American-born Al-Qaeda terror leader Anwar Al-Awlaki, who met with Pentagon officials months after 9/11, is by no means the only patsy handler the Central Intelligence Agency has used over the years to oversee false flag attacks in America and around the world. In fact, just about every major terror attack has been run by an operative with direct ties to the US military-industrial complex.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
WikiLeaks exposed US, British governments lies about Iraq casualties
Wikileaks Assange and Iraq Body Count talk on Iraq Files
U.S. commanders in Iraq ignored evidence of torture and often failed to investigate the killing of civilians. These are the major findings from the leak of 400,000 secret American military files from the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks. For more insight, RT talks to Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan who's alleged his country's complicity in human rights abuse.
U.S. commanders in Iraq ignored evidence of torture and often failed to investigate the killing of civilians. These are the major findings from the leak of 400,000 secret American military files from the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks. For more insight, RT talks to Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan who's alleged his country's complicity in human rights abuse.
Unfair Trade: 10 Questions About Our Globalized Economy That Neither Conservative Or Liberal Supporters Of Current U.S. Trade Policies Can Answer
The Economic Collapse
Oct 20, 2010
Most Americans still seem to be convinced that “free trade” is “fair trade” and that to be against current U.S. trade policies and globalization means that you are anti-business, anti-free enterprise and anti-American. In the mainstream media, any unfair trade practices that are brought up are treated as minor nuisances that will be ironed out as we march towards the glorious globalized economy of the future. But the truth is that the kind of world trade that is going on today is neither “free” nor is it “fair”. Major exporting countries around the globe are openly manipulating their currencies, they are heavily subsidizing their major industries and they are erecting huge tariffs against many U.S. goods in order to protect their own domestic companies. Meanwhile, U.S. consumers enjoy mountains of cheap goods, but thousands of factories, hundreds of thousands of jobs and hundreds of billions of dollars of national wealth leave our country for good every year. So how in the world is that good for us? It is kind of like ripping apart your house to get more firewood just to keep the fire going. Eventually you aren’t going to have a house anymore.
The other day, my article entitled “The Number One U.S. Export To China: Waste Paper And Scrap Metal” really struck a chord with many advocates of current U.S. trade practices. For example, one reader identified only as “Someone” left a comment that was typical of many that were posted on the article….
“The author of this article has shown no knowledge of economics.”
Well, it doesn’t take a genius to look at the numbers and figure out that something is wrong. In 1985, the U.S. trade deficit with China was 6 million dollars for the entire year. In the month of August alone, the U.S. trade deficit with China was over 28 billion dollars.
Can anyone else spot a disturbing trend there?
Years ago, I was also one of those who believed that because I was “pro-business” that also meant that I had to defend “free trade” and trade agreements such as NAFTA and the WTO.
After all, I didn’t want to be labeled “anti-business” or “anti-American” did I?
But the truth is that merging our economy with socialist and communist economies that allow their workers to be paid slave labor wages is not “pro-business” and it certainly is not “pro-American”. Allowing entire U.S. industries to be destroyed because of the unfair predatory trade practices of socialist and communist economies is not “pro-business” and it certainly is not “pro-American”.
If you want to have “free trade”, then by definition you must have a level playing field. For example, trade with Canada (although not perfect) is mostly a very, very good thing. Trade with China is not.
Many readers have suggested that all we have to do is get rid of the horrific regulations and taxes that are holding U.S. businesses back and our trade situation will be fixed.
And yes, the U.S. government has piled so many rules, so many taxes and so much paperwork on U.S. businesses that it is becoming very, very difficult to operate a profitable business inside the United States. There has never been a more oppressive environment for business in the United States than we have today.
But would fixing that solve all our trade problems? Would fixing that bring back all of our factories and jobs?
No, but of course it would help to an extent.
However, the reality is that unless we address the fundamental problems with global trade we are in a heap of trouble.
Unfortunately, not all of my readers agree. One reader named Puzzled was quite blunt is his analysis of my recent article on trade: “I’d recommend a class on basic economics.” Well, it turns out that I did take a number of courses in economics at one of the finest universities in the United States, but our education system has become so dumbed-down that I didn’t learn much.
So let’s hear from someone who is considered to be an expert in economics.
Just how dangerous is the trade deficit? Well, world famous investor Warren Buffett once put it this way….
“The U.S trade deficit is a bigger threat to the domestic economy than either the federal budget deficit or consumer debt and could lead to political turmoil… Right now, the rest of the world owns $3 trillion more of us than we own of them.”
Advocates of current U.S. trade policies usually respond by saying something like this….
“The global economy is here to stay so you better get used to it. There is no going back. It is a good thing for factories and jobs to be going to China because they can produce things cheaper than we can. We benefit because we get to enjoy large amounts of cheap products. Yes, American workers are going to have a significantly reduced standard of living, but this is necessary as we merge all the countries of the world into a globalized economy which will be better for everyone in the end. After all, it is better for goods and services to cross borders than it is for armies to cross borders. U.S. citizens are just going to have to learn to live within their means. If the United States cannot provide jobs for all of their people in this new global economy, then maybe they need to start implementing some population control measures. Quit blaming China because they aren’t doing anything wrong. Everyone knows that free trade is always the best alternative. Are you an idiot? Go take a class in basic economics you moron.”
The following is a sampling of actual comments that have been recently posted in response to my articles on globalism by advocates of current U.S. trade policies.
A reader named Frodo apparently thinks that I am “anti-freedom”….
You are totally wrong about free trade. “free trade” is part of “freedom” like the freedom of consumers to buy stuff they want made somewhere else.
A reader named John seems convinced that that United States has never lost even a single job to China….
No American has ever lost a job to China: what happens is due to USA govt industrial policy (get big or get out), new jobs are placed in new factories where there will be better stability in the future – China. Those “lost jobs” are not coming back because like buggy whips, we don’t use them anymore.
A reader named Dave believes that “free trade” is precisely what we need to revitalize manufacturing in America again….
Free trade is EXACTLY what’s needed if we ever hope to get manufacturing back in North America.
