alpha Group's Brazil-Russia-India-China (BRIC) operation today. (A related aspect of IIASA's activity was to promote the information-age mathematical models on which today's speculation-based financial markets rely.)
As the markets grew, the traders assumed increasing power at the investment banks of Wall Street, and began pushing aside the "white shoe" bankers who had previously dominated the business. Wall Street was slowly transformed from an exclusive club of Ivy League thieves into a dog-eat-dog world where profits counted more than breeding. In the old days, the investment bankers ripped off their customers according to a code of sorts, and were careful to preserve their best relationships by not stealing too blatantly. But in the trading era that connection began to break, as the stealing shifted from direct customer relationships to the more anonymous and depersonalized markets. Wall Street was slowly turned into a giant casino, where everyone gambled. Math and computer wizards were brought in to devise new trading strategies, and the whole market became a giant computer game, which did enormous damage before it ultimately blew up. By the end of the 1970s, the American industrial economy was on the ropes. The interest-rate hikes by the Federal Reserve under Paul Volcker made it almost impossible for industrial companies to expand, giving the advantage to the dope-and-petrodollar crowd to move in and begin buying up America at pennies on the dollar.
This assault accelerated during the 1980s. At the behest of the bankers, Congress passed law after law dismantling the regulatory protections put into place by FDR. The S&Ls were opened up for looting; the hot-money boys moved in, and within a few years, had destroyed the most stable part of the U.S. banking system.
Much of the funding for the takedown of the S&Ls came from the junk bond market, dominated by the Rothschild-Morgan-linked Drexel Burnham Lambert, which had access to a steady stream of dope money. The junk bonds also funded a wave of corporate raiders, who not only took over a number of big companies, but sent many of the rest fleeing into the arms of the investment banks for "protection." The investment banks—led by Lazard and its peers—organized an orgy of mergers, taking advantage of their access to hot money to create ever-bigger corporations, and ever more concentrated industries required to assemble the global cartels. Step into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.
The stock market crash of 1987 was a turning point. The new Fed chairman, Alan Greenspan, responded by launching the biggest bubble of all time, the derivatives markets. By the end of the decade, only derivatives, accounting fraud, and a deliberate blind eye from the regulators kept the U.S. banking system from crashing. For the Inter-Alpha Group and its controllers, it was all according to the plan.
Globalization took a major step forward in 1986, with the "Big Bang" deregulation of financial markets in the City of London. Having launched the casino in New York during the 1970s, the Empire decided to bring it home to London, and turn the City into the new center of the global derivatives scheme. The banks of the U.S. and Europe would flock to London, where the rules were looser, and the regulators friendly. Even more than before, London became the financial center of Europe, and the center of globalization.
The Inter-Alpha Group took full advantage of the changes, adding four banks between 1986 and 1989, and even more in the 1990s. San Paolo di Torino and Banco de Bilbao joined in 1986, the former filling the slot vacated by Banco Ambrosiano and the latter becoming the first Spanish member. A couple of years later, in 1988, the group got its first Portuguese member, Banco Espirito Santo. AIB (nee Allied Irish Bank) joined in 1989. The National Bank of Greece joined in 1990, followed by Nordbanken of Sweden in 1995 and Merita Bank of Finland in 1997. Banco de Bilbao—by then Banco Bilbao Vizcaya—left in 1998, and was immediately replaced by Banco Santander.
In addition, the Inter-Alpha banks were rapidly expanding in their home markets, becoming larger through a series of mergers: Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank became International Nederlanden Group (ING); Privatbanken, Nordbanken, and Merita engaged in a series of mergers producing Nordea; Kreditbank morphed into KBC Group; San Paolo di Torino became Intesa Sanpaolo; and Banco Santander gobbled up several Spanish rivals.
Three more banks joined in 2003: Erste Bank of Austria; Hypovereinsbank (HVB) of Germany; and Societe Generale of France. HVB replaced founding member BHF, which had been bought by ING, and Societe Generale replaced founding member CCF, which had been acquired by HSBC. HVB left the group in 2005 after being taken over by UniCredit, and Commerzbank took its slot as the German member of the group.
In a sane and well-regulated banking system, commercial banks are mechanisms to help their local and regional economies grow. They use the deposits of their customers to fund loans that improve the functioning of the region, giving loans to businesses to expand, loans to farmers to raise and harvest crops, loans to families for homes, and the like. The bank grows as the local economy grows, giving it a vested interest in supporting and nurturing that growth.
The oligarchic model, as exemplified by the Inter-Alpha Group, works just the opposite way. Its network of banks is used to suck capital out of localities and into the global markets, where it can be used to speculate, manipulate, and subjugate the people of the planet. Such banks do not nurture their customer base, they loot it.
This point becomes obvious simply by reviewing what happened. The Inter-Alpha Group and the Empire that deployed it, created the largest financial bubble in history. Huge amounts of debt were generated, and then that debt was used as an asset base for a multi-quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble. This enormous mass of fictitious value spawned a vast expansion of the financial markets, which came to dominate the global economy. The game was so profitable—seemingly, that is—that money from all over the world was vacuumed up and fed into the derivatives machine, leaving precious little to support the real economy. The rest of the economy began to shut down, with predictably horrible consequences for the people.
Through it all, the rise of the casino was touted as proof that the economy was growing. But it was not—the tumor was growing, and the patient was dying.
The game blew up in 2007. In a sense, it choked on its own success, the looting growing to the point where a failing economy could no longer support it. The bankers tried desperately to paint this as a "subprime" crisis caused by deadbeat homeowners, and a "liquidity" crisis caused by unnecessarily panicked investors, but what it really was, was the collapse of the derivatives-led global pyramid scheme run by, and through, the Inter-Alpha Group.
Though the bankers and fools such as Sir Alan Greenspan have told everyone who would listen that no one could have seen this crisis coming, it was in fact entirely predictable. Lyndon LaRouche issued repeated warnings that the global economy was on a course for catastrophe, and launched a campaign against derivatives in 1993. Our warnings were picked up by then-chairman of the House Banking Committee Henry B. Gonzalez (D-Tex.), who summoned this author to testify before his committee that same year. Despite this opposition, the derivatives game not only continued, but accelerated. In the late 1990s, Commodity Futures Trading Commission head Brooksley Born again raised the matter, only to be slapped down by Wall Street and her fellow "regulators." Wall Street insisted that the market was so sophisticated, that its managers were so expert, that nothing could go wrong, and that any attempt to interfere in the market would only hurt the economy. That argument, backed by enormous political pressure and mountains of cash, won the day.
Then it all blew up, and the world entered a new realm.
To understand what happened next, one has to set aside notions of individual institutions and instead focus on the system which controls those institutions. The continued existence of the Empire depends upon the preservation of its monetary system, not upon the preservation of individual banks, hedge funds, and other institutions. Such institutions are ephemeral; they are not the power, but tools of the power, to be used and, when necessary, cast aside. The system is what matters.
While the fools of Wall Street and beyond were clamoring for the government and the Federal Reserve to save them with a bailout, their puppetmasters in the Empire had a different plan. The Empire had no intention of restoring the bubble. Its plan, as enunciated by Britain's Prince Philip and others, was to reduce global population by about two-thirds, and smash the nation-states in the process, as a way of bringing the world back under complete imperial control. They would give the fools their bailout, but instead of saving them, it would be the final nail in the coffin of the United States, by using the bailout to destroy the value of the dollar.
Consider for a moment the differences in a financial system required to manage a multi-quadrillion-dollar financial bubble, and the financial system required to run a world of two billion people. Obviously, the latter is going to be much smaller, and just as obviously, the Empire knows that. So from the Empire's perspective, there is a lot of unnecessary capacity in the financial world today—too many banks, too many bankers, too many insurance companies, mutual funds, hedge funds, et. al.—and a dramatic culling and consolidating of the herd will be required.
The other option is the LaRouche Plan, which involves writing off all the fictitious capital, reorganizing all the banks under a Glass-Steagall standard, going back to a fixed exchange rate system, and replacing the imperial monetary system with national sovereign credit systems. That also defines a far different financial system, one dominated by highly regulated commercial banks and an orientation toward production instead of speculation.
If the Empire intends to shrink their system, and we of the LaRouche movement plan to eliminate it, then other than a few delusional fools on Wall Street who only want their money party to crank back up, and all the people who were grabbing some of that money flow, who actually believes the recovery nonsense?
Therefore, you have to ask yourself: What is the true purpose of the bailout?
The purpose of the bailout is to completely bankrupt the United States and every other nation which runs their own bailout operation, so that they no longer have the power to resist the Empire's plans for a fascist global financial dictatorship, run top-down by the imperial monetary system through its banks and corporate cartels. It is the final act in our national suicide, and the culmination of the Inter-Alpha project.
We should begin with Glass-Steagall and the related correctives proposed by LaRouche, which will immediately bankrupt the Inter-Alpha Group and its peers, and put a stop to their predatory actions. We should also seize all accounts, offices and records of any Inter-Alpha Group banks inside the United States, and go through them with a fine-toothed comb.
These are necessary steps, as are the rest of the measures in the LaRouche Plan, but they are not in and of themselves, all that is needed. We must also devote considerable attention to understanding and correcting the flaws within us, that enabled the Inter-Alpha Group and its Anglo-Venetian controllers to play us like a drum, luring us into destroying the most productive economy the world had ever seen, and turning our nation over to that bunch of crazy, greedy parasites on Wall Street.
The con men admit you can't cheat an honest man, so they look for people who are desperate, greedy, willing to succumb to the lure of something for nothing. They corrupt you into joining their scheme, and only after it is over do you realize that you were the patsy. This, in essence, was what was done to us. The con was global, aided by all the tools and tricks of the Empire, but at its root, we were as a nation, conned.
We will have more to say about the Inter-Alpha Group as we go along. This report is but an overview, which by its nature leaves out many significant elements. Still, the nature of this criminal enterprise, and of its anti-human mission, has now been revealed, and that is the first step towards cleaning it all up.
This report draws upon the work of a number of EIR researchers, including Dean Andromidas, Allen Douglas, Rachel Douglas, Roger Moore, and Scott Thompson.
"What did not change significantly with that shift from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, was the essential role acquired by Venice. Venice, once established as a power, remained the center of the organization of monetary power, while the outer husk of monetarist power, the Anglo-Dutch maritime interest, became the political and military capital of the Empire. Venice never gave up that role; it simply transferred some of its functions to the newly constituted London branch, all as a part of the adjustment to the shift from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic field of leading action."
—Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.1.
