Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Keiser Report: Redback vs Greenback
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Next Stop For NATO Regime Change: Syria
No humanitarian intervention to protect victims of US and British-backed tyrants in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
With western-backed Al-Qaeda rebels now firmly in control of Libya, NATO is set to move on to its next target for regime change – Syria – with Bashir Assad’s government becoming increasingly isolated as attack plans are finalized.
According to DebkaFile’s military and intelligence sources, several different blueprints for military intervention in Syria are now being considered by NATO powers and allied states in the region, including the use of Turkish and Saudi troops to overthrow Assad’s regime.
“Well-informed military sources warn that Assad will not be cowed by the international, military and economic noose tightening around his neck. He is far more likely to try and loosen it by lashing out against his enemies, starting with Israel. Iran will certainly be a willing supporter of such belligerence, starting a war which could spread like wildfire across the region,” states the report.
Earlier this month NATO powers, including US President Barack Obama, called on Assad to step down. The UN has already pulled all its non-essential staff out of the country.
Obama’s demand that Assad step aside is exactly what happened prior to the bombardment of Libya. On February 26, Obama called on Gaddafi to give up power. Three weeks later, US B-2 bombers were attacking Libyan airfields.
The establishment media is repeating precisely the same rhetoric we were bombarded with prior to the attack on Libya, where for weeks rebel troops who had seized control of fighter jets, tanks and rocket-propelled grenade launchers were described as “protesters” and “demonstrators”.
Given that the western press has proven adept at manufacturing lies to justify military interventions, whether the actions of Assad’s regime represent genuine atrocities or legitimate conduct in the midst of a civil war remains unclear. Some have claimed the abuses are being embellished, while both former CIA agent Robert Baer and ex-MI6 officer Alastair Crooke point out that the Syrian people definitely want change, but not in the form of a NATO “humanitarian” assault.
“Syrians want change. But whether Westerners believe it or not, most people in Damascus, in Aleppo, the middle classes, the merchant classes and the [sectarian] minorities believe Assad is the only person who can bring in reforms,” he said. “They fear two things above all else – civil war and Western intervention … They would like to avoid the example of Libya because it would lead them into civil war,” said Crooke.
Whether or not Assad’s regime has committed atrocities, as Congressman Ron Paul points out today, both Assad and Gaddafi are no worse than some of the tyrants currently being propped up by western powers, such as the US and British-backed unelected monarchy in Bahrain which has terrorized and murdered its people for almost six months. Fellow western ally Saudi Arabia also sent troops into Bahrain, trained by the British Armed Forces, to crush the popular uprising, leaving behind a trail of human rights abuses.
There was no NATO “humanitarian” intervention when Bahraini troops acting on behalf of the dictatorship began indiscriminately firing tear gas into villages and homes, killing old women and children via asphyxiation, before detaining thousands of pro-democracy protesters and subjecting them to torture while killing scores of others.
Meanwhile, western ally Saudi Arabia is trying to pass a law that would designate any form of protest against the monarchy as a terrorist act. This follows widespread protests by pro-reform demonstrators earlier this year which were met with police brutality, murders and arrests without charge.
“Gaddafi may well have been a tyrant, but as such he was no worse than many others that we support and count as allies,” writes Ron Paul. “Disturbingly, we see a pattern of relatively secular leaders in the Arab world being targeted for regime change with the resulting power vacuum being filled by much more radical elements. Iraq, post-Saddam, is certainly far closer to Iran than before the US invasion. Will Libya be any different?”
Given that Libya has now been seized by Al-Qaeda terrorists who are already committing atrocities against the country’s black population, NATO’s “humanitarian” pretext for further interventions has been completely discredited, but don’t expect that to stand in the way of the opportunity to capture another “rogue state” and homogenize it into the global empire of the new world order.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Bob Chapman : NATO is after Libya's Gold
Bob Chapman : I would not call what we see now at this stage a credit crisis it is a debt crisis worldwide , Europe is over , Germany is headed towards a recession , the power that be are trying to bankrupt Europe and Germany because they want the public of these countries on their knees so that they can accept the World Government
Bob Chapman,
British Empire,
financial terrorism,
world government
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Syria Preparing To Resist Globalist And NATO Regime Change Plans
Patrick Henningsen
With globalist restructuring plans for the Middle East and North Africa looking to be nearly complete, one major hurdle remains.
According to a report yesterday in USA TODAY, the Syrian leader, President Bashar Assad is ”not worried” about the security of his country, and also warned NATO against any foreign military operations against this country. The report continues by stating:
“I am not worried about the security situation right now, we can say the security situation is better… It may seem dangerous, but in fact we are able to deal with it,” Assad concluded.
NOT ROLLING OVER: Assad’s Syria will be one of the globalists most difficult regime change operations.
1. International sanctions
2. UN Resolution
3. No Fly Zone
4. A long, protracted NATO bombing campaign
5. “Regime change“
This is the current formula(above) being employed by the US, UK and its ‘Coalition’ partners to win control of a country. After the US over-step in Iraq in 2003, the acceptable diplomatic technique is now done whereby the US/UK will work through the UN by pushing a vague resolution, and using NATO as the quasi-legal enforcement arm of a UN-backed NO FLY ZONE. Certainly, this has worked so far with Libya.