In the face of such overwhelming logic how can I continue to maintain that the current state of global trade is deeply flawed and deeply broken?
Well, I have a challenge for advocates of current U.S. trade policies.
I challenge you to answer the following 10 questions about our globalized economy. Please answer these questions and tell me why I am wrong….
#1 How can trade be considered “fair” when other major exporting nations openly manipulate their currencies, provide massive subsidies for their national industries and erect massive tariffs against many U.S. goods while we allow them to wipe out many of our domestic industries by flooding our shores with endless amounts of cheap products?
#2 How is it possible that it is good for American workers to be merged into a global labor pool where they must compete for jobs with workers on the other side of the globe that make less than ten percent of what an average American worker makes?
#3 As millions of manufacturing jobs continue to flow to where “labor is cheaper”, can you please explain how in the world we are going to provide nearly enough jobs for blue collar American workers?
#4 If there are not nearly enough jobs for everyone, then millions upon millions of Americans will not be able to take care of themselves. We simply are not going to let them starve to death in the streets. Already, over 41 million Americans are on food stamps. One way or another we are going to pay to take care of American workers. Either we are going to give them jobs or we are going to give them welfare. Are you willing to have your taxes raised substantially to pay for all of the welfare cases that “free trade” is creating?
#5 As U.S. workers are merged into the new global labor pool, can you please explain how wages will not be forced down and the standard of living for average, hard-working Americans will not diminish substantially?
#6 How can any conservative ever justify trading with a nation (China) that has a “one-child policy” and that has mobile abortion vans driving around the country to enforce this mandate?
#7 How can any liberal ever justify trading with a nation (China) that is rapidly becoming an environmental wasteland and where millions of people work in horrific conditions for what is essentially slave labor pay?
#8 The House National Security Oversight Subcommittee recently heard stunning testimony from a number of experts that told them that the rapid decline of manufacturing in the United States has resulted in America losing its edge in numerous industries that are absolutely vital to national security. How is it possible that putting our national security in such peril is a “good thing”?
#9 The United States spends 40 to 50 billion more on goods and services from the rest of the world each month than they spend on goods and services from us. That means that the United States is becoming 40 to 50 billion dollars poorer each and every month. How is that good for the U.S. economy?
#10 Over the past few decades, the communist Chinese have been able to accumulate approximately $2.5 trillion in foreign currency reserves, and the U.S. government now owes them close to 900 million dollars. We constantly have to send top government officials over there to beg them to continue to lend us money. This would have never happened without the insane trade policies of the last several decades. So how in the world can advocates of current U.S. trade policies ever justify this?
Oct 20, 2010
Most Americans still seem to be convinced that “free trade” is “fair trade” and that to be against current U.S. trade policies and globalization means that you are anti-business, anti-free enterprise and anti-American. In the mainstream media, any unfair trade practices that are brought up are treated as minor nuisances that will be ironed out as we march towards the glorious globalized economy of the future. But the truth is that the kind of world trade that is going on today is neither “free” nor is it “fair”. Major exporting countries around the globe are openly manipulating their currencies, they are heavily subsidizing their major industries and they are erecting huge tariffs against many U.S. goods in order to protect their own domestic companies. Meanwhile, U.S. consumers enjoy mountains of cheap goods, but thousands of factories, hundreds of thousands of jobs and hundreds of billions of dollars of national wealth leave our country for good every year. So how in the world is that good for us? It is kind of like ripping apart your house to get more firewood just to keep the fire going. Eventually you aren’t going to have a house anymore.
The other day, my article entitled “The Number One U.S. Export To China: Waste Paper And Scrap Metal” really struck a chord with many advocates of current U.S. trade practices. For example, one reader identified only as “Someone” left a comment that was typical of many that were posted on the article….
“The author of this article has shown no knowledge of economics.”
Well, it doesn’t take a genius to look at the numbers and figure out that something is wrong. In 1985, the U.S. trade deficit with China was 6 million dollars for the entire year. In the month of August alone, the U.S. trade deficit with China was over 28 billion dollars.
Can anyone else spot a disturbing trend there?
Years ago, I was also one of those who believed that because I was “pro-business” that also meant that I had to defend “free trade” and trade agreements such as NAFTA and the WTO.
After all, I didn’t want to be labeled “anti-business” or “anti-American” did I?
But the truth is that merging our economy with socialist and communist economies that allow their workers to be paid slave labor wages is not “pro-business” and it certainly is not “pro-American”. Allowing entire U.S. industries to be destroyed because of the unfair predatory trade practices of socialist and communist economies is not “pro-business” and it certainly is not “pro-American”.
If you want to have “free trade”, then by definition you must have a level playing field. For example, trade with Canada (although not perfect) is mostly a very, very good thing. Trade with China is not.
Many readers have suggested that all we have to do is get rid of the horrific regulations and taxes that are holding U.S. businesses back and our trade situation will be fixed.
And yes, the U.S. government has piled so many rules, so many taxes and so much paperwork on U.S. businesses that it is becoming very, very difficult to operate a profitable business inside the United States. There has never been a more oppressive environment for business in the United States than we have today.
But would fixing that solve all our trade problems? Would fixing that bring back all of our factories and jobs?
No, but of course it would help to an extent.
However, the reality is that unless we address the fundamental problems with global trade we are in a heap of trouble.
Unfortunately, not all of my readers agree. One reader named Puzzled was quite blunt is his analysis of my recent article on trade: “I’d recommend a class on basic economics.” Well, it turns out that I did take a number of courses in economics at one of the finest universities in the United States, but our education system has become so dumbed-down that I didn’t learn much.
So let’s hear from someone who is considered to be an expert in economics.
Just how dangerous is the trade deficit? Well, world famous investor Warren Buffett once put it this way….
“The U.S trade deficit is a bigger threat to the domestic economy than either the federal budget deficit or consumer debt and could lead to political turmoil… Right now, the rest of the world owns $3 trillion more of us than we own of them.”
Advocates of current U.S. trade policies usually respond by saying something like this….