The Inter-Alpha Group of Banks is an instrument of genocide. It was formed for the explicit purpose of destroying not only the existence, but the very concept, of national sovereignty—with the United States as its primary target—as a way of permanently reducing the population of the planet. The Inter-Alpha Group has played a crucial role in the destruction of the industrial base of the United States, and the subsequent transformation of our economy into a giant, and hopelessly bankrupt, casino. When that casino imploded in 2007, the Inter-Alpha Group and the forces behind it moved to complete the task of destroying the U.S.A., by organizing the biggest theft of public money in history, via those still-continuing, un-Constitutional, and blatantly criminal operations known collectively as "the bailout." The result is a nation which is not only unable to meet the physical needs of its people, but is also rapidly destroying its own currency through hyperinflation.
In a limited sense, this operation has been a success. The imperial monetary system, mediated through a system of central banks, private banks, financial markets, and global cartels, is the leading power on the planet. But in another and very real sense, it has been a colossal failure, because these royally arrogant fools have, in destroying nations, also destroyed themselves, and set the world on the path toward a new Dark Age. Their doom is sealed, because only through increasing man's mastery over the universe can this Dark Age be averted, and in doing that, we will create a world that will no longer tolerate the medieval practices of these imperial parasites.
They are finished, one way or the other. The question is, will the rest of us go down with them?
The purpose of this report is to put a spotlight on the Inter-Alpha Group and its controllers, so that we may defeat their evil machinations. You, the reader, will come away with a better understanding of the nature and the mission of the Group, why that mission must be defeated, and how we can do it.
The solution begins with the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall in the United States, and the adoption of the Glass-Steagall principle by other nations, combined with a return to the Bretton Woods System of fixed exchange rates. These two steps will put Inter-Alpha out of business, but they should be accompanied by a third measure: the seizure by the U.S. Government of all operations and facilities of the Inter-Alpha Group inside U.S. borders. We are sure that a future Pecora Commission-style investigation will find the resultant records quite illuminating. As will a new Nuremberg Tribunal for crimes against humanity.
Setting the Stage
Although the Inter-Alpha Group was not founded until 1971, the operation which launched it actually began in the latter stages of World War II. Once the Brutish Empire realized that Hitler would be defeated, it turned its attention to restoring its former infamous "glory." Doing so, meant destroying the U.S.A., which, under President Franklin Roosevelt (1933-45), fully intended to break up the Empire, and set its colonies free. As the U.S. was far too strong to take on directly, the Empire decided to lure it into committing economic and cultural suicide.
This report deals primarily with the financial side of this trap, but the reader should be aware that these financial moves were part of a coordinated assault on the political, cultural, economic, and psychological state of the nation, in which, all the skills the Empire had honed in centuries of subjugating nations and peoples were employed. The goal was to dumb us down, kill our sense of optimism, eradicate our commitment to infrastructure and industry, and make us forget our heritage. Such moves must be done slowly, decade by decade, generation by generation, to avoid triggering a revolution.
Today's British Empire is the latest incarnation of a maritime monetary system which has existed since the days of the Cult of Apollo, and has its immediate origins in a faction fight in Venice, in the late 1500s, when the "Serenissima Repubblica" was a major world power in its own name. The Giovani, or New Venetian Party, wanted to build up England and the Netherlands as maritime powers based upon the Venetian model, while the Vecchi, the Old Venetian Party, wanted to stick with the existing Mediterranean base.
The Giovani began moving northward along the Rhine into Germany, the Low Countries, and England, taking with them enormous financial power. Although they often adopted the names and customs of their new locations, they remained Venetian by method and intent. They set up the Bank of Amsterdam, the Dutch East India Company, and the British East India Company. The latter eventually took over England to create the British Empire. As with Venice before it, the British Empire is based upon its ability to control monetary flows, and manipulate national currencies. That is the basis of its power, and of its post-World War II assault on America.
To accomplish this goal, the Empire first built up its banking apparatus in war-torn Europe, as the basis for what would appear to be a new globalized financial structure, but what, in reality, would be a return to the imperial model that existed before the American Revolution. The planning for this new Europe began even before the fighting stopped, and led to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951, and the formation of the European Economic Community in 1957, as the initial steps toward today's European Union and its supranational euro currency.
With these moves toward the elimination of national sovereignty, the Empire began the process of building a borderless European financial system. In rapid succession came the development of the Eurobond and Eurodollar markets, and the consortium banks. These banks were syndicates or joint ventures—mostly based in London—linking British banks with banks based in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. They were designed to outflank national banking regulations, and, as such, represented the beginning of the "globalization" (that is, imperialization) of finance.
National banking laws were not the only regulatory obstacle to this globalization. There was also the international system of fixed-currency exchange rates that had been implemented as part of the 1944 Bretton Woods Treaty. The implementation of fixed exchange rates was a crucial part of FDR's plan to end the colonial era, as it took away much of the historic ability of the Empire to manipulation nations through the manipulation of their currencies. Thus, defeating the Bretton Woods system was necessary step in creating the Empire's new global order.
When President Nixon ended the Bretton Woods System by taking the dollar off the gold reserve standard in 1971, he opened Pandora's Box, and set free the money manipulators who had been so carefully boxed in by Roosevelt.
The Venetians Strike
The Inter-Alpha Group was founded as a mechanism to take advantage of this currency vulnerability. The group arose out of six relatively small European banks which represented the family fortunes—or fondi—of the Venetian system. Each of these banks had significant private banking arms, private banking being a term for banks which specialize in handling money for the wealthy. Each of its six members was chosen to represent a bank in one of the principal nations of the European Economic Community: Kredietbank, of Belgium; Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank of the Netherlands; Credit Commercial de France, of France; Banco Ambrosiano, of Italy; Williams & Glyn's Bank (a unit of the Royal Bank of Scotland), in the UK; and BHF Bank, of Germany. A seventh bank, Privatbanken of Denmark, was added in 1972.
Inter-Alpha took the form of an alliance among these banks; each bank maintained its separate identity, while they all worked together to advance the Group's mission. The Group, and its member banks, were dedicated to restoring imperial rule.
The operation was run by Jacob Rothschild, initially out of N.M. Rothschild in London. The Rothschild banking network, from its inception in Frankfurt in the late 1700s, has been a Venetian operation. One of its early sponsors was the Thurn und Taxis family of Bavaria, the controllers of Venetian intelligence and one of the leading families of the Habsburg's Austrian Empire. This Venetian connection is the true source of the fabled Rothschild intelligence network, as well as the source of the family's financial power. The Rothschilds are also close to the British Crown, primus inter pares of the royal families of Europe, and a considerable power within the Empire. Jacob Rothschild, for example, manages the funds of Prince Charles, among his other crimes.
Despite the enormous wealth these banks represented, they alone did not have the funds required to transform the world as planned. They would provide the seed money, and leverage their power through the control of other people's money, to create the markets and institutions they would ultimately need to control the world. This is the origin of today's gaggle of hedge funds, private equity funds, and related financial pools, many of which are part of the hidden side of the Inter-Alpha Group.
Jacob Rothschild explicitly revealed the mission of the Inter-Alpha project, in a speech in 1983, when he bragged that "two broad types of giant institutions, the worldwide financial service company and the international commercial bank with a global trading competence, may converge to form the ultimate, all-powerful, many-headed financial conglomerate." For Rothschild, it was not a prediction, but a statement of intent.
Corporatist Fascism
At the 1968 Bilderberg meeting in Mont Tremblant, Canada, the Empire kicked off a new phase of its war on national sovereignty, launching a drive to create a system of corporate cartels intended to replace nation-states as the political organization of the planet. The Bilderberg Group, named after the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, The Netherlands, where the group first met in 1954, was a fascist organization, whose sponsor, Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands, had been a card-carrying Nazi and a member of Hitler's SS. Bernhard also founded, with the U.K.'s Prince Philip, the World Wildlife Fund and the 1001 Club. The Bilderbergs, as an elite political arm of the Empire, represented the same oligarchic system behind the Inter-Alpha Group.
The new cartel scheme, dubbed the "world company," was introduced by George W. Ball, a senior banker at Lehman Brothers, a top member of the Anglo-American Establishment, and a member of the Bilderberg steering committee. According to Ball, the new world company would replace the "archaic political structure of nation-states" with corporations, which are far better at "efficiently utilizing resources." These resources, Ball made clear, belong to the Empire, not to the peasants who happen to live atop them, and nations all too often put their own interests ahead of those of the Empire—a situation the Empire find intolerable..
Just to make sure his message was clear, Ball praised the integration of Europe as a precondition for the success of this world company project, and cited as its model, "the overlapping sovereignties of the governments of Europe and the House of Rothschild." (If that quote does not offend you, reflect upon the concept of sovereignty, and why it is vital to the existence of nation-states. A country which "shares" its sovereignty with a banking house, is neither sovereign, nor a nation, but instead a colony.)
At the time of Ball's speech, the creation of these corporate cartels had already begun, with the formation of the early conglomerates, and this process would accelerate in the coming years. The nurturing of these horrors would become a major part of Lazard Frères banker Felix Rohatyn's life's work, and they would, in time, come to dominate the economic landscape.
The concept of the world company, though marketed as a natural outgrowth of human progress, is nothing of the sort. What it is, fundamentally, is a return to the oligarchic model of the British East India Company and its predecessors, combined with modern computer technology, and operating within a market structure. In a corporatist state, the power of the government is usurped by private financial and corporate interests, which use the government to keep the population in line while they mercilessly loot both the government and the people. These private interests are falsely described as an outgrowth of nationalism, when in truth, they represent the corruption of the nation by an empire.
Corporatism is a result of George Ball's "overlapping sovereignties" between nations and the imperial bankers, and is the creation of the Venetians. It was the Venetians, and the neo-Venetians of the British Empire, who created Mussolini and Hitler, and who organized fascist movements around the globe in the 1920s and 1930s, as part of their war against sovereignty. That includes in the United States, where the Anglophile bankers of Wall Street helped finance and organize their own fascist movements, including the American Liberty League, in the U.S.A.—and tried to organize a coup against FDR.
This grouping heavily promoted Mussolini in the United States, putting him on the cover of their Time magazine eight times, between 1923 and 1943, and praising him heavily in their other press outlets. The Wall Streeters did this not because they were enamored of Mussolini personally, but because he was an ally, a tool of the same empire which controlled them.
Mussolini's Italy, largely the creation of the circles around Venetian Count Volpi di Misurata, was the test-bed for the corporatist state model which the Empire planned to impose upon the world, the model for the "world company" concept at the core of globalization. It was a state dominated by Venetian financier interests, and run for their benefit. The similarities with the United States today are not accidental.
Fortunately for the world, Adolf Hitler destroyed the carefully crafted illusion of fascism as a benevolent movement, forcing the bankers to retreat. Their commitment to imposing fascism remained, however, so they sought new ways to package it. The name they chose for their "new and improved" corporatist fascism was "globalization." Same evil, but in a bright new box.