Globalist think tank The Council on Foreign Relation (CFR),officially called for “regime change in Syria” on August 18th. This should be as clear an indication as any that plans have already been drawn up to restructure the country.
The story by now, should be a familiar one. As with Libya, top analysts have concluded that the recent Syrian unrest was planned many months ago, and has since been seized upon by the western media. It is not surprising here that unrest in that country has been both financed and driven mainly by a foreign agents of influence, and not true reform seekers as is depicted in the western mainstream press.
As with the technique used in Libya, the western PR machine will then spin the story that Assad’s forces opened fire on “peaceful protesters” and therefore render him(in the eyes of western media consumers) illegitimate as the ruling government in that country. It’s a formula that has apparently worked thus far in Libya, and to a lesser degree in both Egypt and Tunisia. This PR effort is then helped along by digital trending using social networks like Twitter, with the majority of regime change activity being posted in English language format.
As we have seen in the final stages of the fall of Libya, not only are western-backed rebels receiving heavy arms and NATO air support, Britain’s M16 have been on the ground directing military activities in the country, as well as known terrorists being shipped in and used by western intel agencies during the final stages of the civil war. The same can be expected in Syria should the country descend into an artificial civil war.
Western intelligence openly active in supporting and directing “rebel” forces in Libya.
Clearly, Assad is unlikely to resign from power, which creates the ideal media conflict between him and his western detractors.
Predictably, and once again, in this situation President Barack Obama‘s calls for sanctions against Syria and for its leader President Assad to “step down” from power are all part of a PR and diplomatic process designed to soften the ground for an impending NATO, or “coalition” group military intervention in Syria.
The US have already scrambled its military assets in the region of Syria, and have been conducting manuevers there for a number months already, through Operation Sea Breeze 2011 and other similar exercises.
Few would deny the strategic importance of Syria on the grand chessboard. It’s bordering neighbors include no less than Israel, Turkey, Lebanon and most importantly now, Iraq. It is a given that all of those neighbors, with a possible exception of Lebanon, will do the USA’s bidding when is comes to cooperating in an operation against Syria. But Syria is also a natural political ally of Iran, a trading partner with Russia and is aligned firmly with the region’s last remaining effective, independent militias- Hezbollah, based in Lebanon.
To break Syria and then bring it under the globalist umbrella would be a key jewel on the globalist crown in their effort to control the entire Middle East and Central Asian region. In addition, Syria is one the region’s most economically independent sovereign states and possesses an incredible basket of natural resources. For all these reasons, Syria is a very high priority for globalist economic privatisation and dismantling of the state that is currently in place.
Israel’s stake in Syrian regime change is first and foremost- land. The Golan Heights, as well as its formerly occupied prize in the form of South Lebanon will be firmly within Israel’s grasp if the country should eventually come under US and European globalist control.
Unlike Saddam Hussein in Iraq, or Gaddafi in Libya, President Assad’s confidence in Syria’s ability to overcome the current western-backed coup is not misplaced optimism. Unlike other soft targets in the surrounding region, Syria maintains one of the largest, most loyal, and well-trained standing armies and air force operations in the region. They have state-of-the-art anti-aircraft defense systems in place, and a very sophisticated and well-oiled intelligence network, one which has given its near neighbor and traditional adversary, Israel, a very difficult time penetrating over the decades.
The report further states that:
“Assad warned against Libya-style military intervention, saying “any military action against Syria will bring repercussions that (the West) cannot tolerate.” There have been no serious international plans to launch such an operation, in part because the opposition has said it does not want Western countries to interfere.
Assad declared to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday that military and security operations have stopped in Syria. Despite that pledge, the government’s offensive has continued, although on a smaller scale.”
The western globalist effort to absorb Syria in its fold will be by anyone’s estimation, a long, expensive and very difficult process to install a US-Euro-Israeli compliant regime to replace Assad’s government. Time is not on their side. It is doubtful that despite their recent victories in North Africa, the US-Euro-Israeli Axis will be able to withstand the domestic political and economic pressures which face the ruling regimes at home.
If there is a country that can, and are prepared to hold out, despite globalist PR and political pressures- it is Syria. In addition, tempting the wand of fate with Syria also risks pulling Iran- or Russia, into a wider regional conflict, the results of which, war game planners in Whitehall and the Pentagon are already studying and preparing scenarios for.
For those reasons, the coming months may reveal a series of successive western moves which planners in Washington, London and Tel Aviv hope will accelerate destabilisation of the country leading to regime change. This may include pre-emptive measures, like an early assassination attempt on President Assad using western or Israeli intelligence operatives already in play in the region.
A successful NATO operation in Syria would probably come at a high cost, but it would in effect remove the Middle East’s last remaining strong and independent states from the chess board, paving the way for a unified, geopolitical globalist grip over the greater region.
This article originally appeared at 21st Century Wire
14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts
The American Dream
Only acknowledging truths after they reach an underground critical mass, the mainstream media has confirmed a few ‘conspiracy’ theories.
The following are 14 conspiracy theories that the media now admits are conspiracy facts….