“The global economy is here to stay so you better get used to it. There is no going back. It is a good thing for factories and jobs to be going to China because they can produce things cheaper than we can. We benefit because we get to enjoy large amounts of cheap products. Yes, American workers are going to have a significantly reduced standard of living, but this is necessary as we merge all the countries of the world into a globalized economy which will be better for everyone in the end. After all, it is better for goods and services to cross borders than it is for armies to cross borders. U.S. citizens are just going to have to learn to live within their means. If the United States cannot provide jobs for all of their people in this new global economy, then maybe they need to start implementing some population control measures. Quit blaming China because they aren’t doing anything wrong. Everyone knows that free trade is always the best alternative. Are you an idiot? Go take a class in basic economics you moron.”
The following is a sampling of actual comments that have been recently posted in response to my articles on globalism by advocates of current U.S. trade policies.
A reader named Frodo apparently thinks that I am “anti-freedom”….
You are totally wrong about free trade. “free trade” is part of “freedom” like the freedom of consumers to buy stuff they want made somewhere else.
A reader named John seems convinced that that United States has never lost even a single job to China….
No American has ever lost a job to China: what happens is due to USA govt industrial policy (get big or get out), new jobs are placed in new factories where there will be better stability in the future – China. Those “lost jobs” are not coming back because like buggy whips, we don’t use them anymore.
A reader named Dave believes that “free trade” is precisely what we need to revitalize manufacturing in America again….
Free trade is EXACTLY what’s needed if we ever hope to get manufacturing back in North America.
In the face of such overwhelming logic how can I continue to maintain that the current state of global trade is deeply flawed and deeply broken?
Well, I have a challenge for advocates of current U.S. trade policies.
I challenge you to answer the following 10 questions about our globalized economy. Please answer these questions and tell me why I am wrong….
#1 How can trade be considered “fair” when other major exporting nations openly manipulate their currencies, provide massive subsidies for their national industries and erect massive tariffs against many U.S. goods while we allow them to wipe out many of our domestic industries by flooding our shores with endless amounts of cheap products?
#2 How is it possible that it is good for American workers to be merged into a global labor pool where they must compete for jobs with workers on the other side of the globe that make less than ten percent of what an average American worker makes?
#3 As millions of manufacturing jobs continue to flow to where “labor is cheaper”, can you please explain how in the world we are going to provide nearly enough jobs for blue collar American workers?
#4 If there are not nearly enough jobs for everyone, then millions upon millions of Americans will not be able to take care of themselves. We simply are not going to let them starve to death in the streets. Already, over 41 million Americans are on food stamps. One way or another we are going to pay to take care of American workers. Either we are going to give them jobs or we are going to give them welfare. Are you willing to have your taxes raised substantially to pay for all of the welfare cases that “free trade” is creating?
#5 As U.S. workers are merged into the new global labor pool, can you please explain how wages will not be forced down and the standard of living for average, hard-working Americans will not diminish substantially?
#6 How can any conservative ever justify trading with a nation (China) that has a “one-child policy” and that has mobile abortion vans driving around the country to enforce this mandate?
#7 How can any liberal ever justify trading with a nation (China) that is rapidly becoming an environmental wasteland and where millions of people work in horrific conditions for what is essentially slave labor pay?
#8 The House National Security Oversight Subcommittee recently heard stunning testimony from a number of experts that told them that the rapid decline of manufacturing in the United States has resulted in America losing its edge in numerous industries that are absolutely vital to national security. How is it possible that putting our national security in such peril is a “good thing”?
#9 The United States spends 40 to 50 billion more on goods and services from the rest of the world each month than they spend on goods and services from us. That means that the United States is becoming 40 to 50 billion dollars poorer each and every month. How is that good for the U.S. economy?
#10 Over the past few decades, the communist Chinese have been able to accumulate approximately $2.5 trillion in foreign currency reserves, and the U.S. government now owes them close to 900 million dollars. We constantly have to send top government officials over there to beg them to continue to lend us money. This would have never happened without the insane trade policies of the last several decades. So how in the world can advocates of current U.S. trade policies ever justify this?
Time Magazine: Prospect Of Civil War In U.S. “Doesn’t Seem That Far Fetched”
Paul Joseph Watson
October 20, 2010

With protesters in France entering a seventh day of strikes and demonstrations against draconian austerity measures, many political observers in the U.S. are now wondering how long it will be before similar scenes unfold on American streets, with even Time Magazine now conceding that the prospect of a civil war in the States “doesn’t seem that far fetched”.
To be clear, Stephen Gandel’s article entitled Will the Federal Reserve Cause a Civil War? largely dismisses the possibility that the Fed’s upcoming November 3rd meeting, during which Ben Bernanke is expected to announce a fresh round of money printing, will prompt national uproar, but it doesn’t exactly debunk the notion of longer term social dislocation as a backlash to the crumbling economy, as many are now forecasting.
As we highlighted yesterday in a piece that was later picked up by the Drudge Report, it’s only a matter of time before Americans are hit with almost identical austerity measures to those that have caused the French to set up fuel blockades, stage running battles with riot police, halt air and rail travel, and virtually shut down some areas of the country.
The question remains – how will Americans react if the Obama administration pushes ahead with its plan to seize all private 401(k) pensions, which will be swallowed up by the Social Security Administration under the banner of mandatory Guaranteed Retirement Accounts? How will Americans react to the upcoming announcement that the Federal Reserve will further eviscerate the value of the dollar by purchasing junk assets from big banks at exorbitant prices with money printed out of thin air?
Time Magazine, which as a guardian of the establishment would normally be expected to disparage the potential of mass civil disobedience, actually lends the notion some spotlight by linking to a Zero Hedge story which paraphrased economic forecaster David Rosenberg, who warns that the Fed’s plan for more quantitative easing, “positions US society one step closer to civil war if not worse.”
The article also features a quote from a Washington’s Blog piece which warns that the Fed’s policies could lead to the very destruction of the republic.
Yes, you read that correctly. Even Time Magazine is now conceding that the current economic course of the nation could lead to outright civil war and revolution.