Fascism, Take Two
The Inter-Alpha Group was created as an instrument of this new fascism, and is itself a nest of fascists. One does not have to scratch deep to find the proof, as these examples indicate:
*One of the first acts of the Inter-Alpha Group after its founding, was to link up with the Harriman faction in the U.S., the same Harriman family who funded Hitler, and upon whose eugenics "research" Hitler modeled his genocidal "race science" policies. The banks of the Inter-Alpha Group did this by buying a combined 40% interest in Brown Harriman & International Banks, a consortium bank founded in 1968 in London by Brown Brothers Harriman, London merchant/dope bank Robert Fleming & Co., and Suez of France.
*Founding member Kredietbank's Fernand Collin helped the Nazis run the Belgian economy during World War II, and one of its private banks, Merck und Finck, became notorious for helping the Nazis.
*BHF Bank, the German founding member of the group which traces its roots to the Rothschild-founded Frankfurter Bank, was headed in the 1920s by one Otto Jeidels, who was a good friend of both Reichsbank head and Nazi Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht, and the Hitler-financing chief of the Bank of England, Montagu Norman. Jeidels was deployed to the U.S. in 1939 to the Synarchist (French fascist) Lazard bank, to handle the oligarchic gold fleeing Europe. Lazard, as we have indicated previously, has played a particularly nasty role in this imperial fascist plot, and is part of what we consider the hidden side of the Inter-Alpha Group.
*During WWII, Ricardo Espirito Santo Silva of Banco Espirito Silva—which became the Portuguese member of the Inter-Alpha Group in 1988—hosted the Nazi-sympathizing Duke of Windsor in Lisbon after he abdicated the British throne, and has been identified as a liaison between the Duke and Hitler, in the aborted plot to have the Duke regain the throne after a German conquest of Britain. (The U.K. had its own fascist movement, and there was a lot of sympathy for the Duke within the British elite.)
*The two Spanish members of the group, Banco de Bilbao (later Banco Bilbao Vizcaya, a member from 1986 to 1998) and Banco Santander (a member since 1998), both had ties to fascist dictator Francisco Franco, who ran Spain from 1936 until his death in 1975. Banco Santander was founded by the family of the Rothschild agent in the city of Santander.
The fascist connections were most flagrant in the case of Banco Ambrosiano, the founding Italian bank in the Inter-Alpha Group, which was tightly integrated with the Propaganda Due (P-2) Masonic Lodge in Italy. The P-2 Lodge was run by former Mussolini "Black Shirt" Licio Gelli, and was modeled on the earlier "universal fascist" Propaganda Uno (P-1) Lodge of Guiseppe Mazzini. Italian police investigations into the activities of P-2 found that both the lodge and its bank, Banco Ambrosiano, were involved in arms and drug trafficking, terrorism, neo-Nazi assassination groups, and the fascist paramilitary groups of Operation Gladio. Control over P-2 was exercised through the Alpina Lodge of Switzerland, and ultimately the "Mother Lodge," the United Grand Lodge of England, headed at the time by HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, of the British royal family.
The Alpina Lodge is interesting in its own right. Its members included:
Gelli; confessed British agent and U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger; and Club of Rome founder Aurelio Peccei. Although he was on the payroll of Banco Ambrosiano, Peccei is rightly more infamous as a genocidalist than a banker. His Club of Rome provided the "intellectual" foundation for the Empire's genocide program worldwide, by conducting mass propaganda for the fraudulent "limits to growth" doctrine.
Peccei was the key initiator of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), headquartered in Laxenburg, Austria, whose mission was to propagate the Club of Rome's program under a "scientific" veneer, provided by Bertrand Russell's Cambridge systems analysis group. IIASA aimed especially at poisoning strategic thinking in the United States and Russia, becoming a major Anglo-Venetian intelligence channel into the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia. The legacy of IIASA in the former Soviet Union is the entire package of disastrous so-called reforms of the 1990s, which IIASA staff drafted at Laxenburg in 1985-91, as well as Russia's ongoing involvement in such international financial looting schemes as the Inter-Alpha Group's Brazil-Russia-India-China (BRIC) operation today. (A related aspect of IIASA's activity was to promote the information-age mathematical models on which today's speculation-based financial markets rely.)
Target: United States
When the Nixon Administration ended the Bretton Woods System of fixed exchange rates in 1971—a move which itself was the result of a British manipulation—the Empire was ready to begin its financial assault on the United States. The imperial termites had already started their attack on the foundations of the nation. Lazard's Felix "the Fascist" Rohatyn was busy setting the stage for the rise of the traders on Wall Street, and the "economic hit man" process described by John Perkins2John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, Berrett-Koehler, 2004. was well underway. While these changes were occurring in the U.S., the British were organizing the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, out of which emerged the spot market in oil. The spot market allowed the imperial manipulators to jack up the price of oil at will, and they did, resulting in a huge and growing pool of "petrodollars" in European banks. These petrodollars, along with the proceeds from the Empire's dope trade, provide an enormous supply of "other people's money" to fund the world company/globalization takeover of the U.S. and the world.
As the markets grew, the traders assumed increasing power at the investment banks of Wall Street, and began pushing aside the "white shoe" bankers who had previously dominated the business. Wall Street was slowly transformed from an exclusive club of Ivy League thieves into a dog-eat-dog world where profits counted more than breeding. In the old days, the investment bankers ripped off their customers according to a code of sorts, and were careful to preserve their best relationships by not stealing too blatantly. But in the trading era that connection began to break, as the stealing shifted from direct customer relationships to the more anonymous and depersonalized markets. Wall Street was slowly turned into a giant casino, where everyone gambled. Math and computer wizards were brought in to devise new trading strategies, and the whole market became a giant computer game, which did enormous damage before it ultimately blew up. By the end of the 1970s, the American industrial economy was on the ropes. The interest-rate hikes by the Federal Reserve under Paul Volcker made it almost impossible for industrial companies to expand, giving the advantage to the dope-and-petrodollar crowd to move in and begin buying up America at pennies on the dollar.
This assault accelerated during the 1980s. At the behest of the bankers, Congress passed law after law dismantling the regulatory protections put into place by FDR. The S&Ls were opened up for looting; the hot-money boys moved in, and within a few years, had destroyed the most stable part of the U.S. banking system.
Much of the funding for the takedown of the S&Ls came from the junk bond market, dominated by the Rothschild-Morgan-linked Drexel Burnham Lambert, which had access to a steady stream of dope money. The junk bonds also funded a wave of corporate raiders, who not only took over a number of big companies, but sent many of the rest fleeing into the arms of the investment banks for "protection." The investment banks—led by Lazard and its peers—organized an orgy of mergers, taking advantage of their access to hot money to create ever-bigger corporations, and ever more concentrated industries required to assemble the global cartels. Step into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.
The stock market crash of 1987 was a turning point. The new Fed chairman, Alan Greenspan, responded by launching the biggest bubble of all time, the derivatives markets. By the end of the decade, only derivatives, accounting fraud, and a deliberate blind eye from the regulators kept the U.S. banking system from crashing. For the Inter-Alpha Group and its controllers, it was all according to the plan.
Inter-Alpha Grows
In this environment, the Inter-Alpha Group began to expand. Membership in the group had not changed from 1973 until 1982, when Banco Ambrosiano failed in the wake of Italian investigations into its connections to the P-2 Lodge. A minor change occurred in 1985, when Williams & Glyn's Bank was absorbed into the Royal Bank of Scotland, giving RBS the membership in its own name. But European banking would change dramatically in 1986, and the Inter-Alpha Group would be right in the middle of it.
Globalization took a major step forward in 1986, with the "Big Bang" deregulation of financial markets in the City of London. Having launched the casino in New York during the 1970s, the Empire decided to bring it home to London, and turn the City into the new center of the global derivatives scheme. The banks of the U.S. and Europe would flock to London, where the rules were looser, and the regulators friendly. Even more than before, London became the financial center of Europe, and the center of globalization.
The Inter-Alpha Group took full advantage of the changes, adding four banks between 1986 and 1989, and even more in the 1990s. San Paolo di Torino and Banco de Bilbao joined in 1986, the former filling the slot vacated by Banco Ambrosiano and the latter becoming the first Spanish member. A couple of years later, in 1988, the group got its first Portuguese member, Banco Espirito Santo. AIB (nee Allied Irish Bank) joined in 1989. The National Bank of Greece joined in 1990, followed by Nordbanken of Sweden in 1995 and Merita Bank of Finland in 1997. Banco de Bilbao—by then Banco Bilbao Vizcaya—left in 1998, and was immediately replaced by Banco Santander.
In addition, the Inter-Alpha banks were rapidly expanding in their home markets, becoming larger through a series of mergers: Nederlandsche Middenstandsbank became International Nederlanden Group (ING); Privatbanken, Nordbanken, and Merita engaged in a series of mergers producing Nordea; Kreditbank morphed into KBC Group; San Paolo di Torino became Intesa Sanpaolo; and Banco Santander gobbled up several Spanish rivals.
Three more banks joined in 2003: Erste Bank of Austria; Hypovereinsbank (HVB) of Germany; and Societe Generale of France. HVB replaced founding member BHF, which had been bought by ING, and Societe Generale replaced founding member CCF, which had been acquired by HSBC. HVB left the group in 2005 after being taken over by UniCredit, and Commerzbank took its slot as the German member of the group.
The Casino Economy
As the Empire's globalization project expanded, the medium-sized banks of the Inter-Alpha Group became global players, and some became giants. The Royal Bank of Scotland became the largest bank in the world by assets, peaking at nearly $3.5 trillion before it blew up. Banco Santander, Societe Generale, Intesa Sanpaolo, and ING also joined the global giants, with the rest becoming regional powers and filling specialized niches. These banks expanded their tentacles around the world, east into Eastern Europe, Russia, and Asia, and west into the Americas. They transformed themselves from local banks in particular countries, into a vast network of global banks, answerable not to the peoples of their home nations, but to the imperial monetary system. The group would come to control some 70% of the world's banking assets, either directly or indirectly.
In a sane and well-regulated banking system, commercial banks are mechanisms to help their local and regional economies grow. They use the deposits of their customers to fund loans that improve the functioning of the region, giving loans to businesses to expand, loans to farmers to raise and harvest crops, loans to families for homes, and the like. The bank grows as the local economy grows, giving it a vested interest in supporting and nurturing that growth.
The oligarchic model, as exemplified by the Inter-Alpha Group, works just the opposite way. Its network of banks is used to suck capital out of localities and into the global markets, where it can be used to speculate, manipulate, and subjugate the people of the planet. Such banks do not nurture their customer base, they loot it.
