Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Obama Afghanistan Policy in Ruins; Anti-War Primary Challenger Needed

Webster G. Tarpley
June 19, 2010

The hearings held this past week by the Senate Armed Services Committee have established that the Obama Afghanistan policy is in ruins. Obama had always profiled himself as the most extreme warmonger when it came to Afghanistan – more aggressive than Hillary, more aggressive than McCain, and more aggressive than Bush. Now, the casualty lists are getting tragically longer, and the ground offensives touted by neocon favorite son Petraeus and McChrystal are turning out to be abortive. Defense Secretary Gates sounds more and more like McNamara during Vietnam or Rumsfeld during the Iraq debacle at when he assures the Senators that much progress is being made. The resulting crisis will be revealed no later than the November NATO summit by an increased rate of defection from the invasion coalition by various NATO states and other supporters of the US-led coalition. Most of all, there is also an immediate need for an antiwar challenger to run against Obama in the Democratic primary campaigns which began about a year from now with the Iowa straw poll.
The fatal weakness of Obamas approach to the Afghanistan military adventure was the contradiction between the announced purpose – the need to defeat Al Qaeda, in reality the CIA’s own Arab Legion – and the real purpose, which has always been to export the civil war from Afghanistan into Pakistan to break up the Pakistan energy corridor between Iran and China and to make sure that the “Pipelinestan” perspective for that country’s economic development will never come to fruition. The populations of Pushtunistan and Baluchistan are targeted in order to spread rebellion and civil war into Pakistan.
In the wake of the extremely fishy Times Square car bomb incident, a new dimension has been added to the US attack on Pakistan. It should be noted in passing that the Times Square car bomber had been subject to intensive surveillance by members of the US Joint Terrorism Task Force going back half a dozen years, suggesting that we are dealing with the umpteenth patsy of the current series. Since the US accuses of the Pakistani Taliban of being responsible for this alleged car bomb, a pretext for a direct bombing attack or special forces incursion targeting Pakistan is now available. As the Washington Post wrote on May 29, 2010:
“The U.S. military is reviewing options for a unilateral strike in Pakistan in the event that a successful attack on American soil is traced to the country’s tribal areas, according to senior military officials…. Obama dispatched his national security adviser, James L. Jones, and CIA Director Leon Panetta to Islamabad this month to deliver a similar message to Pakistani officials, including President Asif Ali Zardari and the military chief, Gen. Ashfaq Kiyani. Jones and Panetta presented evidence gathered by U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies that [accused Times Square car bomber] Shahzad received significant support from the Pakistani Taliban.”[1]
As long as the US pursues the absurd and hopeless invasion of Afghanistan, the danger will increase that defeated US generals will seek career or political salvation through the flight forward of further escalating the wider war with Pakistan, leading towards Continue reading Obama Afghanistan Policy in Ruins; Anti-War Primary Challenger Needed

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