Gandel finishes the article by leaving the prospect of widespread civil unrest as an open question.
“So it seems clear what the Fed is likely to do,” he writes. “How the economy, the militias and the rest of us react is up in the air. The count down is on. T minus 15 days to Fedamageddon. See you there, hopefully.”
Of course, people like Gerald Celente and a host of other economic forecasters have been predicting civil unrest, food riots and tax rebellions for the past two years, but to have Time Magazine seriously entertain the notion of civil war in the United States is a shocking reminder of just how close to the precipice we now stand.
Numerous forecasters, governments, spy agencies, and international bodies are predicting mass riots and unrest in response to a worsening economic picture.
In November 2008, right as the economic implosion was unraveling, the U.S. Army War College released a white paper called Known Unknowns: Unconventional ‘Strategic Shocks’ in Defense Strategy Development. The report warned that the military must be prepared for a “violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States,” which could be provoked by “unforeseen economic collapse,” “purposeful domestic resistance,” “pervasive public health emergencies” or “loss of functioning political and legal order.” The “widespread civil violence,” the document said, “would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security.”
A British Ministry of Defence report struck a similar tone when it predicted that within 30 years, the growing gap between the super rich and the middle class, along with an urban underclass threatening social order would mean, “The world’s middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest,” and that, “The middle classes could become a revolutionary class.”
How Americans will react to what many see as a make or break moment for the US economy, the Fed’s announcement on November 3rd, largely depends on how well they understand the fact that their financial future and that of their children now hangs in the balance like never before.
As the Economic Collapse Blog points out, QE2 represents the biggest bank robbery in history, and is nothing less than another huge transfer of wealth from American taxpayers to big banks. The money Bernanke prints out of thin air, which will further devalue the greenback and every dollar earned or saved by American citizens, will be used to purchase large quantities of “troubled assets” from U.S. banks at well above market price. Small banks will be allowed to wither and die, whereas the huge megaliths will collect mountains of free money at the expense of hard working Americans.
The long term impact of the Fed buying these toxic junk assets with money printed out of thin air will be an inflationary holocaust that does nothing to rescue the US economy but everything to depreciate the very real assets of the American taxpayer.
As it stands, according to the majority of voters in our poll on Prison, Americans will react to the situation not by organizing fuel blockades, marching in the streets and shutting down the country, but by scratching their butts and flipping the TV channel.
Watch Matt Taibbi’s explanation of what the Fed is about to do with your money:
October 20, 2010
With protesters in France entering a seventh day of strikes and demonstrations against draconian austerity measures, many political observers in the U.S. are now wondering how long it will be before similar scenes unfold on American streets, with even Time Magazine now conceding that the prospect of a civil war in the States “doesn’t seem that far fetched”.
To be clear, Stephen Gandel’s article entitled Will the Federal Reserve Cause a Civil War? largely dismisses the possibility that the Fed’s upcoming November 3rd meeting, during which Ben Bernanke is expected to announce a fresh round of money printing, will prompt national uproar, but it doesn’t exactly debunk the notion of longer term social dislocation as a backlash to the crumbling economy, as many are now forecasting.
As we highlighted yesterday in a piece that was later picked up by the Drudge Report, it’s only a matter of time before Americans are hit with almost identical austerity measures to those that have caused the French to set up fuel blockades, stage running battles with riot police, halt air and rail travel, and virtually shut down some areas of the country.
The question remains – how will Americans react if the Obama administration pushes ahead with its plan to seize all private 401(k) pensions, which will be swallowed up by the Social Security Administration under the banner of mandatory Guaranteed Retirement Accounts? How will Americans react to the upcoming announcement that the Federal Reserve will further eviscerate the value of the dollar by purchasing junk assets from big banks at exorbitant prices with money printed out of thin air?
Time Magazine, which as a guardian of the establishment would normally be expected to disparage the potential of mass civil disobedience, actually lends the notion some spotlight by linking to a Zero Hedge story which paraphrased economic forecaster David Rosenberg, who warns that the Fed’s plan for more quantitative easing, “positions US society one step closer to civil war if not worse.”
The article also features a quote from a Washington’s Blog piece which warns that the Fed’s policies could lead to the very destruction of the republic.
“In a very real sense, Bernanke is throwing Granny and Grandpa down the stairs – on purpose. He is literally threatening those at the lower end of the economic strata, along with all who are retired, with starvation and death, and in a just nation where the rule of law controlled instead of being abused by the kleptocrats he would be facing charges of Seditious Conspiracy, as his policies will inevitably lead to the destruction of our republic.”Lending the notion credence, Gandel writes, “With the Tea Party gaining followers, the idea of civil war over economic issues doesn’t seem that far-fetched these days.”
Yes, you read that correctly. Even Time Magazine is now conceding that the current economic course of the nation could lead to outright civil war and revolution.
Gandel finishes the article by leaving the prospect of widespread civil unrest as an open question.
“So it seems clear what the Fed is likely to do,” he writes. “How the economy, the militias and the rest of us react is up in the air. The count down is on. T minus 15 days to Fedamageddon. See you there, hopefully.”
Of course, people like Gerald Celente and a host of other economic forecasters have been predicting civil unrest, food riots and tax rebellions for the past two years, but to have Time Magazine seriously entertain the notion of civil war in the United States is a shocking reminder of just how close to the precipice we now stand.
Numerous forecasters, governments, spy agencies, and international bodies are predicting mass riots and unrest in response to a worsening economic picture.
In November 2008, right as the economic implosion was unraveling, the U.S. Army War College released a white paper called Known Unknowns: Unconventional ‘Strategic Shocks’ in Defense Strategy Development. The report warned that the military must be prepared for a “violent, strategic dislocation inside the United States,” which could be provoked by “unforeseen economic collapse,” “purposeful domestic resistance,” “pervasive public health emergencies” or “loss of functioning political and legal order.” The “widespread civil violence,” the document said, “would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security.”