#1 Fukushima Uninhabitable
Back in April, I published an article entitled “Much Of Northern Japan Uninhabitable Due To Nuclear Radiation?“ At the time, almost everyone in the mainstream media was insisting that Fukushima was nothing like Chernobyl and that those that lived near Fukushima would be able to return to their homes fairly soon.
Well, it turns out that those of us that feared the worst were right after all. Just consider the following quote from the New York Times….
Broad areas around the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant could soon be declared uninhabitable, perhaps for decades, after a government survey found radioactive contamination that far exceeded safe levels, several major media outlets said Monday.
#2 U.S. Military Attack On Libya
At the beginning of this year, nobody would have dreamed that the U.S. military would have attacked Libya this year.
But it happened. At first those that tried to warn about an upcoming conflict with Libya were called kooks, and even up until recently many in the media were still trying to deny that NATO was arming and training the rebels.
Well, the truth is that NATO had special forces on the ground even before the conflict began.
The “rebel groups” (which include large numbers of al-Qaeda fighters) would have been soundly defeated by Gaddafi if not for relentless air strikes by the U.S. military and NATO.
Instead of a straightforward invasion like we saw in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. military and NATO systematically developed, trained and equipped “rebel groups” within the country and have used them as the ground forces for this campaign.
That way the goals of the U.S. and EU could still be achieved, but in the end they would have less blood on their hands.
As the conflict winds down, now even the New York Times is admitting that we have trained and equipped the rebels….
“We always knew there would be a point where the effectiveness of the government forces would decline to the point where they could not effectively command and control their forces,” said the diplomat, who was granted anonymity to discuss confidential details of the battle inside Tripoli.Sadly, there is still a very good chance that U.S. troops could end up on the ground in Libya.
“At the same time,” the diplomat said, “the learning curve for the rebels, with training and equipping, was increasing. What we’ve seen in the past two or three weeks is these two curves have crossed.”
Many prominent officials are already calling for the U.S. and the EU to provide occupation forces. Richard Haas, the president of the Council on Foreign Relations, has authored an opinion piece for the Financial Times entitled “Libya Now Needs Boots on the Ground“.
If that happens, it will likely end up being a situation very similar to what we have today in Iraq.
#3 Widespread Use Of RFID Chips In Humans
The doubters said it would never happen. They said we would never see the day when RFID chips were implanted in humans on a widespread basis.
Well, today there are examples of this all over the world. One of the most stunning examples recently has come out of Mexico. According to the Washington Post, “thousands of worried Mexicans” have been having “satellite and radio-frequency tracking products” implanted in their skin in order to protect themselves against abduction.
#4 $2000 Gold
It was only a matter of months ago that we were told that gold was “in a bubble” at $1400 or $1500 an ounce.
Well, gold recently crossed the $1900 an ounce barrier, and appears poised to go much higher as global financial instability intensifies.
#5 Obama Wants To Impose Backdoor Amnesty
Those that warned that Barack Obama was going to impose amnesty for illegal immigrants by executive fiat were called “nuts” and “conspiracy theorists”.
Well, it has happened. The Obama administration has now instituted “backdoor amnesty” for illegal immigrants and even plans to provide them with work permits.
#6 U.S. Government Provides Weapons For Mexican Drug Cartels
For a long time there were those that claimed that the U.S. government was providing guns to Mexican drug cartels, but nobody wanted to listen.
Well, it is all now a matter of public record. It turns out that the U.S. government facilitated the transfer of thousands of guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels.
The following is a brief excerpt from a CBS News report that discusses the fierce opposition that many ATF agents expressed to allowing thousands of guns to be given into the hands of the Mexican drug cartels….
On the phone, one Project Gunrunner source (who didn’t want to be identified) told us just how many guns flooded the black market under ATF’s watchful eye. “The numbers are over 2,500 on that case by the way. That’s how many guns were sold – including some 50-calibers they let walk.”Amazingly, three of the key ATF officials involved in putting thousands of guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels were recently promoted.
50-caliber weapons are fearsome. For months, ATF agents followed 50-caliber Barrett rifles and other guns believed headed for the Mexican border, but were ordered to let them go. One distraught agent was often overheard on ATF radios begging and pleading to be allowed to intercept transports. The answer: “Negative. Stand down.”
CBS News has been told at least 11 ATF agents and senior managers voiced fierce opposition to the strategy. “It got ugly…” said one. There was “screaming and yelling” says another. A third warned: “this is crazy, somebody is gonna to get killed.”
#7 Fluoride Is Harmful
Incredibly, the federal government is finally admitting that high levels of fluoride in our drinking water can be harmful. In fact, the feds have reduced the “recommended amount” of fluoride in our drinking water for the first time in 50 years.
We probably won’t see them ban fluoride any time soon, but for them to even acknowledge a problem with fluoride is a major step. In a recent article on CNN, it was reported that the federal government is now saying that high levels of fluoride in the water have now officially been linked with fluorosis….
The Department of Health and Human Services and Environmental Protection Agency are proposing the change because of an increase in fluorosis — a condition that causes spotting and streaking on children’s teeth.
#8 The Federal Reserve Favors The Big Banks
We were always told by the media that the Federal Reserve was “above politics” and that it did not show favoritism.
