The film Innocence of Muslims, which sparked anti-American protests throughout the Islamic world last week, bears all the trademarks of an Illuminati Mossad false flag operation designed to both ignite WW III and to sink President Obama’s re-election.
Never mind that the attack on the US Embassy in Bengazi, Libya which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other embassy employees was carried out by the same al Qaeda nuts Stevens had championed, as they murdered their way to power during the CIA-backed coup against Mohamar Qaddafi.
Never mind that the attacks on the US Embassy in Eqypt were tacitly endorsed by that country’s ruling Muslim Brotherhood – long a clandestine tool of the Illuminati bankers. Or that the attacks on our embassy in Khartoum were launched by al Qaeda thugs bent on replacing Rothschild central banking cartel nemesis Omar al-Bashir.
Forget the statements made by the ignoramus Mitt Romney, who like his Israeli-worshipping Republican kin, remains in denial as to the consequences of invading and occupying Muslim countries at will.
What matters is the timing of these events.
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