A British Ministry of Defence report struck a similar tone when it predicted that within 30 years, the growing gap between the super rich and the middle class, along with an urban underclass threatening social order would mean, “The world’s middle classes might unite, using access to knowledge, resources and skills to shape transnational processes in their own class interest,” and that, “The middle classes could become a revolutionary class.”
How Americans will react to what many see as a make or break moment for the US economy, the Fed’s announcement on November 3rd, largely depends on how well they understand the fact that their financial future and that of their children now hangs in the balance like never before.
As the Economic Collapse Blog points out, QE2 represents the biggest bank robbery in history, and is nothing less than another huge transfer of wealth from American taxpayers to big banks. The money Bernanke prints out of thin air, which will further devalue the greenback and every dollar earned or saved by American citizens, will be used to purchase large quantities of “troubled assets” from U.S. banks at well above market price. Small banks will be allowed to wither and die, whereas the huge megaliths will collect mountains of free money at the expense of hard working Americans.
The long term impact of the Fed buying these toxic junk assets with money printed out of thin air will be an inflationary holocaust that does nothing to rescue the US economy but everything to depreciate the very real assets of the American taxpayer.
We are already on the road to serious inflation and the Federal Reserve has not even fired up the money hoses yet. So what is going to happen after they pump trillions more into the economy?If as many Americans were aware of what the Federal Reserve is about to do with their financial future as are knowledgeable about the intricacies of Dancing with the Stars, then the “civil war” that even Time Magazine is now presenting as a justifiable response to the crisis would be a very plausible prospect.
Printing more money and giving it to the banks is not going to solve our economic problems. It is just going to make them worse.
But unfortunately, American voters get no say about any of this. Our national monetary policy is in the hands of an unelected central bank that does pretty much whatever it wants.
As it stands, according to the majority of voters in our poll on Prison, Americans will react to the situation not by organizing fuel blockades, marching in the streets and shutting down the country, but by scratching their butts and flipping the TV channel.
Watch Matt Taibbi’s explanation of what the Fed is about to do with your money:
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Fiat Empire - The Federal Reserve is Unconstitutional
Watch this award-winning film to find out why some feel the Federal Reserve's practices are a violation of the U.S. Constitution and others feel it's simply "a bunch of organized crooks."
Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers and their corporate clients as well as a Congress that would rather unilaterally increase the national debt than ask citizens how THEY would like to see tax revenues allocated. Find out how the media facilitates the partnership between the Fed and Congress and why it fails to fully disclose what's going on. Lastly, find out how the Federal Reserve Member Banks are owned and controlled by an elite group of insiders that use fiat money to fund their fascist agenda by moving the United States further from its founding principles towards endless bailouts and bankruptcy.
Discover why experts agree the Fed is a banking cartel that benefits mainly bankers and their corporate clients as well as a Congress that would rather unilaterally increase the national debt than ask citizens how THEY would like to see tax revenues allocated. Find out how the media facilitates the partnership between the Fed and Congress and why it fails to fully disclose what's going on. Lastly, find out how the Federal Reserve Member Banks are owned and controlled by an elite group of insiders that use fiat money to fund their fascist agenda by moving the United States further from its founding principles towards endless bailouts and bankruptcy.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Workers at Water Plant Film Fluoride Toxicity
Workers at Water Plant Film Fluoride Toxicity
Workers at a US water treatment works were amazed and disgusted at what they were expected to mix in to the domestic tap water supply in their region. So much so they refused to add it and released footage of it.
Ask yourself if it's just mere co-incidence that fluoride was first used in Stalin's gulags, then the Nazi's picked this up from the Soviets [as they did a lot of thing in the 1930s which most modern historians seem to ignore] and used it in their concentration camps. Then it magically appears under the guise of dental protection in most Western countries in the post-war epoch.... why ?
Workers at a US water treatment works were amazed and disgusted at what they were expected to mix in to the domestic tap water supply in their region. So much so they refused to add it and released footage of it.
Ask yourself if it's just mere co-incidence that fluoride was first used in Stalin's gulags, then the Nazi's picked this up from the Soviets [as they did a lot of thing in the 1930s which most modern historians seem to ignore] and used it in their concentration camps. Then it magically appears under the guise of dental protection in most Western countries in the post-war epoch.... why ?
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Sony Forced To Disassociate Itself With Eco-Fascist Group
Paul Joseph Watson
October 5, 2010

As a result of the huge backlash in response to the shocking 10:10 Global climate change infomercial, in which children are liquidated for not expressing support for reducing carbon emissions, Sony has been forced to disassociate itself from the eco-fascist group behind the video.
In an email, Sony Europe Director of Corporate Communications Nick Sharples has “taken the decision to disassociate ourselves from 10:10 at this time.”
However, Sony still remains committed to “its objective to reduce carbon emissions,” indicating that the disgraceful PSA has done nothing to shift Sony’s support for the global warming scam.
Environmental groups on both sides of the Atlantic have been busy distancing themselves from the organization in an effort to salvage some tattered shreds of credibility for the global warming movement, keen to disguise the increasingly transparent fact that the climate change agenda is a thin veil for neo-eugenics and population control.
With the credibility of the IPCC at an all time low as the man-made climate change movement increasingly loses the scientific debate while forecasters predict the coldest winter in Europe for 1,000 years, environmentalists are turning to desperate measures in a bid to amplify their propaganda.
Having A Supply Of Healthy Foods That Last Just Makes Sense (AD)
But the more extreme the message becomes, the more people are turned off to the notion that carbon dioxide is a planet killer, increasingly knowledgeable of the fact that CO2 is a naturally occurring, beneficial trace gas in the atmosphere, and not a pollutant like smog or Carbon Monoxide.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, global warming skeptics are pointing out that “Splattergate” could become the new Climategate, representing another nail in the coffin of the entire AGW movement.
The 10:10 Global video has been seen by at least 600,000 people in its many different versions, and with both the organization itself and vehemently pro-global warming outlets like the Guardian furiously deleting comments in an effort to quell the burgeoning backlash, October 10th, the day set aside by 10:10 as the big push to reduce CO2, looks set to be a complete failure.