Well, we all know now that the Fed is deeply corrupt and about the only people that they actually help are their friends.
It turns out that the Federal Reserve very quietly showered the big banks and their friends with hundreds of billions of dollars in loans at rates that were substantially below market during the financial crisis. While Wall Street was being flooded with easy loans, none of the small banks that were deeply suffering and no average Americans got any money.
#9 Cell Phones Linked To Cancer
For years, “conspiracy theorists” have been claiming that cell phone use can cause cancer.
Well, the mainstream media is starting to catch up. Some very startling scientific studies have come out recently that are hard to ignore.
The following is an excerpt from a recent CNN article about one of these studies….
At the highest exposure levels — using a mobile phone half an hour a day over a 10-year period — the study found a 40 percent increased risk of glioma brain tumors.
#10 The Credit Rating Agencies Are Corrupt
We have all been taught that the credit rating agencies are supposed to be objective.
But in the real world things are not that simple.
For example, just a short time after long-term U.S. government debt was downgraded, the head of Standard & Poor’s is resigning, and is being replacedby Douglas Peterson, the former COO of Citigroup.
Do you think the former COO of Citigroup is going to come down hard on his former comrades over at the big Wall Street banks?
Also, a whistleblower has come forward with some stunning revelations about Moody’s. The following is what former analyst William Harrington says was going on over at that credit agency during the financial crisis….
“The track record of management influence in committees speaks for itself — it produced hollowed-out (collateralized debt obligation) opinions that were at great odds with the private opinions of committees and which were not durable for even a short period after publication”
#11 Prescription Drugs Kill A Lot Of Americans
Growing up, I never even imagined that prescription drugs could be dangerous. I had complete faith in the medical community and the government to only allow drugs on the market that were fully tested and proven to be 100% safe.
Well, I was dead wrong. The truth is that adverse reactions to prescription drugs kill a huge number of Americans every year. A recent Vanity Fair article entitled “Deadly Medicine” began with the following statement….
Prescription drugs kill some 200,000 Americans every year. Will that number go up, now that most clinical trials are conducted overseas—on sick Russians, homeless Poles, and slum-dwelling Chinese—in places where regulation is virtually nonexistent, the F.D.A. doesn’t reach, and “mistakes” can end up in pauper’s graves?
#12 Bisphenol-A Is Linked To Infertility
A very common chemical known as bisphenol-A is found in thousands upon thousands of our plastic products. It also turns out that it has some really nasty effects on the human body.
Fortunately, some in the mainstream media are beginning to acknowledge this. Back in October, one of the largest UK newspapers published an article entitled “Bisphenol-A now linked to male infertility” which made the following unequivocal statement about the dangers of BPA….
Bisphenol-A (BPA), known as the “gender bending” chemical because of its connection to male impotence, has now been shown to decrease sperm mobility and quality.
#13 The “Super Congress” Is In The Pocket Of Wall Street Interests
The amount of money that has been donated to the campaigns of those on the “Super Congress” is absolutely astounding.
Just check out what a recent CNBC article had to say about the matter….
Overall, according to the center’s research, the dozen super committee members have raised more than $50 million from the finance, insurance and real estate sector since the 1990 election cycle.How much influence do you think 50 million dollars is going to buy?
#14 The Targeting Of Christian Groups
We are increasingly hearing from the Obama administration and some members of Congress that we need to be really concerned about “homegrown terrorists” and “Christian extremists”.
For example, during a recent Congressional hearing U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee warned that “Christian militants” might try to “bring down the country” and that such groups need to be investigated.
In addition, according to a shocking document obtained by Oath Keepers, the FBI is now instructing store owners to report many new forms of “suspicious activity” to them. According to the document, “suspicious activity” now includes making “extreme religious statements” and believing in “radical theology”.
Not only that, a Department of Homeland Security report on “right wing extremism” from April 2009 lists the following people as potential terrorists….
-those that believe in “end times” prophecies
-those that believe abortion is wrong
-those that stockpile food, ammunition or weapons
-those that are against same-sex marriage
-those that believe in “New World Order” conspiracy theories
I don’t know about you, but when the federal government starts targeting people based on their religious beliefs, that makes me very nervous.
This world is officially going crazy. So don’t blame “conspiracy theorists” for wanting to dig around and get the facts. The mainstream media sure doesn’t give us much of the truth.
As the world continues to fall apart and as the propaganda from the mainstream media gets even more blatant, the hunger for the truth is only going to grow.
Who knows? Perhaps before it is all over you will be a “conspiracy theorist” too.
Reserve Currencies in Distress
by Dr. Jeffrey Lewis The
Dollarization is term coined to describe the dollar's influence as the reserve currency of choice around the globe. In 2010, the US dollar comprised 62% of the world's foreign exchange reserves, dubbing it a very powerful player in the world of finance. But what about the second place reserve currency?
The Euro comes in second as an important reserve currency, making up 27% of all currency reserves. Therefore, the two currencies make up 89% of reserves, virtually all foreign exchange reserves.