This point becomes obvious simply by reviewing what happened. The Inter-Alpha Group and the Empire that deployed it, created the largest financial bubble in history. Huge amounts of debt were generated, and then that debt was used as an asset base for a multi-quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble. This enormous mass of fictitious value spawned a vast expansion of the financial markets, which came to dominate the global economy. The game was so profitable—seemingly, that is—that money from all over the world was vacuumed up and fed into the derivatives machine, leaving precious little to support the real economy. The rest of the economy began to shut down, with predictably horrible consequences for the people.
Through it all, the rise of the casino was touted as proof that the economy was growing. But it was not—the tumor was growing, and the patient was dying.
The game blew up in 2007. In a sense, it choked on its own success, the looting growing to the point where a failing economy could no longer support it. The bankers tried desperately to paint this as a "subprime" crisis caused by deadbeat homeowners, and a "liquidity" crisis caused by unnecessarily panicked investors, but what it really was, was the collapse of the derivatives-led global pyramid scheme run by, and through, the Inter-Alpha Group.
Though the bankers and fools such as Sir Alan Greenspan have told everyone who would listen that no one could have seen this crisis coming, it was in fact entirely predictable. Lyndon LaRouche issued repeated warnings that the global economy was on a course for catastrophe, and launched a campaign against derivatives in 1993. Our warnings were picked up by then-chairman of the House Banking Committee Henry B. Gonzalez (D-Tex.), who summoned this author to testify before his committee that same year. Despite this opposition, the derivatives game not only continued, but accelerated. In the late 1990s, Commodity Futures Trading Commission head Brooksley Born again raised the matter, only to be slapped down by Wall Street and her fellow "regulators." Wall Street insisted that the market was so sophisticated, that its managers were so expert, that nothing could go wrong, and that any attempt to interfere in the market would only hurt the economy. That argument, backed by enormous political pressure and mountains of cash, won the day.
Then it all blew up, and the world entered a new realm.
Phase Two
While most of Wall Street and Washington was in shock, the Empire was smiling, and preparing to spring the trap it had so painstakingly organized. The U.S. economy was in ruins, but the potential remained for an FDR-style reflex, for the American people rising up to defend themselves and their nation. So the Empire moved to complete its mission, via the "bailout."
To understand what happened next, one has to set aside notions of individual institutions and instead focus on the system which controls those institutions. The continued existence of the Empire depends upon the preservation of its monetary system, not upon the preservation of individual banks, hedge funds, and other institutions. Such institutions are ephemeral; they are not the power, but tools of the power, to be used and, when necessary, cast aside. The system is what matters.
While the fools of Wall Street and beyond were clamoring for the government and the Federal Reserve to save them with a bailout, their puppetmasters in the Empire had a different plan. The Empire had no intention of restoring the bubble. Its plan, as enunciated by Britain's Prince Philip and others, was to reduce global population by about two-thirds, and smash the nation-states in the process, as a way of bringing the world back under complete imperial control. They would give the fools their bailout, but instead of saving them, it would be the final nail in the coffin of the United States, by using the bailout to destroy the value of the dollar.
Consider for a moment the differences in a financial system required to manage a multi-quadrillion-dollar financial bubble, and the financial system required to run a world of two billion people. Obviously, the latter is going to be much smaller, and just as obviously, the Empire knows that. So from the Empire's perspective, there is a lot of unnecessary capacity in the financial world today—too many banks, too many bankers, too many insurance companies, mutual funds, hedge funds, et. al.—and a dramatic culling and consolidating of the herd will be required.
The other option is the LaRouche Plan, which involves writing off all the fictitious capital, reorganizing all the banks under a Glass-Steagall standard, going back to a fixed exchange rate system, and replacing the imperial monetary system with national sovereign credit systems. That also defines a far different financial system, one dominated by highly regulated commercial banks and an orientation toward production instead of speculation.
If the Empire intends to shrink their system, and we of the LaRouche movement plan to eliminate it, then other than a few delusional fools on Wall Street who only want their money party to crank back up, and all the people who were grabbing some of that money flow, who actually believes the recovery nonsense?
Therefore, you have to ask yourself: What is the true purpose of the bailout?
The purpose of the bailout is to completely bankrupt the United States and every other nation which runs their own bailout operation, so that they no longer have the power to resist the Empire's plans for a fascist global financial dictatorship, run top-down by the imperial monetary system through its banks and corporate cartels. It is the final act in our national suicide, and the culmination of the Inter-Alpha project.
Shut Them Down
The issue before us should be clear. Only a return to national sovereignty in the United States, followed by an alliance of that sovereign United States with other nations—Russia, China, and India for starters, and everyone else who wishes to join—to form a bloc capable of defeating this ancient evil which today calls itself the British Empire, can avert this catastrophe in progress.
We should begin with Glass-Steagall and the related correctives proposed by LaRouche, which will immediately bankrupt the Inter-Alpha Group and its peers, and put a stop to their predatory actions. We should also seize all accounts, offices and records of any Inter-Alpha Group banks inside the United States, and go through them with a fine-toothed comb.
These are necessary steps, as are the rest of the measures in the LaRouche Plan, but they are not in and of themselves, all that is needed. We must also devote considerable attention to understanding and correcting the flaws within us, that enabled the Inter-Alpha Group and its Anglo-Venetian controllers to play us like a drum, luring us into destroying the most productive economy the world had ever seen, and turning our nation over to that bunch of crazy, greedy parasites on Wall Street.
The con men admit you can't cheat an honest man, so they look for people who are desperate, greedy, willing to succumb to the lure of something for nothing. They corrupt you into joining their scheme, and only after it is over do you realize that you were the patsy. This, in essence, was what was done to us. The con was global, aided by all the tools and tricks of the Empire, but at its root, we were as a nation, conned.
We will have more to say about the Inter-Alpha Group as we go along. This report is but an overview, which by its nature leaves out many significant elements. Still, the nature of this criminal enterprise, and of its anti-human mission, has now been revealed, and that is the first step towards cleaning it all up.
This report draws upon the work of a number of EIR researchers, including Dean Andromidas, Allen Douglas, Rachel Douglas, Roger Moore, and Scott Thompson.
The Economic Hitmen - How It Is Done!
A great illustration on how corporations take control of countries, and how capitalism drives the expansion of the Military Industrial Complex. The root cause of all this corruption is the U.S. government that is owned by the world wide banking cartel and a few huge corrupt corps. End the U.S. Government and problem solved. The US are the banking cartels debt collectors, but they are forced to do it to pay off there own debt. If only they would tell the banks to go and stick there debt, then the rest of the world would get off there knees and do the same.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Zionists Poisoned/Radiated 100,000 “Sefardi” Jewish Children
You will not find this on the Point of No Return Zionist blog which is supposed to be on Mezrahi and Sephardic citizens in the apartheid state of Zionists.
100,000 RADIATIONS – A REVIEWIn the early 1950′s, approximately 100,000 immigrant children, primarily from North Africa, received X-ray radiation treatment for ringworm upon their arrival in Israel. At the time, the medical establishment thought ringworm a grave danger to public health. It was later discovered that these treatments caused high rates of infertility, cancer and death. This tragic affair was hidden from the public eye for decades… until now. Through exhaustive research and testimonies of survivors, this emotional documentary illustrates how stereotyping immigrants can have horrific consequences. createspace.
by AZWO Monday, Mar. 05, 2007 at 3:28 AM
The Zionists Poisoned/Radiated 100,000 Sefardi Jewish Children.
On August 14, at 9 PM, Israeli television station, Channel Ten, broke all convention and exposed the ugliest secret of Israel’s Labor Zionist founders; the deliberate mass radiation poisoning of nearly all Sephardi youths.
The expose began with the presentation of a documentary film called, 100,000 Radiations, and concluded with a panel discussion moderated by TV host Dan Margalit, surprising because he is infamous for toeing the establishment line.
Film Details:
100,000 Radiations, released by Dimona Productions Ltd. in 2003.
Producer – Dudi Bergman Directors – Asher Khamias, David Balrosen
Panel Discussion Participants
A Moroccan singer was joined by David Edri, head of the Compensation Committee for Ringworm X-Ray Victims, and Boaz Lev, a spokesman for the Ministry Of Health.
In 1951, the director general of the Israeli Health Ministry, Dr. Chaim Sheba flew to America and returned with 7 x-ray machines, supplied to him by the American army.
They were to be used in a mass atomic experiment with an entire generation of Sephardi youths to be used as guinea pigs. Every Sephardi child was to be given 35,000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300,000 Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60,000 liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of dollars today.
To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on “school trips” and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6,000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, the many of the rest developed cancers that killed them over time and are still killing them now. While living, the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease, chronic headaches and psychosis.
Yes, that is the subject of the documentary in cold terms. It is another matter to see the victims on the screen. ie. To watch the Moroccan lady describe what getting 35,000 times the dose of allowable x-rays in her head feels like.
“I screamed make the headache go away. Make the headache go away. Make the headache go away. But it never went away.”
To watch the bearded man walk hunched down the street.
“I’m in my fifties and everyone thinks I’m in my seventies. I have to stoop when I walk so I won’t fall over. They took my youth away with those x-rays.”
To watch the old lady who administered the doses to thousands of children.
“They brought them in lines. First their heads were shaved and smeared in burning gel. Then a ball was put between their legs and the children were ordered not to drop it, so they wouldn’t move. The children weren’t protected over the rest of their bodies. There were no lead vests for them. I was told I was doing good by helping to remove ringworm. If I knew what dangers the children were facing, I would never have cooperated. Never!”
Because the whole body was exposed to the rays, the genetic makeup of the children was often altered, affecting the next generation. We watch the woman with the distorted face explain, “All three of my children have the same cancers my family suffered. Are you going to tell me that’s a coincidence?”
Everyone notices that Sephardi women in their fifties today, often have sparse patchy hair, which they try to cover with henna. Most of us assumed it was just a characteristic of Sephardi women. We watch the woman on the screen wearing a baseball-style hat. She places a picture of a lovely young teenager with flowing black hair opposite the lens. “That was me before my treatment. Now look at me.” She removes her hat. Even the red henna can’t cover the horrifying scarred bald spots.
The majority of the victims were Moroccan because they were the most numerous of the Sephardi immigrants. The generation that was poisoned became the country’s perpetual poor and criminal class. It didn’t make sense. The Moroccans who fled to France became prosperous and highly educated. The common explanation was that France got the rich, thus smart ones. The real explanation is that every French Moroccan child didn’t have his brain cells fried with gamma rays.
The film made it perfectly plain that this operation was no accident. The dangers of x-rays had been known for over forty years. We read the official guidelines for x-ray treatment in 1952.
The maximum dose to be given a child in Israel was .5 rad. There was no mistake made. The children were deliberately poisoned. David Deri, makes the point that only Sephardi children received the x-rays.