The video below, a re-hash of the original “No Pressure” clip, provides a reasonably accurate depiction of what a lot of eco-fascists, people like Finnish ecologist Pentti Linkola, embrace as the ultimate goal of top-down environmentalism.
October 5, 2010
As a result of the huge backlash in response to the shocking 10:10 Global climate change infomercial, in which children are liquidated for not expressing support for reducing carbon emissions, Sony has been forced to disassociate itself from the eco-fascist group behind the video.
In an email, Sony Europe Director of Corporate Communications Nick Sharples has “taken the decision to disassociate ourselves from 10:10 at this time.”
However, Sony still remains committed to “its objective to reduce carbon emissions,” indicating that the disgraceful PSA has done nothing to shift Sony’s support for the global warming scam.
Environmental groups on both sides of the Atlantic have been busy distancing themselves from the organization in an effort to salvage some tattered shreds of credibility for the global warming movement, keen to disguise the increasingly transparent fact that the climate change agenda is a thin veil for neo-eugenics and population control.
With the credibility of the IPCC at an all time low as the man-made climate change movement increasingly loses the scientific debate while forecasters predict the coldest winter in Europe for 1,000 years, environmentalists are turning to desperate measures in a bid to amplify their propaganda.
Having A Supply Of Healthy Foods That Last Just Makes Sense (AD)
But the more extreme the message becomes, the more people are turned off to the notion that carbon dioxide is a planet killer, increasingly knowledgeable of the fact that CO2 is a naturally occurring, beneficial trace gas in the atmosphere, and not a pollutant like smog or Carbon Monoxide.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, global warming skeptics are pointing out that “Splattergate” could become the new Climategate, representing another nail in the coffin of the entire AGW movement.
The 10:10 Global video has been seen by at least 600,000 people in its many different versions, and with both the organization itself and vehemently pro-global warming outlets like the Guardian furiously deleting comments in an effort to quell the burgeoning backlash, October 10th, the day set aside by 10:10 as the big push to reduce CO2, looks set to be a complete failure.
The video below, a re-hash of the original “No Pressure” clip, provides a reasonably accurate depiction of what a lot of eco-fascists, people like Finnish ecologist Pentti Linkola, embrace as the ultimate goal of top-down environmentalism.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation
The video posted next contains excerpts from a speech that Gates gave at a recent TED conference. As you watch this, keep in mind that Gates has personally donated hundreds of millions of dollars towards the development of new vaccines and towards "reproductive health" initiatives around the globe.
During his speech, Gates presents a formula for calculating the carbon dioxide that he believes is causing global warming....
CO2 = P x S x E x C
P = People
S = Services per person
E = Energy per service
C = CO2 per energy unit
In the video that you are about to watch below, Gates tells the audience that in order to get carbon dioxide levels on earth down to where they need to be, then "probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty close to zero."
So which of those numbers is going to get pretty close to zero?
Will it be "P"?
In the video, Gates describes how the number of people might be reduced....
"The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."
During his speech, Gates presents a formula for calculating the carbon dioxide that he believes is causing global warming....
CO2 = P x S x E x C
P = People
S = Services per person
E = Energy per service
C = CO2 per energy unit
In the video that you are about to watch below, Gates tells the audience that in order to get carbon dioxide levels on earth down to where they need to be, then "probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty close to zero."
So which of those numbers is going to get pretty close to zero?
Will it be "P"?
In the video, Gates describes how the number of people might be reduced....
"The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."
Sunday, October 3, 2010
In 1932, Fox Helped Make Propaganda Films for Hitler
Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D.
September 30, 2010
Observers of the current US election season have noted the prominent role of Rupert Murdoch’s reactionary Fox News Channel, which currently employs GOP and “Tea Party” partisans Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Sean Hannity, and others. Some have alleged that a television network carrying so many potential political candidates and propagandists on its payroll is unprecedented. But there is a precedent for large-scale Fox intervention into a political campaign.
In 1932, the German newsreel subsidiary of Fox News Channel’s corporate ancestor, Fox Films, intervened in national elections in Germany.
The candidate Fox supported was Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
The basic facts are available in German historian Hans Mommsen’s authoritative study entitled The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy, which is translated into English and widely available in over five hundred libraries in this country. Mommsen, one of the most distinguished postwar German historians, is now Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Bochum. In Mommsen’s account of Nazi propaganda techniques, we find the following: “There was nothing that escaped the ingenuity of Nazi propagandists. A case in point was the use of film. Under Goebbels’ influence the party had begun to exploit the potential of the political propaganda film to an unprecedented extent as early as 1930. Such films were shown mostly in places where Hitler and other prominent party leaders were not able to appear as speakers. For the manufacture of outdoor sound film, the NSDAP turned to an American company, Twentieth Century Fox.“1
Scholar William G. Chrystal confirms this account and provides further important details in his 1975 article on “Nazi Party Election Films, 1927-1938.” Chrystal writes: “Support for two additional 1932 election films, Der Führer (The Leader), and Hitlers Kampf um Deutschland (Hitler’s Struggle for Germany) came from the German-based subsidiary of Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Tönende Wochenschau (Fox Weekly Sound Newsreel [i.e., Fox Movietone News]). In addition, they also supplied some mobile sound film vans to be used during the campaign. Thus at least part of Hitler’s support in that critical time was the result of Fox’s help. The background for this assistance is unknown since Fox Tönende Wochenschau records were destroyed during the war,” according to a July 9, 1974 letter to Chrystal from Joseph Bellfort, who was at that time the vice president of the Twentieth Century Fox International Film Corporation.2
This film lasts about five minutes. In it Hitler, speaking in Berlin on April 4, 1932, develops his characteristic theme that the German army was betrayed and stabbed in the back in November 1918 by the Weimar politicians, especially the Social Democrats. This speech was part of Hitler’s campaign for president, in which he was defeated on April 10, 1932 by von Hindenburg but nevertheless received almost 37% of the votes, which represented a new high in Nazi support up to that time. In the subsequent parliamentary election held on July 31, 1932, the Nazis added 19% to their previous totals to emerge for the first time as the largest single party in Germany with 38% of the votes — thanks in part to the assistance rendered to Hitler by Fox Movietone News.