Previously, it was only the dollar that was seen to be in play as a falling reserve currency giant. Now the Euro is on a similar path as the European Central Bank throws out all the rules which supposedly govern ECB action to bail out Italy and Spain. We can see clearly now that the world of international finance and banking is being shaken to its core. For how much longer will reserve holders latch onto two failing currencies to bolster their own domestic treasuries?
The New Reserve of Choice
The problem with fiat currencies is very simple; the value of a modern currency is derived from government order, not actual value. One piece of paper is worth only one piece of paper, regardless if it is inked with the number 1 or 20. The world is slowly waking up to this fact.
However, to replace the US Dollar and the Euro as the premier reserve currencies means that you must have a replacement. The third and fourth most held reserve currencies, the Great British Pound and the Japanese Yen, are worth only a combined 7% of international reserves. Besides, both England and Japan have economic problems of their own.
Could cash be stored in China? Well, no, considering that its value is derived also by fiat, and primarily tied to the US dollar and Euro. Why buy Chinese Renminbi if all you get in return is exposure to Dollars and Euros?
So how about the other major currencies? Australia might be a fine place to store capital, but it's economy is worth less than $1 trillion per year. It simply couldn't sustain the government debt necessary to print more money equivalents. Actually, almost every nation not in the top four reserve currencies faces a similar difficulty.
The International Reserve Currency
Never have gold and silver looked better as an investment against a decline in the international community's favorability toward the US dollar and Euro, two currencies representing distraught economies.
The Financial Times reports that from 1971 to 1981, the largest annual purchases of gold was 276 tonnes in 1981. This should have been the best time to buy gold, as the US gold standard had come to a close for ten years straight.
This year, bankers are rallying around the concept of including gold into monetary policy measures. A survey of 80 central bank members and sovereign wealth fund managers indicate more than half believes a "portfolio of currencies" will erase the dollar's standing in the next 25 years. This survey is more than just a public opinion poll; this is a survey of people who have the capacity to make change happen.
First it was the dollar, then it was the Euro, and soon it will be fiat in whole. Protect your assets with the world's first and longest lasting currencies: bullion.
For More Information
Financial Crisis,
financial terrorism,
The Dollar Bubble,
Libya: NATO Psy-Op Collapses – Qaddafi Prevails Again
Tony Cartalucci
NATO bluff called by Qaddafi, rebels’ victory facade crumbles.
Once again a defiant Qaddafi has prevailed against the full might of NATO aggression including a murderous bombing campaign followed by NATO special forces on the ground supporting mobs of US/UK/French/Qatari backed Al Qaeda thugs which swarmed Tripoli over the weekend. “Illustrious” news agencies from the Qatari government’s AlJazeera, to the now exposed frauds at CNN, BBC, Reuters, AP, AFP have been caught perpetuating a concerted war propaganda campaign in order to break the will of both Libya and in particular Tripoli.

Photo: Taken overnight, Qaddafi’s son Saif Al-Islam “confirmed” to be captured and ready to be transferred to the Hague by the illegitimate International Criminal Court, is actually very much free and leading efforts to drive out NATO backed Al Qaeda thugs from Tripoli.
Reports that Qaddafi’s son Saif Al-Islam was “captured” by Libyan rebels by the disingenuous media outlets and “confirmed” by the Fortune 500 contrived International Criminal Court (ICC), who went as far as saying preparations were already under way to transfer Saif to the Hague,are now confirmed lies with Saif Al-Islam very much free, appearing to journalists at the Rixos Hotel in southern Tripoli flanked by Libyan military forces and very much leading what appears to be a significant Libyan government counterattack. It appears that NATO operations are ending just as they began, based on a verified pack of lies. (Please see March’s “Libya: Another War, Another Pack of Lies“)Everything we have been told, from President Obama’s teleprompter readings to Luis Moreno-Ocampo of the ICC’s claims of Saif’s “confirmed” capture, to the mainstream media and the Al Qaeda infested “Transitional National Council” are now systematically being exposed as overt, verified lies as part of what may be the biggest psychological operation in modern history. Al Jazeera who was already featuring lofty “The Last Days of Gaddafi” narratives is now forced to face reality and irrefutable evidence that the rebel operations in Tripoli were clearly over-hyped war propaganda and the reality is Qaddafi and the Libyan people have called NATO’s bluff.
To illustrate just how absurd the Western media has become as their lies break upon the rocks of reality, a recent farcical attempt to save face regarding Saif’s appearance before journalists at the Riox included an Al Jazeera report claiming that rebel leaders had confirmation Saif al-Islam was arrested “but have no idea how he escaped.” To help out the media it might be suggested that Saif was never captured in the first place and that reports of his arrest were simply a ploy to embolden rebels and make it appear as if the momentum had swung in favor of NATO. (For more on US State Department lies rehashed through “media” please see: “Libyan Rebels Lying Left and Right“)

Image: Here, the International Criminal Court “confirms” the now verified lie that Saif Al-Islam was being held by rebels. ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo, in a fit of unmitigated lies claimed, “we have confidential information from different sources that we have within Libya confirming this.” He would continue, “it is very important to make clear there is an obligation to surrender Saif to the ICC in accordance with the Security Council resolution.” Along with UN Chief Ban Ki-Moon’s claim that the “international community” is obligated to comply to the ICC we see unfolding a criminal organization of liars and degenerates of unprecedented proportions.