“I was in class and the men came to take us on a tour. They asked our names. The Ashkenazi children were told to return to their seats. The dark children were put on the bus.”
The film presents a historian who first gives a potted history of the eugenics movement. In a later sound bite, he declares that the ringworm operation was a eugenics program aimed at weeding out the perceived weak strains of society. The film now quotes two noted anti-Sephardi racist Jewish leaders, Nahum Goldmann and Levi Eshkol.
Goldmann spent the Holocaust years first in Switzerland, where he made sure few Jewish refugees were given shelter, then flew to New York to become head of the World Jewish Congress headed by Samuel Bronfman. According to Canadian writer Mordecai Richler, Bronfman had cut a deal with Prime Minister Mackenzie King to prevent the immigration of European Jews to Canada.
But Levi Eshkol’s role in the Holocaust was far more minister than merely not saving lives. He was busy taking them instead. From a biography of Levi Eshkol from the Israeli government web site:
“In 1937 Levi Eshkol played a central role in the establishment of the Mekorot Water Company and in this role was instrumental in convincing the German government to allow Jews emigrating to Palestine to take with them some of their assets – mostly in the form of German-made equipment.”
While world Jewry was boycotting the Nazi regime in the ’30s, the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem was propping up Hitler. A deal, called The Transfer Agreement, was cut whereby the Nazis would chase Germany’s Jews to Palestine, and the Labor Zionists would force the immigrants to use their assets to buy only German goods. Once the Jewish Agency got the German Jews it wanted, those they secretly indoctrinated in the anti-Judaism of Shabtai Tzvi and Jacob Frank, they let the Nazis take care of the rest of European Jewry. The Holocaust was a eugenics program and Levi Eshkol played a major role in it.
The Moroccan lady is back on the screen. “It was a Holocaust, a Sephardi Holocaust. And what I want to know is why no one stood up to stop it.”
David Deri, on film and then as a panel member, relates the frustration he encountered when trying to find his childhood medical records.
“All I wanted to know was what they did to me. I wanted to know who authorized it. I wanted to trace the chain of command. But the Health Ministry told me my records were missing.”
Boaz Lev, the Health Ministry’s spokesman chimes in, “Almost all the records were burned in a fire.”
So, let us help Mr. Deri trace the chain of command. But now I must intrude myself in the review.
About six years ago, I investigated the kidnapping of some 4500, mostly Yemenite immigrant infants and children, during the early years of the state. I met the leader of the Yemenite children’s movement, Rabbi Uzi Meshulum, imprisoned for trying to get the truth out. He was later returned home in a vegetative state from which he has not emerged. He told me that the kidnapped children were sent to America to die cruelly in nuclear experiments.
The American government had banned human testing and needed guinea pigs. The Israeli government agreed to supply the humans in exchange for money and nuclear secrets. The initiator of Israel’s nuclear program was Defence Ministry director-general Shimon Peres.
Rabbi David Sevilia of Jerusalem corroborated the crime and later, I even saw photos of the radiation scars on the few surviving children, and the cages the infants were shipped to America in.
Just over five years ago I published my belief on the internet, that Israel’s Labor Zionist founders had conducted atomic experiments on Yemenite and other Sephardi children, killing thousands of them. Almost three years ago, I published the same assertion in my last book, Save Israel!. I suffered much scorn for doing so. However, I was right.
We return to the documentary. We are told that a US law in the late ’40s put a stop to the human radiation experiments conducted on prisoners, the mentally feeble and the like. The American atomic program needed a new source of human lab rats and the Israeli government supplied it.
Here was the government cabinet at the time of the ringworm atrocities:
Prime Minister – David Ben Gurion Finance Minister – Eliezer Kaplan Settlement Minister – Levi Eshkol Foreign Minister – Moshe Sharrett Health Minister – Yosef Burg Labor Minister – Golda Meir Police Minister – Amos Ben Gurion
The highest ranking non-cabinet post belonged to the Director General Of The Defence Ministry, Shimon Peres.
That a program involving the equivalent of billions of dollars of American government funds should be unknown to the Prime Minister of cash-strapped Israel is ridiculous. Ben Gurion was in on the horrors and undoubtedly chose his son to be Police Minister in case anyone interfered with them.
Now let’s have a quick glance at the other plotters, starting with the Finance Minister Eliezer Kaplan. He handled the profits of the operation and was rewarded for eternity with a hospital named after him near Rehovot. But he’s not alone in this honor.
The racist bigot Chaim Sheba, who ran Ringworm Incorporated, had a whole medical complex named after him. Needless to say, if there is an ounce of decency in the local medical profession, those hospital names will have to change.
Then there is Yosef Burg, who the leaders of the Yemenite Children’s movement insist was the most responsible for the kidnappings of their infants. As Health Minister, he certainly played a pivotal role in the Ringworm murders. That would go a great way to explaining the peculiar behavior of his son, the peacemaker, Avraham Burg.
Let us not forget Moshe Sharrett, who had Rabbi Yoel Brand arrested in Aleppo in 1944 for proposing a practical way to save 800,000 Jews trapped in Hungary. Sharrett’s most cited quote is, “If Shimon Peres ever enters this government, I will tear my clothes and start to mourn.” Several Yemenite Children activists told me Sharrett was referring to the kidnapping of the Yemenite children when he made this statement.
And other amateur historians have told me that Levi Eshkol openly and proudly announced his belief in the tenets of Shabtai Tzvi, but try as I have, I haven’t tracked down a citation. However, we do know of Eshkol, that during the period of the radiations, he served first as Settlement Minister, then took over from Kaplan as Finance Minister. From his bio:
“In 1951 Eshkol was appointed Minister of Agriculture and Development, and from 1952 to 1963 – a decade characterized by unprecedented economic growth despite the burden of financing immigrant absorption and the 1956 Sinai Campaign – he served as Minister of Finance. Between 1949 and 1963, Eshkol also served as head of the settlement division of the Jewish Agency. In the first four years of statehood, he was also treasurer of the Jewish Agency, largely responsible for obtaining the funds for the country’s development, absorption of the massive waves of immigrants and equipment for the army.”
In short, Eshkol was the person most responsible for Israel’s immigrants, the ones he sent to radiation torture chambers. Finally, there is Golda Meir. We don’t know her role, but she was in on the secret and rewarded for it. Note that every prime minister thereafter until 1977, when the honorable Menachem Begin was elected, came from this cabal. And note also, that no one from what is called the Right today, was privy to the slaughter of the Sephardi children.
Apply that lesson to a contemporary fact: It is the descendants of these butchers who brought us the Oslo “peace” and are determined to wipe out the settlers of Judea, Samaria and Gaza as surely as they had dealt with the inferior dark Jews who came into their clutches fifty years before. Now try and imagine it is 1952 and you are in a cabinet meeting. You will be debating whether to send the Yemenite babies to America for their final zapping, or whether to have them zapped here. That is what the Luciferian, satanic Sabbataian founders of our nation were prattling on about when they got together to discuss the affairs of state.
After the film ended, TV host Dan Margalit tried to put a better face on what he’d witnessed. Any face had to be better than what he had seen. He explained meekly, “But the state was poor. It was a matter of day to day survival.” Then he stopped. He knew there was no excusing the atrocities the Sephardi children endured.
But it was the Moroccan singer who summed up the experience best. “It’s going to hurt, but the truth has to be told. If not, the wounds will never heal.”
There is one person alive who knows the truth and participated in the atrocities. He is Leader Of The Opposition Shimon Peres, the peacemaker. The only way to get to the truth and start the healing is to investigate him for his role in the kidnapping of 4500 Yemenite infants and the mass poisoning of over 100,000 Sephardi children and youths.
But here is why that won’t happen. It is a miracle that 100,000 Radiations was broadcast at all. Clearly though, someone fought for it but had to agree to a compromise. The show was aired at the same time as the highest-rated show of the year, the final of Israel’s, A Star Is Born. The next day, there was not a word about 100,000 Radiations in any paper, but the newly-born star’s photo took up half the front pages.
That’s how the truth is buried in Israel, and somehow, these tricks work. The same methods were used to cover up the Rabin assassination.
However, a few hundred thousand people saw the film on their screens and they will never forget the truth. If the Rabin assassination doesn’t bury Labor Zionism for good, then 100,000 Radiations eventually will.
Friday, December 17, 2010
By James P. Tucker Jr.
“Now we finally have a moment where, if we’re successful, we can move forward.” World government is also being pushed on the “peace front.” At a summit in Lisbon, Portugal, NATO announced it would fight terrorism “around the globe,” as members advocated a world defense ministry under the UN. The White House said this was a “full embrace” of Obama’s views.
Creating “world treasury” and “world defense” departments would be a giant step toward global government, advocates believe. Another step is creating an “American Union” covering the Western Hemisphere, similar to the European Union, through expanding “trade agreements.” European Union member states surrendered their sovereignty by becoming EU members. Switzerland, as AFP has reported, has so far resisted EU membership—a good thing since the European Parliament imposes laws and taxes on distant member states, and the European Court overrules national courts.
Globalists also are fighting to save the euro, which is threatened by Europe’s economic crisis. This is important because a nation’s currency is a symbol of sovereignty which “nationalists” fight to maintain. Britain refuses to accept the euro and uses its own coin. The Swiss also have kept their franc. “With the fiscal turmoil escalating across much of the euro zone, the currency has entered an uncertain period,” The Post reported from Berlin. “Some still fear that the currency could destabilize in the coming weeks and months.” AFP editor James P. Tucker Jr. is a veteran journalist who spent many years as a member of the “elite” media in Washington. Since 1975 he has won widespread recognition, here and abroad, for his pursuit of on-the-scene stories reporting the intrigues of global power blocs such as the Bilderberg Group. Tucker is the author of Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary: One Man’s 25-Year Battle to Shine the Light on the World Shadow Government.
International financiers are subtly pursuing their goal of global government, under cover of darkness. They plan to keep the world in a recession at least through 2011 so hungry people will accept world rule to avoid starvation. Their efforts are exposed in their own words, during unguarded moments. “If all goes according to plan, the UN Framework Commission Convention on Climate Change will establish a global framework,” the Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post reported from a UN meeting in Cancun, Mexico Dec. 8.
Post publishers have attended every secret Bilderberg meeting since the 1950s, on a promise to report nothing. Since 1954, the Bilderberg group, with the collaboration of the mainstream corporate media, has been meeting behind closed and heavily guarded doors, to make decisions affecting virtually everyone on Earth. “They are ripe for the harvest,” Brazilian climate official Sergio Serra said during the meeting in Mexico, referring to efforts to establish a global department of energy and climate under the UN.