Concerning the second film Fox made for Hitler, Chrystal writes: “…new Reichstag elections were called for November 6, 1932…. The second of the Fox-subsidized productions, Hitlers Kampf um Deutschland (Hitler’s Struggle for Germany), appeared on August 30. It comprised 606 meters of Hitler’s July, 1932 Eberswalde speech. An indication of the effectiveness of this speech and its film record can be found in its later use. When Reichstag elections were held again in March 1933, this same film was re-issued under a new title, Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler Spricht (Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler Speaks).”4
Hitler’s speech in the Brandenburg Stadium in Eberswalde on July 27, 1932, one of three he gave that day, is a classic demagogic performance. As Mommsen points out, “in the hectic 1932 election campaign” the Nazis organized mass rallies featuring “speeches that Hitler tailored specifically to the psychotic public mood that had been created by the deepening crisis.” (Mommsen, p. 338) “We are intolerant,” raved Hitler, promising to drive more than thirty other political parties out of Germany. “We have one goal before us, to fanatically and ruthlessly shove all these parties into the grave,” he added. This was the message which Fox Movietone News helped deliver to the German public. Six months after he gave this speech, Hitler seized power as chancellor and began consolidating his power as dictator — once again thanks in part to the help of Fox Movietone News.
Note that Chrystal speaks of Fox has having “subsidized” Hitler’s critical 1932 election campaigns. This can be considered as the 1930s equivalent of illicit contributions in kind to a politician under current US election law, which is the charge often made against Fox News today, as for example in a recent filing by the Democratic Governors’ Association in regard to the Kasich gubernatorial campaign in Ohio.
In the Fox Movietone newsreels and outtakes of Nazi rallies, says Herzstein, “one senses the enthusiasm, the communion between leader and masses…. Hitler is often seen standing in the presence of his friend and foreign press chief Ernst Hanfstaengl, apparently oblivious to the prying movie camera…. Hitler, in part a media creation, was better equipped to manipulate the masses by putting them on the movie screen. He made them part of the media action, and the outtakes show us how that was done.” (Herzstein, p. 317) Hitler’s rivals and adversaries, including his predecessor as chancellor, von Papen, the Austrian leader Dollfuss, and the Social Democrat Dittman all appear in the Fox footage in a negative or unflattering light by comparison.
One big fan of Fox Movietone News was the Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who was given the opportunity to make one of his famous bravura speeches for the Fox camera. According to Herzstein, one of the first sound newsreels shown in the United States depicted Mussolini in March 1929 speaking in English directly to the American people, saying: “Your talking newsreel has tremendous possibilities. Let me speak through it in twenty cities in Italy once a week and I need no other power.” (Herzstein, p. 318) In the mind of the Duce, newsfilm was thus already the handmaiden of fascist power. Herzstein’s extensive survey of the Fox Movietone archive for 1930-1935 apparently yielded no examples of any criticism or unfavorable coverage of the fascist dictators, since none is mentioned in his article.6
The last Fox Movietone newsreels appeared in the United States in 1963. According to the Wikipedia article on Movietone News, parts of the Fox Movietone newsreel collection are still “owned and managed by the Fox Film Corporation’s corporate successor (and namesake), Fox News Channel. The majority of the collection is stored in New Jersey, mostly unseen since the newsreels were originally shown in theatres. During its early years, Fox News Channel had a weekend show which played the newsreels.”7
As the philosopher George Santayana rightly observed in 1905, “when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
September 30, 2010
Observers of the current US election season have noted the prominent role of Rupert Murdoch’s reactionary Fox News Channel, which currently employs GOP and “Tea Party” partisans Sarah Palin, Glen Beck, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Sean Hannity, and others. Some have alleged that a television network carrying so many potential political candidates and propagandists on its payroll is unprecedented. But there is a precedent for large-scale Fox intervention into a political campaign.
In 1932, the German newsreel subsidiary of Fox News Channel’s corporate ancestor, Fox Films, intervened in national elections in Germany.
The candidate Fox supported was Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
The basic facts are available in German historian Hans Mommsen’s authoritative study entitled The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy, which is translated into English and widely available in over five hundred libraries in this country. Mommsen, one of the most distinguished postwar German historians, is now Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Bochum. In Mommsen’s account of Nazi propaganda techniques, we find the following: “There was nothing that escaped the ingenuity of Nazi propagandists. A case in point was the use of film. Under Goebbels’ influence the party had begun to exploit the potential of the political propaganda film to an unprecedented extent as early as 1930. Such films were shown mostly in places where Hitler and other prominent party leaders were not able to appear as speakers. For the manufacture of outdoor sound film, the NSDAP turned to an American company, Twentieth Century Fox.“1
Scholar William G. Chrystal confirms this account and provides further important details in his 1975 article on “Nazi Party Election Films, 1927-1938.” Chrystal writes: “Support for two additional 1932 election films, Der Führer (The Leader), and Hitlers Kampf um Deutschland (Hitler’s Struggle for Germany) came from the German-based subsidiary of Twentieth Century Fox, Fox Tönende Wochenschau (Fox Weekly Sound Newsreel [i.e., Fox Movietone News]). In addition, they also supplied some mobile sound film vans to be used during the campaign. Thus at least part of Hitler’s support in that critical time was the result of Fox’s help. The background for this assistance is unknown since Fox Tönende Wochenschau records were destroyed during the war,” according to a July 9, 1974 letter to Chrystal from Joseph Bellfort, who was at that time the vice president of the Twentieth Century Fox International Film Corporation.2
Fox Helped Hitler’s Voice to Reach Many Germans for the First Time
Of the first of these two films, Chrystal writes: “…Der Führer (The Leader) was one of two sound films subsidized by Fox Tönende Wochenschau. Released on April 13, 1932, it was originally titled Volk und Führer (Nation and Leader). It was a relatively short film, 263 meters long, but it provided many people with their first opportunity to hear Hitler speak. These films were accompanied by an apparently popular tide which enabled their wider dissemination. In his diary on March 6, 1932, [Nazi propaganda boss Joseph] Goebbels noted: ‘We now also win the movie theater for our propaganda.’”3This film lasts about five minutes. In it Hitler, speaking in Berlin on April 4, 1932, develops his characteristic theme that the German army was betrayed and stabbed in the back in November 1918 by the Weimar politicians, especially the Social Democrats. This speech was part of Hitler’s campaign for president, in which he was defeated on April 10, 1932 by von Hindenburg but nevertheless received almost 37% of the votes, which represented a new high in Nazi support up to that time. In the subsequent parliamentary election held on July 31, 1932, the Nazis added 19% to their previous totals to emerge for the first time as the largest single party in Germany with 38% of the votes — thanks in part to the assistance rendered to Hitler by Fox Movietone News.