What follows next is unsure. With Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haas and others calling for an expedient landing of NATO occupation forces it seems they above all others knew just how tenuous the rebels’ hold on Tripoli was. As explained previously, the war in Libya goes beyond pilfering the nation’s material wealth, it is about establishing the Wall Street-London international order and its primacy over the nation-state. A NATO failure in Libya would infinitely complicate planned operations against Syria, Iran, and along Russia and China’s peripheries. While it appears that NATO’s last ditch murder spree has failed, with so much on the table, everything from continuous carpet bombing to a NATO land invasion under the guise of UN “peace monitors” or Haas’ NATO occupation forces are possibilities already being planned.
What we do know is how desperate the corporate-financier elite are and how absolute their control is over the mainstream media. Such a large, wide scale disinformation campaign is only possible if each news agency, from AP, Reuters, BBC, Guardian, Telegraph, New York Times, CNN, Al Jazeera and others, are completely compromised by corporate-financier interests. The following lists shows that indeed many of these “news agencies” share consortium memberships with some of the largest corporate-financier interests on earth presenting an immense conflict of interest obviously producing astronomically duplicitous improprieties.
Council on Foreign Relations
Chatham House (Major Corporate Members)
Chatham House (Corporate Members)
Chatham House (Corporate Partners)
Brookings Institution (page 20 of Annual Report)
When we see Reuters sitting side-by-side oil giants like BP, Exxon, Chevron within the halls of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Chatham House and then see reports gloating over Western oil companies moving in to replace Chinese and Russian investments in Libya, their duplicity and lack of independence in their reporting becomes glaringly obvious. These media organizations are in fact PR fronts for the Fortune 500 and their collective goal of implementing a global empire, nation to nation. For now, they are currently obsessed over Libya and the implications its conclusion will have on their future planned conquests, the next being Syria.
It would be a good idea for those following the current NATO murder spree in Libya to abandon any trust in Reuters, BBC, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, and any of the “reputable” newspapers wasting paper and space on our nations’ newsstands, all of whose fates are tied directly to the corporate-financier interests pinning their hopes on a NATO victory in Libya. Instead, we must commit ourselves to vetting reliable alternative news sources as well as committing ourselves to the responsible of researching the news of the day on our own. Let this be proof positive as to how essential it is to boycott and replace everything eminating from the Fortune 500 including their army of professional liars also known as the “mainstream media.”
Tony Cartalucci is the writer and editor at Land Destoyer Report
Monday, August 22, 2011
Mainstream Censors Radiation Threat
By Keith Johnson.
For several months, there has been a news blackout in the United States concerning the devastation and human suffering caused by a 9.0 earthquake that rocked the east coast of Japan on March 11. The resulting tsunami claimed nearly 16,000 lives and made hundreds of thousands homeless.
On the island of Honshu, three reactors at the Daiichi nuclear power facility in Fukushima went into full meltdown. Explosions and fires caused additional damage to other reactors and released vast quantities of poisonous radioactive materials into the environment. Livestock, crops and drinking water within a 75-mile radius of the accident were immediately contaminated. Now, reports of lethal doses of radiation as far as 200 miles away are starting to become more commonplace.
In the United States, a recent report by Janette Sherman, M.D. and epidemiologist Joseph Mangano indicate a 35-percent spike in infant mortality throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Meanwhile, the true extent of the damage and radioactive contamination caused by the Fukushima disaster continues to be downplayed or ignored entirely by the mainstream media. Getting to the truth has been difficult.
“Fukushima is the biggest industrial catastrophe in the history of mankind,” says Arnold Gunderson, a nuclear power expert who served as an expert witness in the investigation of the Three Mile Island accident. In an exclusive interview with AFP, Gunderson gives a timely assessment of the ongoing crisis in Japan and aprises us of what he expects to unfold in the future.
“On the bright side, the reactors are in better condition than they’ve been in the last three months,” sayd Gunderson. “Right now, TEPCO has managed to avoid creating new pools of contaminated water by treating existing water through the Areva system.”
Areva is a process, devised by a French firm of the same name, whereby radioactive isotopes are bound together by chemicals that are injected into the contaminated water of a reactor’s cooling system.
Gunderson continued, “They’re cooling the reactors by pouring treated water into the top and onto the floor. That has a tendency to build up lots more radioactivity in the filters that are trapping it, but it’s not building up any more water, and that’s a good thing because they’ve run out of space on site.”
“What’s happening off site is frightening,” says Gunderson. “Dangerous levels of radioactive contamination are being found in kids’ urine, mothers’ breast milk and animal meat. I’m estimating that over the course of the next 20 years, there’ll be a million cancers. If they’re not caught soon enough, many of those will be fatal.”
“The first cancers will affect the thyroids,” Gunderson predicts. “They take about three years. In three to five years it’ll move on to the lungs. In the northern prefectures, I expect a 20 percent increase in lung cancers.”
Instead of taking steps to raise public awareness about the dangers of exposure to contaminated food products that will contribute to these cancer risks, the Japanese government is doing just the opposite. “They’re raising the radiation standards,” Gunderson reports. “Before, 600 becquerels [measure of radioactivity] were the most you could have in beef. Now they’ve raised the bar to 6,000. They’re telling people it’s safe.”