“We know deforestation is a global problem, and the only way to address that is with an international mechanism,” said Rebecca Chacko, attending for the environmental group Conservation International.
Post publishers have attended every secret Bilderberg meeting since the 1950s, on a promise to report nothing. Since 1954, the Bilderberg group, with the collaboration of the mainstream corporate media, has been meeting behind closed and heavily guarded doors, to make decisions affecting virtually everyone on Earth. “They are ripe for the harvest,” Brazilian climate official Sergio Serra said during the meeting in Mexico, referring to efforts to establish a global department of energy and climate under the UN.
“We know deforestation is a global problem, and the only way to address that is with an international mechanism,” said Rebecca Chacko, attending for the environmental group Conservation International.
Creating “world treasury” and “world defense” departments would be a giant step toward global government, advocates believe. Another step is creating an “American Union” covering the Western Hemisphere, similar to the European Union, through expanding “trade agreements.” European Union member states surrendered their sovereignty by becoming EU members. Switzerland, as AFP has reported, has so far resisted EU membership—a good thing since the European Parliament imposes laws and taxes on distant member states, and the European Court overrules national courts.
Globalists also are fighting to save the euro, which is threatened by Europe’s economic crisis. This is important because a nation’s currency is a symbol of sovereignty which “nationalists” fight to maintain. Britain refuses to accept the euro and uses its own coin. The Swiss also have kept their franc. “With the fiscal turmoil escalating across much of the euro zone, the currency has entered an uncertain period,” The Post reported from Berlin. “Some still fear that the currency could destabilize in the coming weeks and months.” AFP editor James P. Tucker Jr. is a veteran journalist who spent many years as a member of the “elite” media in Washington. Since 1975 he has won widespread recognition, here and abroad, for his pursuit of on-the-scene stories reporting the intrigues of global power blocs such as the Bilderberg Group. Tucker is the author of Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary: One Man’s 25-Year Battle to Shine the Light on the World Shadow Government.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Bill Gates: Register Every Birth by Cellphone To Ensure Vaccination, Control Population Growth
November 19, 2010
On the tails of a recent TED conference where Bill Gates stated that vaccines need to be used to reduce world population figures, he added more to this insanity last week with a keynote address at the mHealth Summit, an annual gathering whose supposedly focuses on improving health care through mobile technology.
Gates told an audience of more than 2,000 that if we could register every worldwide birth on a cell phone, we could ensure that children receive the proper vaccines. He also said the key to controlling population growth is to save the lives of children under 5; and the next big thing in technology is robots.
Gates said computing technology has been great for health care, and there are plenty of opportunities to use the cell phone in clinic settings. Although he noted that some places which need mhealth technology the most may not be able to fully benefit from it.
“We have to approach these things with some humility,” he said. “There’s not Internet connections back there. Often [patients are too sick] for some cell phone thing to do something for them.”
Gates said the key health care metric that we as a society should be trying to improve is one that is in the front of his mind all the time-the number of children who die before age 5. Today, he said the number is 8.5 million; in 1960 it was 20 million.
“About one-third [of that improvement] is by increasing income,” he said. “The majority has been through vaccines. Vaccines will be the key. If you could register every birth on a cell phone–get fingerprints, get a location–then you could [set up] systems to make sure the immunizations happen.”
Gates said he’d like to see a birth registration system, and because it’s a new technology, “we should let 1,000 new ideas blossom.”
He said vaccination rates in poorer areas, such as northern Nigeria and northern India, are below 50 percent, and mobile technology could make a significant difference.
“When I think about the biggest impacts, I think aobut patient reminders,” Gates said. He explained that technology could help remind people to take the TB drugs regularly or remind mothers to do certain things in their child’s first year of life.
He also said technology will be important in monitoring the supply chain (i.e. making sure there aren’t counterfeits among vaccinations and medications) as well as saving lives on the ground. “Malaria and TB are going to be the first things where you say, ‘Wow, without this mobile application, all these people would have died.’”
Gates told the audience that there is no such thing as a healthy, high-population growth country. “If you’re healthy, you’re low-population growth,” he said.
While most of us assume that saving the lives of children will contribute to overpopulation, Gates said the contrary is true.
“The key thing, the most important fact that people should know and make sure other people know: As you save children under 5, that is the thing that reduces population growth. That sounds paradoxal. The fact is that within a decade of improving health outcomes, parents decide to have less children.
“As the world grows from 6 billion to 9 billion, all of that population growth is in urban slums,” he said. “Slums is a growing businesses. It’s a very interesting problem.”
He said no matter what we care about–the environment, schools, nutrition, conflict–the issues are insoluble at 3 percent population growth per year. “Nobody can handle that type of situation, so the best thing you can do is avoid those deaths.”
He said we are in a tough time for foreign aid, and governments are cutting their budgets in response to the financial climate. “The U.K. is quite exemplary,” he said. “They set aside their aid budget and are on track to keep their commitment. It will grow while they cut the rest of their budget. I hope it doesn’t get cut here in the U.S., but I’ll say I’m quite concerned that it will be.”
Gates said he has resorted to pleading for money. “I’m a beggar now,” he said. “I go around and beg governments for the final [millions of dollars] needed to eradicate polio. The financial component may be why it doesn’t get done.”
When asked what’s next in our technological advancement, Gates said there’s no doubt it’s robots. “If you don’t want to go to a convention,” he said, “just send a robot. “When we look at something like infant mortality, there’s a certain level you can’t get below if you can’t do C-sections.” He said doing a caesarean section delivery requires a sterile environment, but Gates said it’s fairly routine, so it could be done by a robot.
He said that we are moving from computers sitting idle while we type; to those that can see us and have high-end applications; to computers that allow us to move and connect with other users in applications like Xbox.
“Computers are learning to see, learning to talk ,learning to listen, learning to move around,” Gates said. “The dexterity things are maybe five years behind.” But he said once a robot learns a task, “it doesn’t forget how to do it. It can do it 24 hours a day.”
Gates used an example in South Africa to illustrate how health education doesn’t always lead to behavior change. He said the Gates Foundation partnered with the Kaiser Family Foundation to educate young people about HIV, with several types of outreach, including billboards. When interviewed, there was no question that the young people understood what caused HIV, but there were not significant behavior changes, because in their minds, the disease was in the distant future.
“If AIDS killed you immediately, things would be better because you’d see these piles of bodies outside bars [and think], ‘I don’t want to go in there… looks suspicious.’ It’s these discontinuities that are the problem,” Gates said. “If all the poor people lived in your neighborhood we wouldn’t have problems with foreign aid.”
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with David Rockefeller’s Rockefeller Foundation, the creators of the GMO biotechnology, are also financing a project called The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) headed by former UN chief, Kofi Annan. Accepting the role as AGRA head in June 2007 Annan expressed his “gratitude to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and all others who support our African campaign.” The AGRA board is dominated by people from both the Gates’ and Rockefeller foundations.
November 19, 2010
On the tails of a recent TED conference where Bill Gates stated that vaccines need to be used to reduce world population figures, he added more to this insanity last week with a keynote address at the mHealth Summit, an annual gathering whose supposedly focuses on improving health care through mobile technology.
Gates told an audience of more than 2,000 that if we could register every worldwide birth on a cell phone, we could ensure that children receive the proper vaccines. He also said the key to controlling population growth is to save the lives of children under 5; and the next big thing in technology is robots.
Gates said computing technology has been great for health care, and there are plenty of opportunities to use the cell phone in clinic settings. Although he noted that some places which need mhealth technology the most may not be able to fully benefit from it.
“We have to approach these things with some humility,” he said. “There’s not Internet connections back there. Often [patients are too sick] for some cell phone thing to do something for them.”
Gates said the key health care metric that we as a society should be trying to improve is one that is in the front of his mind all the time-the number of children who die before age 5. Today, he said the number is 8.5 million; in 1960 it was 20 million.
“About one-third [of that improvement] is by increasing income,” he said. “The majority has been through vaccines. Vaccines will be the key. If you could register every birth on a cell phone–get fingerprints, get a location–then you could [set up] systems to make sure the immunizations happen.”
Gates said he’d like to see a birth registration system, and because it’s a new technology, “we should let 1,000 new ideas blossom.”
He said vaccination rates in poorer areas, such as northern Nigeria and northern India, are below 50 percent, and mobile technology could make a significant difference.
“When I think about the biggest impacts, I think aobut patient reminders,” Gates said. He explained that technology could help remind people to take the TB drugs regularly or remind mothers to do certain things in their child’s first year of life.
He also said technology will be important in monitoring the supply chain (i.e. making sure there aren’t counterfeits among vaccinations and medications) as well as saving lives on the ground. “Malaria and TB are going to be the first things where you say, ‘Wow, without this mobile application, all these people would have died.’”
Gates told the audience that there is no such thing as a healthy, high-population growth country. “If you’re healthy, you’re low-population growth,” he said.
While most of us assume that saving the lives of children will contribute to overpopulation, Gates said the contrary is true.
“The key thing, the most important fact that people should know and make sure other people know: As you save children under 5, that is the thing that reduces population growth. That sounds paradoxal. The fact is that within a decade of improving health outcomes, parents decide to have less children.
“As the world grows from 6 billion to 9 billion, all of that population growth is in urban slums,” he said. “Slums is a growing businesses. It’s a very interesting problem.”
He said no matter what we care about–the environment, schools, nutrition, conflict–the issues are insoluble at 3 percent population growth per year. “Nobody can handle that type of situation, so the best thing you can do is avoid those deaths.”
He said we are in a tough time for foreign aid, and governments are cutting their budgets in response to the financial climate. “The U.K. is quite exemplary,” he said. “They set aside their aid budget and are on track to keep their commitment. It will grow while they cut the rest of their budget. I hope it doesn’t get cut here in the U.S., but I’ll say I’m quite concerned that it will be.”
Gates said he has resorted to pleading for money. “I’m a beggar now,” he said. “I go around and beg governments for the final [millions of dollars] needed to eradicate polio. The financial component may be why it doesn’t get done.”
When asked what’s next in our technological advancement, Gates said there’s no doubt it’s robots. “If you don’t want to go to a convention,” he said, “just send a robot. “When we look at something like infant mortality, there’s a certain level you can’t get below if you can’t do C-sections.” He said doing a caesarean section delivery requires a sterile environment, but Gates said it’s fairly routine, so it could be done by a robot.
He said that we are moving from computers sitting idle while we type; to those that can see us and have high-end applications; to computers that allow us to move and connect with other users in applications like Xbox.
“Computers are learning to see, learning to talk ,learning to listen, learning to move around,” Gates said. “The dexterity things are maybe five years behind.” But he said once a robot learns a task, “it doesn’t forget how to do it. It can do it 24 hours a day.”