Concerning the second film Fox made for Hitler, Chrystal writes: “…new Reichstag elections were called for November 6, 1932…. The second of the Fox-subsidized productions, Hitlers Kampf um Deutschland (Hitler’s Struggle for Germany), appeared on August 30. It comprised 606 meters of Hitler’s July, 1932 Eberswalde speech. An indication of the effectiveness of this speech and its film record can be found in its later use. When Reichstag elections were held again in March 1933, this same film was re-issued under a new title, Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler Spricht (Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler Speaks).”4
Hitler’s speech in the Brandenburg Stadium in Eberswalde on July 27, 1932, one of three he gave that day, is a classic demagogic performance. As Mommsen points out, “in the hectic 1932 election campaign” the Nazis organized mass rallies featuring “speeches that Hitler tailored specifically to the psychotic public mood that had been created by the deepening crisis.” (Mommsen, p. 338) “We are intolerant,” raved Hitler, promising to drive more than thirty other political parties out of Germany. “We have one goal before us, to fanatically and ruthlessly shove all these parties into the grave,” he added. This was the message which Fox Movietone News helped deliver to the German public. Six months after he gave this speech, Hitler seized power as chancellor and began consolidating his power as dictator — once again thanks in part to the help of Fox Movietone News.
Note that Chrystal speaks of Fox has having “subsidized” Hitler’s critical 1932 election campaigns. This can be considered as the 1930s equivalent of illicit contributions in kind to a politician under current US election law, which is the charge often made against Fox News today, as for example in a recent filing by the Democratic Governors’ Association in regard to the Kasich gubernatorial campaign in Ohio.
Fox Movietone News and the Rise of European Fascism
Robert Edwin Herzstein, in his article entitled “Movietone News and the Rise of Fascism in Europe, 1930-1935,” explored the partial archive of Fox Movietone News for these years now at the Thomas Cooper Library at the University of South Carolina.5 It is clear from this article that the regular weekly Fox Movietone newsreels also played into the hands of the Nazi and fascist media strategy. Proud of this record, “Fox called its newsreel operations ‘the mightiest of them all.’” (Herzstein, p. 314)In the Fox Movietone newsreels and outtakes of Nazi rallies, says Herzstein, “one senses the enthusiasm, the communion between leader and masses…. Hitler is often seen standing in the presence of his friend and foreign press chief Ernst Hanfstaengl, apparently oblivious to the prying movie camera…. Hitler, in part a media creation, was better equipped to manipulate the masses by putting them on the movie screen. He made them part of the media action, and the outtakes show us how that was done.” (Herzstein, p. 317) Hitler’s rivals and adversaries, including his predecessor as chancellor, von Papen, the Austrian leader Dollfuss, and the Social Democrat Dittman all appear in the Fox footage in a negative or unflattering light by comparison.
One big fan of Fox Movietone News was the Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who was given the opportunity to make one of his famous bravura speeches for the Fox camera. According to Herzstein, one of the first sound newsreels shown in the United States depicted Mussolini in March 1929 speaking in English directly to the American people, saying: “Your talking newsreel has tremendous possibilities. Let me speak through it in twenty cities in Italy once a week and I need no other power.” (Herzstein, p. 318) In the mind of the Duce, newsfilm was thus already the handmaiden of fascist power. Herzstein’s extensive survey of the Fox Movietone archive for 1930-1935 apparently yielded no examples of any criticism or unfavorable coverage of the fascist dictators, since none is mentioned in his article.6
The last Fox Movietone newsreels appeared in the United States in 1963. According to the Wikipedia article on Movietone News, parts of the Fox Movietone newsreel collection are still “owned and managed by the Fox Film Corporation’s corporate successor (and namesake), Fox News Channel. The majority of the collection is stored in New Jersey, mostly unseen since the newsreels were originally shown in theatres. During its early years, Fox News Channel had a weekend show which played the newsreels.”7
As the philosopher George Santayana rightly observed in 1905, “when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
1 Hans Mommsen, The Rise and Fall of Weimar Democracy, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1996, p. 339. emphasis added. Fox Film Corporation merged with Twentieth Century Pictures to form Twentieth Century Fox in May, 1935.
2 William G. Chrystal, “Nazi Party Election Films, 1927-1938,” in Cinema Journal XV:1, Autumn 1975, p. 32, published by the University Texas Press for the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, emphasis added. See also Hans Barkhausen, “Kurzübersicht: Filme der NSDAP, 1927-1945,” and “Die NSDAP als Filmproduzentin,” in Günter Moltmann and Karl Friedrich Reimers, Zeitgeschichte im Film- und Tondokument: 17 historische, pädagogische, und sozialwissenschaftliche Beiträge, edited by Günter Moltmann and Karl Friedrich Reimers (Göttingen: Musterschmidt-Verlag, 1970).
3 Chrystal, p. 33.
4 Chrystal, p. 35.
5 Robert Edwin Herzstein, “Movietone News and the Rise of Fascism in Europe, 1930-1935: A Guide for the Researcher, Teacher, and Student,” The History Teacher XXI:3 (May 1988), pp. 313-320, published by: Society for History Education.
6 For part of Mussolini’s remarks, see
British Created Hitler,
fox news,
webster tarpley
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
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