These standards are also being applied to humans. According to Gunderson, “Kids are now allowed to get the same dosages as adult nuclear workers would get in the U.S. It’s a complete distortion of radiation physics.”
Another recent development that has Gunderson concerned is the buildup of radioactive sewage that poses a catastrophic risk to drinking water. “Before the accident, they used to turn the sewage into building blocks,” says Gunderson. “Now they can’t. So they have these enormous
piles of sewage sludge that can’t be disposed of. It’s not yet in the ground water, but it’s heading that way.”
The Japanese have also initiated a campaign to get people to return to homes as close as 20 miles from the site of the accident. They’re clearing streets and playgrounds, but everything else is still contaminated.
“On the sides of the roads where the runoff is, we’re seeing 50,000- 60,000 becquerels in a pound of dirt,” adds Gunderson.
Inside the 20-mile radius, Gunderson said: “It’s all ghost towns. No one is walking around except stray dogs and cattle. . . . [I]t’s a nightmare.”
Though these are disturbing developments in themselves, Gunderson has saved the worst for last. “My biggest concern is that the Japanese are burning rubbish,” he says. “Farmers in rural areas are burning their contaminated crops and those in urban areas are burning their trash. If two pounds of material has less than 8,000 becquerels, the government allows it to be burned.”
Gunderson says the government also allows blending of highly contaminated material with material that isn’t, creating an even more lethal mix that, when burned, revolatilizes the deadly, cancer-inducing cesium. The resulting plumes not only drift into neighboring communities, he said, but are also caught up in wind currents that reach the western coast of the United States and Canada.
Posted in: National News
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
What is Freedom of Speech
By Jake McMillian
In the light of many issues recently, the case of Casey Anthony, Lady Gaga being banned in Lebanon for offensive material, or Bradlee Dean suing MSNBC for defamation, we are being confronted yet again by the question, what is “Freedom of Speech”?.
Does a musician have the right to publically publish songs that encourage rape, sexual promiscuity, murder, blasphemy, and criminal behavior?.
Does a media personality have the liberty to publically share their opinion and cast another person in a false light? Can they report in such a way that incriminates another individual who has not committed a crime? Can they withhold evidence they know exists, though the consequence would sway public opinion under false pretenses?
First I will start by referencing the term “freedom” according to the Webster’s 1828 dictionary, which gives us the meaning of words found in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights. This, of course, is the amendment loved by the immoral media (i.e. musicians, comedians, news anchors, columnists, etc.).
Freedom: 1. A state of exemption from the power or control of another; liberty; exemption from slavery, servitude or confinement. Freedom is personal, civil, political, and religious. [See Liberty.]
So let’s go to “liberty” as Noah Webster suggests, in the context of Civil Liberty.
Liberty: 3. Civil liberty is an exemption from the arbitrary will of others, which exemption is secured by established laws, which restrain every man from injuring or controlling another. Hence the restraints of law are essential to civil liberty.
The liberty of one depends not so much on the removal of all restraint from him, as on the due restraint upon the liberty of others.
Firstly we understand as the Declaration of Independence cites, “We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights (liberties)”.
Due to the definition above we now clearly we understand that god has not given us the liberty to break God-given laws. We are not at liberty to act in contrary to the law. Charles de Montesquieu comes to our aid as he states, “Liberty is the right to do what the law permits.”
Because many would seek to claim God-given rights without following God-commanded laws, why don’t these anarchists just simple say what they really mean? They would say something like this, “I don’t care about the Constitution, or rights. I hate the law and want things to be done my way at all cost.”
If they would leave off arguing we would be able to find a great solution for them. Establish your own country and set of laws and do what you will there. But then as history teaches us, wickedness and lawbreakers can establish nothing. They NEED the labors, institutions, and commerce of upright and good men to build the infrastructure they desire to plunder…I digress…
William Blackstone, a man our framers relied upon for insight into the Common Law and judicial regulations, pronounced, “Upon these two foundations, the Laws of Nature and the Laws of Revelation (Laws of God) depends all human laws, that is to say that no human laws should be suffered to contradict these.”
We have no local, county, state, or federal laws that permit “Freedom of Speech” outside of “the LAW.”
Now you be the judge. Be free from the coercion of man and tell me what “Freedom of Speech” really means.
Jake McMillian is the talk radio co-host of Sons of Liberty. The program airs Monday – Friday 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. CST, and Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. on the GCN Radio Network. Or listen On Demand anytime.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
For 300 years Britain has outsourced mayhem. Finally it’s coming home
Why now? It’s not as if this is the first time Britain’s representatives have been caught out. The history of governments in all countries is the history of scandal, as those who rise to the top are generally the most ambitious, ruthless and unscrupulous people politics can produce. Pushing their own interests to the limit, they teeter perennially on the brink of disgrace, except when they fly clean over the edge. So why does the current ballyhoo threaten to destroy not only the government but also our antediluvian political system?