Gates used an example in South Africa to illustrate how health education doesn’t always lead to behavior change. He said the Gates Foundation partnered with the Kaiser Family Foundation to educate young people about HIV, with several types of outreach, including billboards. When interviewed, there was no question that the young people understood what caused HIV, but there were not significant behavior changes, because in their minds, the disease was in the distant future.
“If AIDS killed you immediately, things would be better because you’d see these piles of bodies outside bars [and think], ‘I don’t want to go in there… looks suspicious.’ It’s these discontinuities that are the problem,” Gates said. “If all the poor people lived in your neighborhood we wouldn’t have problems with foreign aid.”
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with David Rockefeller’s Rockefeller Foundation, the creators of the GMO biotechnology, are also financing a project called The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) headed by former UN chief, Kofi Annan. Accepting the role as AGRA head in June 2007 Annan expressed his “gratitude to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and all others who support our African campaign.” The AGRA board is dominated by people from both the Gates’ and Rockefeller foundations.
Climategate is Still the Issue
James Corbett
November 19, 2010
TRANSCRIPT: This week marks the one year anniversary of the release of emails and documents from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia that we now know as Climategate.
Sitting here now, one year later, it’s becoming difficult to remember the importance of that release of information, or even what information was actually released. Many were only introduced to the scandal through commentary in the blogosphere and many more came to know about it only weeks later, after the establishment media had a chance to assess the damage and fine tune the spin that would help allay their audience’s concern that something important had just happened. Very few have actually bothered to read the emails and documents for themselves.
Few have browsed the “Harry Read Me” file, the electronic notes of a harried programmer trying to make sense of the CRU’s databases. They have never read for themselves how temperatures in the database were “artificially adjusted to look closer to the real temperatures” or the “hundreds if not thousands of dummy stations” which somehow ended up in the database, or how the exasperated programmer resorts to expletives before admitting he made up key data on weather stations because it was impossible to tell what data was coming from what sources.
Few have read the 2005 email from Climategate ringleader and CRU head Phil Jones to John Christy where he states “The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said the world had cooled from 1998. OK it has but it is only 7 years of data and it isn’t statistically significant.” Or where he concludes: “As you know, I’m not political. If anything, I would like to see the climate change happen, so the science could be proved right, regardless of the consequences. This isn’t being political, it is being selfish.”
Or the email where he broke the law by asking Michael Mann of “hockey stick” fame to delete a series of emails related to a Freedom of Information request he had just received.
Or the email where he wrote: “If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone. We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind.”
Or the other emails where these men of science say they will re-define the peer review process itself in order to keep differing view points out of the scientific literature, or where they discuss ousting a suspected skeptic out of his editorial position in a key scientific journal, or where they fret about how to hide the divergence in temperature proxy records from observed temperatures, or where they openly discuss the complete lack of warming over the last decade or any of the thousands of other emails and documents exposing a laundry list of gross scientific and academic abuses.
Of course, the alarmists continue to argue–as they have ever since they first began to acknowledge the scandalNthat climategate is insignificant. Without addressing any of the issues or specific emails, they simply point to the “independent investigations” that they say have vindicated the climategate scientists.
Like the UK parliamentary committee, which issued a report claiming that Phil Jones and the CRU’s scientific credibility remained intact after a rigorous one day hearing which featured no testimony from any skeptic or dissenting voice. After the release of the report, the committee stressed that the report did not address all of the issues raised by climategate and Phil Willis, the committee chairman admitted that the committee had rushed to put out a report before the British election.
Or the Oxburgh inquiry, chaired by Lord Ron Oxburgh, the UK Vice Chair of Globe International, an NGO-funded climate change legislation lobby group. The Oxburgh inquiry released a five page report after having reviewed 11 scientific papers unrelated to the climategate scandal that had been hand-picked by Phil Jones himself. It heard no testimony or evidence from anyone critical of the CRU. Unsurprisingly, it found the climategaters not guilty of academic misconduct.
Regardless of what one thinks of the veracity or independence of these so-called investigations into the climategate scandal itself, what has followed has been a catastrophic meltdown of the supposedly united front of scientific opinion that manmade CO2 is causing catastrophic global warming.
In late November of 2009, just days after the initial release of the climategate emails, the University of East Anglia was in the hotseat again. The CRU was forced to admit they had thrown away most of the raw data that their global temperature calculations were based upon, meaning their work was not reproducible by any outside scientists.
In December of that year, the UN’s Copenhagen climate talks broke down when a negotiating document was leaked showing that–contrary to all prNit would be the third world nations bearing the brunt of a new international climate treaty, with punishing restrictions on carbon emissions that would prevent them from ever industrializing. The document, written by industrialized nations, allowed the first world to emit twice as much carbon per person as the third world, and was widely seen as an implementation of a eugenical austerity program under a “green” cover. This agenda was further exposed by the influential Optimum Population Trust in the UK, which began arguing that same month that rich westerners offset their carbon footprints by funding programs to stop black people from breeding.
In January 2010, the United Nations’ much-lauded Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change began to fall apart as error after error began to emerge in this supposedly unassailable peer-reviewed, scientific document asserting human causation of catastrophic climate change. That month it was revealed that a passing comment to a journalist from an Indian climatologist that the Himalayan glaciers could melt within 40 years found its way into the much-touted Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fourth report on climate change via a World Wildlife Fund fundraising pamphlet. When IPCC defenders tried to pass the universally derided prediction off as a legitimate mistake, the coordinating lead author of that section of the report admitted that the IPCC knew that the report was based on baseless speculation in a non-peer reviewed work, but included it because “We thought that if we can highlight it, it will impact policy-makers and politicians and encourage them to take some concrete action.”
Later that month, doubt was cast on another claim in the IPCC report, this one that 40% of the Amazon rainforest was in danger of disappearing due to manmade global warming. These doubts were confirmed in July when the claim was sourced back to pure, unverified speculation on the now-defunct website of a Brazilian environmental advocacy group. Just this month, the exact opposite of the original claim was shown to be the case when a new study appeared in Science demonstrating that forests in past warming periods were not decimated but in fact blooming with life, experiencing a “rapid and distinct increase in plant diversity and origination rates.”
Also in January, the UK Information Commissioner ruled that researchers at the CRU had broken the law by refusing to comply with Freedom of Information requests, but that no criminal prosecution would follow because of a statute of limitations on prosecuting the illegal activity.
In February, the UK Guardian revealed that a key study co-authored by Phil Jones that purported to show there was no such thing as the well-researched Urban Heat Island effect was found to have relied on seriously flawed data. This, according to the Guardian, led to “apparent attempts to cover up problems with [the] temperature data.”
In September, John Holdren, the man who had previously advocated adding sterilizing agents to the water supply to combat the overpopulation problem which he thought would ravage the Earth by the year 2000, and who currently is the Science czar in the Obama White House, advocated a name change for global warming to “climate disruption,” further affirming the theory’s non-scientific status as an unfalsifiable prediction that anything that ever is due to manmade carbon dioxide.
Later that month, Britain’s prestigious Royal Society rewrote its climate change summary to admit that the science was infused with uncertainties and that “It is not possible to determine exactly how much the Earth will warm or exactly how the climate will change in the future…”
In October, a carbon reduction advocacy group called 10:10 released a video to promote its campaign in which those skeptical about participating in the program are literally blown up.
And just this month, Scientific American, a publication that has been noted for publishing increasingly alarmist reports about the reality and the dangers of manmade-2 induced global warming, a poll of its own readers that found over 77 believe natural processes to be the cause of climate change and almost 80 responded that they would not be willing to pay a single penny on schemes to “forestall” the supposed effects of supposedly-manmade global warming (warming that even climategate scientist Phil Jones now admits is no longer taking place).
And this is only the briefest of overviews of the range of information that has been tracking over the past year. The reports undermine the data, its sources, the scientific processes used, the scientists themselves, and their conclusions. It shows that the main temperature records that are used to determine the highly-problematic concept of the global mean temperature are in fact in the hands of scientists like Phil Jones and James Hansen with a direct stake in the continuation of the alarmist scare. When these scientists are questioned on the sources of their data they advocate deleting emails and even deleting data itself. They admit that key data underlying their calculations has already been deleted.
And yet, with all of this, they have the audacity to continue to suggest that there is overwhelming concensus on the “science” of global warming. They call for public debates with skeptics who they invariably accuse of being funded by Big Oil, and then, when those debates are actually organized, they then back out of those debates. They then continue to call for the imprisonment of anyone who dares to question this supposed iron-clad .
And now, they are preparing to meet once again.
Next month, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will descend on Cancun, Mexico, to once again try to hammer out a globally-binding agreement on the restriction of carbon emissions. They will once again act as if carbon dioxide is a vile poison and not one of the essential ingredients of life on this planet. They will once again pretend that a causal link between carbon dioxide and catastrophic or unprecedented warming has been established. They will once again pretend that inflicting severe austerity on the third world in the name of greening the earth is anything other than eugenics by another name.
This year, though, there will be a difference. The public at large is another year older, another year wiser, and less prepared than ever to accept unquestioned the dire assertions of grandstanding politicians and the scientists they fund that the world is on the brink of imminent destruction. When they say the science is certain and settled, we will know better. When they say that this is humanity’s last chance, we will see them for the Chicken Little’s they have always been.
This is not a call for complacency. In fact, now that the public is more skeptical than ever about the climategaters and others of their ilk, the danger of binding international agreements enacted by unelected institutions and empowering global taxation is at an all-time high. They are hoping to ram through an agreement that will put the final nail in the coffin of climate realism before the corpse of the global warming hoax even has the chance to rot.
We have to speak out against this fraud now, and more loudly than ever. We must make our voices heard when we assert that science is about honesty, about openness, about the search for the truth, and that those who reject those principles will no longer be heeded by a public that has been stretched long past the point of credulity.
Once again the UN-funded scientists and politicians are telling us that the hour is nigh, and perhaps, for once, they are right. The end is almost here for those who are trying to establish their global governance in the name of a scientific fraud. If we continue to speak out on this issue, perhaps there will be no UNFCCC conference next year after all.
For if climategate has taught us anything, it is that just one year can make all the difference.
November 19, 2010
TRANSCRIPT: This week marks the one year anniversary of the release of emails and documents from the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia that we now know as Climategate.
Sitting here now, one year later, it’s becoming difficult to remember the importance of that release of information, or even what information was actually released. Many were only introduced to the scandal through commentary in the blogosphere and many more came to know about it only weeks later, after the establishment media had a chance to assess the damage and fine tune the spin that would help allay their audience’s concern that something important had just happened. Very few have actually bothered to read the emails and documents for themselves.