The past 15 years have produced the cash-for-questions racket, the Hinduja and Ecclestone affairs, the lies and fabrications that led to the invasion of Iraq, the forced abandonment of the BAE corruption probe, the cash-for-honours caper and the cash-for-amendments scandal. By comparison to the outright subversion of the functions of government in some of these cases, the is small beer. Any one of them should have prompted the sweeping political reforms we are now debating. But they didn’t.
The expenses scandal, by contrast, could kill the Labour party. It might also force politicians of all parties to address our unjust voting system, the unelected Lords, the excessive power of the executive, the legalised blackmail used by the whips, and a score of further anachronisms and injustices. Why is it different?
I believe that the current political crisis has little to do with the expenses scandal, still less with Gordon Brown’s leadership. It arises because our economic system can no longer extract wealth from other nations. For the past 300 years, the revolutions and reforms experienced by almost all other developed countries have been averted in Britain by foreign remittances.
The social unrest that might have transformed our politics was instead outsourced to our colonies and unwilling trading partners. The rebellions in Ireland, India, China, the Caribbean, Egypt, South Africa, Malaya, Kenya, Iran and other places we subjugated were the price of political peace in Britain. After decolonisation, our plunder of other nations was sustained by the banks. Now, for the first time in three centuries, they can no longer deliver, and we must at last confront our problems.
There will probably never be a full account of the robbery this country organised, but there are a few snapshots. In his book Capitalism and Colonial Production, Hamza Alavi estimates that the resource flow from India to Britain between 1793 and 1803 was in the order of £2m a year, the equivalent of many billions today. The economic drain from India, he notes, “has not only been a major factor in India’s impoverishment … it has also been a very significant factor in the industrial revolution in Britain”. As Ralph Davis observes in The Industrial Revolution and British Overseas Trade, from the 1760s onwards India’s wealth “bought the national debt back from the Dutch and others … leaving Britain nearly free from overseas indebtedness when it came to face the great French wars from 1793″.
In France by contrast, as Eric Hobsbawm notes in The Age of Revolution, “the financial troubles of the monarchy brought matters to a head”. In 1788 half of France’s national expenditure was used to service its debt: the “American War and its debt broke the back of the monarchy”.
Even as the French were overthrowing the ancien regime, Britain’s landed classes were able to strengthen their economic power, seizing common property from the country’s poor by means of enclosure. Partly as a result of remittances from India and the Caribbean, the economy was booming and the state had the funds to ride out political crises. Later, after smashing India’s own industrial capacity, Britain forced that country to become a major export market for our manufactured goods, sustaining industrial employment here (and avoiding social unrest) long after our products and processes became uncompetitive.
Colonial plunder permitted the British state to balance its resource deficits as well. For some 200 years a river of food flowed into this country from such places as Ireland, India and the Caribbean. In The Blood Never Dried, John Newsinger reveals that in 1748 Jamaica alone sent 17,400 tons of sugar to Britain; by 1815 this had risen to 73,800. It was all produced by stolen labour.
Just as grain was sucked out of Ireland at the height of its great famine, so Britain continued to drain India of food during its catastrophic hungers. In Late Victorian Holocausts, Mike Davis shows that between 1876 and 1877 wheat exports to the UK from India doubled as subsistence there collapsed, and several million died of starvation. In the North-Western provinces famine was wholly engineered by British policy, as good harvests were exported to offset poor English production in 1876 and 1877.
Britain, in other words, outsourced famine as well as social unrest. There was terrible poverty in this country in the second half of the 19th century, but not mass starvation. The bad harvest of 1788 helped precipitate the French revolution, but the British state avoided such hazards. Others died on our behalf.
In the late 19th century, Davis shows, Britain’s vast deficits with the United States, Germany and its white dominions were balanced by huge annual surpluses with India and (as a result of the opium trade) China. For a generation “the starving Indian and Chinese peasantries … braced the entire system of international settlements, allowing England’s continued financial supremacy to temporarily co-exist with its relative industrial decline”. Britain’s trade surpluses with India allowed the City to become the world’s financial capital.
Its role in British colonisation was not a passive one. The bankruptcy, and subsequent British takeover, of Egypt in 1882 was hastened by a loan from Rothschild’s bank whose execution, Newsinger records, amounted to “fraud on a massive scale”. Jardine Matheson, once the biggest narco-trafficking outfit in history (it dominated the Chinese opium trade), later formed a major investment bank, Jardine Fleming. It was taken over by JP Morgan Chase in 2000.
We lost our colonies, but the plunder has continued by other means. As Joseph Stiglitz shows in Globalisation and its Discontents, the capital liberalisation forced on Asian economies by the IMF permitted northern traders to loot hundreds of billions of dollars, precipitating the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98. Poorer nations have also been strong-armed into a series of amazingly one-sided treaties and commitments, such as trade-related investment measures, bilateral investment agreements and the EU’s economic partnership agreements. If you have ever wondered how a small, densely populated country which produces very little supports itself, I would urge you to study these asymmetric arrangements.
But now, as John Lanchester demonstrates in a fascinating essay in the London Review of Books, the City could be fatally wounded. The nation that relied on financial services may take generations to recover from their collapse. The great British adventure – three centuries spent pillaging the labour, wealth and resources of other countries – is over. We cannot accept this, and seek gleeful revenge on a government that can no longer insulate us from reality.
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