Few have browsed the “Harry Read Me” file, the electronic notes of a harried programmer trying to make sense of the CRU’s databases. They have never read for themselves how temperatures in the database were “artificially adjusted to look closer to the real temperatures” or the “hundreds if not thousands of dummy stations” which somehow ended up in the database, or how the exasperated programmer resorts to expletives before admitting he made up key data on weather stations because it was impossible to tell what data was coming from what sources.
Few have read the 2005 email from Climategate ringleader and CRU head Phil Jones to John Christy where he states “The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said the world had cooled from 1998. OK it has but it is only 7 years of data and it isn’t statistically significant.” Or where he concludes: “As you know, I’m not political. If anything, I would like to see the climate change happen, so the science could be proved right, regardless of the consequences. This isn’t being political, it is being selfish.”
Or the email where he broke the law by asking Michael Mann of “hockey stick” fame to delete a series of emails related to a Freedom of Information request he had just received.
Or the email where he wrote: “If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I’ll delete the file rather than send to anyone. We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind.”
Or the other emails where these men of science say they will re-define the peer review process itself in order to keep differing view points out of the scientific literature, or where they discuss ousting a suspected skeptic out of his editorial position in a key scientific journal, or where they fret about how to hide the divergence in temperature proxy records from observed temperatures, or where they openly discuss the complete lack of warming over the last decade or any of the thousands of other emails and documents exposing a laundry list of gross scientific and academic abuses.
Of course, the alarmists continue to argue–as they have ever since they first began to acknowledge the scandalNthat climategate is insignificant. Without addressing any of the issues or specific emails, they simply point to the “independent investigations” that they say have vindicated the climategate scientists.
Like the UK parliamentary committee, which issued a report claiming that Phil Jones and the CRU’s scientific credibility remained intact after a rigorous one day hearing which featured no testimony from any skeptic or dissenting voice. After the release of the report, the committee stressed that the report did not address all of the issues raised by climategate and Phil Willis, the committee chairman admitted that the committee had rushed to put out a report before the British election.
Or the Oxburgh inquiry, chaired by Lord Ron Oxburgh, the UK Vice Chair of Globe International, an NGO-funded climate change legislation lobby group. The Oxburgh inquiry released a five page report after having reviewed 11 scientific papers unrelated to the climategate scandal that had been hand-picked by Phil Jones himself. It heard no testimony or evidence from anyone critical of the CRU. Unsurprisingly, it found the climategaters not guilty of academic misconduct.
Regardless of what one thinks of the veracity or independence of these so-called investigations into the climategate scandal itself, what has followed has been a catastrophic meltdown of the supposedly united front of scientific opinion that manmade CO2 is causing catastrophic global warming.
In late November of 2009, just days after the initial release of the climategate emails, the University of East Anglia was in the hotseat again. The CRU was forced to admit they had thrown away most of the raw data that their global temperature calculations were based upon, meaning their work was not reproducible by any outside scientists.
In December of that year, the UN’s Copenhagen climate talks broke down when a negotiating document was leaked showing that–contrary to all prNit would be the third world nations bearing the brunt of a new international climate treaty, with punishing restrictions on carbon emissions that would prevent them from ever industrializing. The document, written by industrialized nations, allowed the first world to emit twice as much carbon per person as the third world, and was widely seen as an implementation of a eugenical austerity program under a “green” cover. This agenda was further exposed by the influential Optimum Population Trust in the UK, which began arguing that same month that rich westerners offset their carbon footprints by funding programs to stop black people from breeding.
In January 2010, the United Nations’ much-lauded Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change began to fall apart as error after error began to emerge in this supposedly unassailable peer-reviewed, scientific document asserting human causation of catastrophic climate change. That month it was revealed that a passing comment to a journalist from an Indian climatologist that the Himalayan glaciers could melt within 40 years found its way into the much-touted Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fourth report on climate change via a World Wildlife Fund fundraising pamphlet. When IPCC defenders tried to pass the universally derided prediction off as a legitimate mistake, the coordinating lead author of that section of the report admitted that the IPCC knew that the report was based on baseless speculation in a non-peer reviewed work, but included it because “We thought that if we can highlight it, it will impact policy-makers and politicians and encourage them to take some concrete action.”
Later that month, doubt was cast on another claim in the IPCC report, this one that 40% of the Amazon rainforest was in danger of disappearing due to manmade global warming. These doubts were confirmed in July when the claim was sourced back to pure, unverified speculation on the now-defunct website of a Brazilian environmental advocacy group. Just this month, the exact opposite of the original claim was shown to be the case when a new study appeared in Science demonstrating that forests in past warming periods were not decimated but in fact blooming with life, experiencing a “rapid and distinct increase in plant diversity and origination rates.”
Also in January, the UK Information Commissioner ruled that researchers at the CRU had broken the law by refusing to comply with Freedom of Information requests, but that no criminal prosecution would follow because of a statute of limitations on prosecuting the illegal activity.
In February, the UK Guardian revealed that a key study co-authored by Phil Jones that purported to show there was no such thing as the well-researched Urban Heat Island effect was found to have relied on seriously flawed data. This, according to the Guardian, led to “apparent attempts to cover up problems with [the] temperature data.”
In September, John Holdren, the man who had previously advocated adding sterilizing agents to the water supply to combat the overpopulation problem which he thought would ravage the Earth by the year 2000, and who currently is the Science czar in the Obama White House, advocated a name change for global warming to “climate disruption,” further affirming the theory’s non-scientific status as an unfalsifiable prediction that anything that ever is due to manmade carbon dioxide.
Later that month, Britain’s prestigious Royal Society rewrote its climate change summary to admit that the science was infused with uncertainties and that “It is not possible to determine exactly how much the Earth will warm or exactly how the climate will change in the future…”
In October, a carbon reduction advocacy group called 10:10 released a video to promote its campaign in which those skeptical about participating in the program are literally blown up.
And just this month, Scientific American, a publication that has been noted for publishing increasingly alarmist reports about the reality and the dangers of manmade-2 induced global warming, a poll of its own readers that found over 77 believe natural processes to be the cause of climate change and almost 80 responded that they would not be willing to pay a single penny on schemes to “forestall” the supposed effects of supposedly-manmade global warming (warming that even climategate scientist Phil Jones now admits is no longer taking place).
And this is only the briefest of overviews of the range of information that has been tracking over the past year. The reports undermine the data, its sources, the scientific processes used, the scientists themselves, and their conclusions. It shows that the main temperature records that are used to determine the highly-problematic concept of the global mean temperature are in fact in the hands of scientists like Phil Jones and James Hansen with a direct stake in the continuation of the alarmist scare. When these scientists are questioned on the sources of their data they advocate deleting emails and even deleting data itself. They admit that key data underlying their calculations has already been deleted.
And yet, with all of this, they have the audacity to continue to suggest that there is overwhelming concensus on the “science” of global warming. They call for public debates with skeptics who they invariably accuse of being funded by Big Oil, and then, when those debates are actually organized, they then back out of those debates. They then continue to call for the imprisonment of anyone who dares to question this supposed iron-clad .
And now, they are preparing to meet once again.
Next month, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will descend on Cancun, Mexico, to once again try to hammer out a globally-binding agreement on the restriction of carbon emissions. They will once again act as if carbon dioxide is a vile poison and not one of the essential ingredients of life on this planet. They will once again pretend that a causal link between carbon dioxide and catastrophic or unprecedented warming has been established. They will once again pretend that inflicting severe austerity on the third world in the name of greening the earth is anything other than eugenics by another name.
This year, though, there will be a difference. The public at large is another year older, another year wiser, and less prepared than ever to accept unquestioned the dire assertions of grandstanding politicians and the scientists they fund that the world is on the brink of imminent destruction. When they say the science is certain and settled, we will know better. When they say that this is humanity’s last chance, we will see them for the Chicken Little’s they have always been.
This is not a call for complacency. In fact, now that the public is more skeptical than ever about the climategaters and others of their ilk, the danger of binding international agreements enacted by unelected institutions and empowering global taxation is at an all-time high. They are hoping to ram through an agreement that will put the final nail in the coffin of climate realism before the corpse of the global warming hoax even has the chance to rot.
We have to speak out against this fraud now, and more loudly than ever. We must make our voices heard when we assert that science is about honesty, about openness, about the search for the truth, and that those who reject those principles will no longer be heeded by a public that has been stretched long past the point of credulity.
Once again the UN-funded scientists and politicians are telling us that the hour is nigh, and perhaps, for once, they are right. The end is almost here for those who are trying to establish their global governance in the name of a scientific fraud. If we continue to speak out on this issue, perhaps there will be no UNFCCC conference next year after all.
For if climategate has taught us anything, it is that just one year can make all the difference.
100 Million Sign Up to Report on Themselves On Twitter in 2010
Matt Ryan
December 10, 2010
Twitter has reported an overwhelming 100 million new accounts created in 2010, making it one of the fastest growing databases for up-to-the-minute personal information online. Facebook, which recently revealed having well over 500 million is still the largest.
The site boasts the use of small 140 character or less posts entered by users, called micro-blogs, which lets them post a single idea, link, or update on their whereabouts. This service launched in 2007 and quickly took off due to its simplicity and open API allowing mobile developers to easily add the service to applications that tie in to other social networks or stand alone as managers for sometimes multiple Twitter accounts.
According to Mashable, 72% of Twitter’s users use their accounts to post personal details about their lives, activities, and interests. 62% use it to share information about their work either on an official or unofficial basis.
On the other side, Twitter is a powerful engine for sharing news and spreading the word about events and protests. Alex Jones has an official Twitter page dedicated to spreading the word about hot news topics, guests and special segments on the show, and sharing images.
With the grand total of users up to 200 million, Twitter’s growth rate can be held as a sign of the growing interest in social networking as a whole. The question remains as to who benefits most from these services, activists and event coordinators sharing news and organizing events, or those that want to collect and database our every thought and movement?
December 10, 2010
The site boasts the use of small 140 character or less posts entered by users, called micro-blogs, which lets them post a single idea, link, or update on their whereabouts. This service launched in 2007 and quickly took off due to its simplicity and open API allowing mobile developers to easily add the service to applications that tie in to other social networks or stand alone as managers for sometimes multiple Twitter accounts.
According to Mashable, 72% of Twitter’s users use their accounts to post personal details about their lives, activities, and interests. 62% use it to share information about their work either on an official or unofficial basis.
On the other side, Twitter is a powerful engine for sharing news and spreading the word about events and protests. Alex Jones has an official Twitter page dedicated to spreading the word about hot news topics, guests and special segments on the show, and sharing images.
With the grand total of users up to 200 million, Twitter’s growth rate can be held as a sign of the growing interest in social networking as a whole. The question remains as to who benefits most from these services, activists and event coordinators sharing news and organizing events, or those that want to collect and database our every thought and movement?
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